Above The Chaos, Grunch of Giants

By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2024.01.10 (updated 2024.01.10)

A post in Above The Chaos

Buckminister Fuller was one of the few people I have discovered who truly attempted to think through the situation that humanity finds itself in, in order to forge an alternative to the Mutually Assured Destruction that lies at the end of the present trajectory.

He wrote a book called Grunch of Giants, "grunch" standing for global universal cash heist.

Here are some key points and quick notes I took in 2023:

  • Humanity's most fundamental problems cannot be solved by politics.
  • For all of its history, humanity's groups have existed in remote locations as separate tribes and nations, with ways of life approximately unknown to one another.
  • 1927, the first year a human flew alone across the ocean in a day, marked the beginning of the swift integration of all humanity.
  • This would likely involve humanity entering a period of total crisis.
  • As an alternative to politics and its ever more wasteful, warring, and incoherent attempts to solve humanity's socioeconomic problems... humanity could choose to design, build, and continuously improve a complete interoperable set of solutions to our basic needs and desires, that could sustain a quality of life for All beyond that ever experienced by anyone in history. (TKTK)
  • This advanced aerospace level of living can be sustained by our daily income of energy from the sun, and its many derivatives.
  • This would allow humanity to emancipate itself from piped, wired, and metered exploitation of the many by the few.
  • Fuller called this interoperable family of artifacts Livingry, in contrast to the Weaponry our most advanced technology is currently being used to produce.
  • "I learned very early and painfully that you have to decide at the outset whether you are trying to make money or to make sense, as they are mutually exclusive. "
  • Emergence Through Emergency - the idea that progressive development and adoption of innovations often is driven by emergencies and pain, rather than the prospect of marginal gain.
  • Billions of new homes, and hundreds of thousands of new communities are required in this century.
  • These, or significant components, can be mass-produced, potentially by production commons.
  • Issues:
    • Distribution system and expertise
    • Installation system and expertise
    • Building codes and permitting
    • Labor organizations and licensing
    • Financing practices
    • Real estate and land
  • FROM - planet of remote disconnected and warring nations, TO - integrated and harmonious global society.
  • World-around network of highways, airlines, communications, information, energy, transportation.
  • As of the 1970s, after 50 years of gestation, the total set of conditions requisite for the world-around livingry service industry had been met
  • Technologically, humanity now has the opportunity, for the first time in history, to co-operate our planet in such a manner as to support and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more advanced standard of living than any humans have ever experienced in the past.
  • We have always had enough physical resources. What has happened is that we have vastly increased our know-how of specialized innovations, all of which invisible realization integrates to make possible success of All.
  • This can only be realized by a technological revolution involving total Spaceship Earth, using all the resources and know-how as an integrated regenerative system, as in the design of any successful seagoing ship or biological organism.
  • While the admirals of each nation of Spaceship Earth war over their competing claims and threaten to rip the ship asunder, nobody is paying any attention to operating the ship or steering it towards its Destination.
  • We are moving away from a rooted life-style with a 95% rate of illiteracy, towards an integrated regenerative living system that works for All.
  • If not bomb-terminated by the preemptive folly of the political puppet administrators... we are on our ever swifter way to becoming an omni-integrated, majorly literate, unified Spaceship Earth society.
  • World-integrating networking self-multiplies and accelerates, as does light in Einstein's E=Mc2. This is because light expands omni-radially in a sphere.
  • It may be that human consciousness expands outwardly in all directions at a speed even faster than light - maybe in no time at all - to inter-network the people of our eight-thousand-mile diameter spherical space home.
  • The USA and other countries are plagued by corrupted political puppets representing the interests of those who can afford to get them elected:
    • $50 Million for the presidency
    • $10 Million for a senatorship
    • $5 Million for a representatives seat
    • (As of 1970s)
    • In 2024 election, candidates are expected to collectively spend over $10 Billion.
  • The network's people, aware that the TV era governments are corrupt, spontaneously abhor and abstain from further voting.
  • Humanity is an experimental initiative of the Universe.
    • Its function is local-in-Universe critical information-gathering and problem-solving.
  • When humans shunt the comprehensive cosmic regeneration into exclusively advantaging of only their own survival and enjoyment... they disqualify the invention "human" as a reliable function of regenerative Universe.
  • “ it is due only to humans’ born state of ignorance and the 99.99-percent invisibility of technological capabilities that they do not recognize the vast abundance of resources available to support all humanity at an omni-high standard of living."
  • “We have now scientifically and incontrovertibly found that there is ample to support all humanity. But humanity and its leaders have not yet learned so in sufficiently convincing degree to reorient world affairs in such a manner as to realize a sustainable high standard of living for all.”
  • There are three powerful obstacles to humanity's realization of its omni-physical success potential:
      1. The technical means of its accomplishment exist altogether in the invisible realms of technology
      1. The experts are all too narrowly specialized... to envision the synergetic significance of integrating their own field's advances with other field's invisible advances.
      1. The utterly different successful ways of metabolic accounting, dwelling, self-employing, cooperating, and enjoying life are unfamiliar and nonobvious.
  • Land
    • Because of ancient arms-accomplished seizure of land by the most physically powerful... and the subsequent arms-induced blessing of the seizures by power-ordained "ministers of God," royal deeds to land were written as assumedly God-approved and guaranteed covenants.
    • Landlordism has become an accepted phenomenon as seemingly inevitable as the weather.
    • “Land “ownership” and its omni-dependent comprehensive thing-ownership involvements and their legal-documents-perpetuations constitute the largest socioeconomic custom error presently being maintained by a large world affairs-affecting segment of humanity.”
  • “What is new is that humanity has gone as far as it can go with this significant error and is in final examination as to whether it can free itself from its misconditioned reflex straightjacket in time to pull out of its greatest-in-all-history, error-occasioned tailspinning into eternity. We do have both the knowledge and the technical means to do so if we do it quickly enough.”
  • “There is no dictionary word for an army of invisible giants, one thousand miles tall, with their arms interlinked, girding the planet Earth. Since there exists just such an invisible, abstract, legal-contrivance army of giants, we have invented the word GRUNCH as the group designation—“a grunch of giants.” GR-UN-C-H, which stands for annual GROSS UNIVERSE CASS HEIST, pays annual dividends of over one trillion U.S. dollars”
  • “GRUNCH is engaged in the only-by-instruments-reached-and-operated, entirely invisible chemical, metallurgical, electronic, and cybernetic realms of reality. GRUNCH’s giants average thirty-four years of age, most having grown out of what Eisenhower called the post-World War II “military-industrial complex.” They are not the same as the pre-World War II international copper or tin cartels. The grunch of giants consists of the corporately interlocked owners of a vast invisible empire, which includes airwaves and satellites; plus a vast visible empire, which includes all the only eighteen-year-old and younger skyscraper cluster cities around the world, as well as the factories and research laboratories remotely ringing the old cities and all the Oriental industrial deployment, such as in Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. It controls the financial credit system of the noncommunist world together with all the financial means of initiating any world-magnitude mass-production and -distribution ventures. By making pregraduation employment contracts with almost all promising university science students, it monopolizes all the special theoretical know-how to exploit its vast inventory of already acquired invisible know-how technology. “Who runs GRUNCH? Nobody knows. It controls all the world’s banks. Even the muted Swiss banks. It does what its lawyers tell it to. It maintains technical legality, and is prepared to prove it. Its law firm is named Machiavelli, Machiavelli, Atoms & Oil. Some think the second Mach is a cover for Mafia.
  • GRUNCH didn’t invent Universe. It didn’t invent anything. It monopolizes know-where and know-how but is devoid of know-why. It is preoccupied with absolute selfishness and its guaranteed gratifications. It is as blind as its Swiss banks are mute.
  • “When blimp photographs are taken of giant stadia packed full of rock-concert or football fans, we get an idea of what 100,000 people look like. We all think of Hiroshima as the worst single killing of humans by humans. That was about a 75,000-capacity-coliseum-full. Each day of each year, year after year, a 75,000-capacity-stadium-full of around-the-world humans perish from starvation or its side effects, despite an annual average 5-percent world food-production overage of the amount of food adequate for the total world’s population. This daily kill of innocents dwarfs the awful Auschwitz killing. ”
  • Grunch did not bring this about, but it could very profitably bring it to an end.
  • “Jointly, we Earthians have always had adequate physical resources to take care of all humanity but lacked the metaphysical know-how resources with which to employ effectively the Earth’s physical wealth. ”
  • “In 1970 our cornucopia of ever more swiftly accruing know-how overflowed and its content integrated synergetically, so that we may now care for each Earthian individual at a sustainable billionaire’s level of affluence while living exclusively on less than 1-percent of our planet’s daily energy income from our cosmically designed nuclear reactor, the Sun, optimally located 92 million safe miles away from us and safely interlinked with us by photosynthesis, wind, rain, wave, and all other weather behaviors.”
  • “In technology’s “invisible” world, inventors continually increase the quantity and quality of performed work per each volume or pound of material, erg of energy, and unit of worker and “overhead” time invested in each given increment of attained functional performance.
  • This complex process we call progressive Ephemeralization. In 1970, the sum total of increases in overall technological know-how and their comprehensive integration took humanity-across the epochal but invisible threshold into a state of technically realizable and economically feasible universal success for all humanity.
  • This actual but invisible threshold crossing began in 1969 when humans’ scientific knowledge and technological ingenuity, backed exclusively by adequate citizens’ tax-raised government financing, learned how to do so much with so little as to be able to place humans on the Moon and return them safely to Earth.”
  • “In 1970 it could, for the first time, be engineeringly demonstrated that, applying the most advanced know-how to the conservation and use of the world’s resources, we can, within ten years of from-killingry-to-livingry reoriented world production, have all humanity enjoying a sustainably higher standard of living than any humans have ever heretofore experienced. It could further be demonstrated that we can do this while simultaneously phasing out all further use of fossil fuels and atomic energy.”
  • There is now plenty for all. War is obsolete.
  • “Humanity is so specialized and these epochally significant technological facts are so invisible that it seems an almost hopeless matter to adequately inform humanity that from now on, for the first time in history, it does not have to be “you or me”—there is now enough for “both”—and to convince humanity of this fact in time to permit it to exercise its option and save itself.
  • There is now plenty for all. War is obsolete. It is imperative that we get the word to all humanity—RUSH—before someone ignorantly pushes the button that provokes pushing of all the buttons.
  • What makes so difficult the task of informing humanity of its newborn option to realize success for all is the fact that all major religions and politics thrive only on the for-all-ages-held, ignorantly adopted premise of the existence of an eternal inadequacy of life-support inherent in the design of our planet Earth."
  • “in 1895 humanity was 95-percent illiterate and needed leaders. Today the situation is reversed. Humanity is now 65-percent literate and capable of doing its own thinking, decision-making, and initiative-taking."
  • “Tools are the only-intermittently-used, noncorporeal extensions of integral functioning capabilities of biological species.”
  • “The comprehensive fact, however, is that nothing in Universe touches anything else. There are no solids. There are, in fact, no things. There are only complex critical-proximity and -frequency, unique event aggregates interoperative in pure principle. The event electron is as remote from its nuclear events as is the Moon from the Earth as size-referenced to their respective event diameters.”
  • “The comprehensive name for the omni-interrelated significance of all physical and metaphysical tools is “technology.” All technology is governed by generalized physical laws. All of these can be physically demonstrated and mathematically expressed. The physical Universe itself is omnitechnology—a complex of various frequencies of intercomplementary functions altogether producing nonsimultaneous, multi-frequenced, multimagnituded, only overlappingly inter-episoded, eternal regeneration.”


  • “Corporations are neither physical nor metaphysical phenomena. They are socioeconomic ploys—legally enacted game-playing—agreed upon only between overwhelmingly powerful socioeconomic individuals and by them imposed upon human society and its all unwitting members”
  • “How can little humans successfully cope with this greatest of all history’s invisible Grunch of nonhuman Giants?
  • First of all, we humans must comprehend the giants’ games and game-playing equipment, rules and scoring systems. But before we can comprehend their game-playing, we must study the history and development of giants themselves.”
  • In the middle ages, Supreme horse-mounted monarchs in the days of Roland could and did award vast hunting and farming lands to their horse-mounted blood kin and military henchmen, who together hunted their lands and had them cultivated by on-foot, tithe-paying tenant farmers
  • The man, with a club, on a horse could assert his ownership, and the shepherd could not realistically contradict him.
  • The most powerful amongst the leaders of gangs of horsemen became the emperor.
  • The emperor rewarded his henchmen with deeds to the land in proportion to the deeds at arms they performed for him.
    • Deeds being the modern descendent of the medieval charter, symbolically replacing the ancient ceremony of livery of seisin.
  • “There is no historical record of religion founders who have been so bold as to assert that God had deeded land to anyone. History shows that religious leaders have, however, frequently complied with their king’s instructions to plant a cross or other symbol of God’s approval of their king’s sword-accomplished vast lands-seizure and ownership-claiming.”
  • Contrary to the spread of these "landowners", Polynesians and Native Americans assumed the that the "Great Spirit" gave the fishing, hunting, and cultivating rights, but never ownership of the land.
  • “Arms, armor, precious stones, skins, furs, fabrics, spices, incense, hand-looms, and other hand-tools were the principal goods traded in the middle ages. Gold, silver and pewter served as money.”
  • “Trading was accomplished on foot, on the backs “of animals, or on river-borne small craft. The land of the overlord was the principal wealth. Squads of armed horsemen could protect caravans of goods-carrying horses, camels, and elephants along with human bearers”
  • “A new kind of wealth-making occurs historically with the invention and development of stoutly and heavily keeled, ribbed, and planked, high-seas-keeping, deep-bellied, and, in much later times, cannon-armed sailing ships.”
  • The progressively-moved-forward-and-added-to shipbuilding pattern became the prototype for all of mass-production industry's moving lines.
  • “The ship was, of course, a tool, but not a craft tool produced by one man. It was an industrial tool, mass-producible and operable only by large numbers of highly skilled craftsmen, metalworkers, woodworkers, sailcloth-makers, rope-makers, iron chain- and anchor-makers, seasoned sailors, and the coordinated muscle of “all hands.”
  • This required an effectively powerful military authority able to command the full-time commitment of the work and skills of the large numbers of humans involved.
  • It also called for the amassing of large sums of negotiable wealth.
  • “Cattle were put up as collateral for the banker’s loan of gold, silver, and copper coinage. When the voyage was successfully completed, the merchant-ship venturers repaid the banker and paid the banker his “interest” in the form of calves that had been interimly produced by the collateraled cattle. This was called “payment in kind”—kind being the kinder or “children” of the cattle. ”
  • “When bankers eliminated live cattle as collateral and dealt only in gold or silver, there were no gold coins being bred by gold coins as calves had been by cows, so interest was taken out of the capital gold by diminishing the equity of the borrower when he repaid his debt.”
  • “The safe return of the merchant venturer’s ships was so unpredictable as to constitute a capital investment of high risk but also of very high potential gain”
  • “The voyage might take several or even many years to complete. These risks in turn could be lessened by insurance.”
  • As a consequence, “a new and overwhelmingly greater form of invisible seagoing and land-strutting giants appeared on planet Earth. This was a legally contrived, abstract giant—“legal” because the physically uncontradictable “top-sword” king decreed it was legal. Having the most favored privileges accorded real humans, the giant, abstract, corporate “man” is inventively created (or recreated) in 1390 in England.”
  • This composite man was formed by the king of England with a small group of powerful friends, who lorded over their king-deeded vastlands.
  • “By royal prerogative, the venture-financing riskers could not be held liable for any losses of the venture. With limited liability, individuals might sue the company but not the human individuals who underwrote the venture”
  • “Whether the ship was lost or not, the banker who loaned the gold for the merchant ship’s trading held the life-support-producing lands and their cattle as collateral. Since many voyages ended in disaster, the banker occupied a long-time, steadily profitable position in the overall merchant venturing—and as yet does.”
  • “In 1522 Magellan’s ship demonstrated that the world is not a laterally extended plane off the edge of which a ship might plunge, nor an ocean extended laterally to infinity from which there was no return. Magellan’s ship’s circum-voyaging proved that the Earth is a sphere—a closed system with enormous trade-monopolizing potentials. Laws of the land could not be enforced on the sea. The seagoers were outlaws-privateers or pirateers. The most powerful outlaws became the sovereigns of the ocean sea.”
  • “In 1580, Queen Elizabeth was the largest shareholder in Sir Francis Drake’s merchant ship The Golden Hind. Naturally, the queen granted Drake’s venture “legal” freedom from liability. After paying Elizabeth her conspicuously major share, Drake and his other shareholders each realized almost 5,000-percent profit on their risked capital.
  • Enthusiastic over her Golden Hind venture, in 1600 Queen Elizabeth chartered the limited-liability East lndia Company. This time the shareholders acquired shares in a fleet of ships, docks, and warehouses in both England and India—not shares in just one ship, as in the earlier “venturing.”
  • “Known later in England as “Ltd.” (for “limited liability”), in France as “Société en Commandite,” in Germany as “Kommanditgesellschaft,” and as “Corporation” under the U.S.A.’s “Inc.” (for incorporated) status, this newborn abstract legal giant was to be treated as a human personality, empowered to do anything humans can do but also accredited to operate as an abstract, legal entity able to enter or leave any nation without a passport.”
  • “As such it was able to employ millions of people and any amount of money, tools, buildings, and equipment, and to perform its giant acts anywhere about the oceanic world exclusively for the profit in perpetuity only of its shareholders”
  • “When the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.A. Constitution was passed in the post–Civil War railroad-expansion days, the U.S. Supreme Court required that the individual states grant the corporation all the privileges and protection granted to human citizens. A hundred years later, in 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a corporation had the same rights of free speech as all U.S. citizens.”
  • “To allow its corporate bodies to make a colossal new grab, Grunch has ordered its pet puppets to take over the world ocean-bottom resources. As of February 1982, the United States, Britain, France, and West Germany have reached preliminary agreement to bypass the stalled Law of the Sea Conference and proceed with development of seabed mineral resources, the Japanese foreign ministry said. Japan expressed opposition to the agreement”
  • “With the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the risk-capital powers backing the “British Empire” became the “Sovereigns of the Seas.”
  • “Until that time the high-sea venturers had carried gold and silver as their trading medium. This induced world-around high-seas piracy. The behind-the-scenes masters of the British Empire then invented the “annual balance of trade” as a world-around bookkeeping system which kept its gold off the seas and instead, after the year-end tallying of the trade interactions, transferred the gold from one country’s London vault to another country’s London vault. This withdrew the gold from the seagoing pirate’s reach. However, it brought many of the pirates into the financial districts of great cities.”
  • “In the nineteenth century the limited-liability corporate venturing began not only putting its shipyard donkey engines’ steam engines in ships, but also mounting them on steel wheels on rails and powering them out of the shipyards. Thus they began railroading heavy loads inland.”
  • “Such cotton and woollen fabric production-venturing was logically followed by thread and needles, pins, buttons, and small hardware mass-production moving-line ventures. With the introduction of electricity and the electricity-driven motor, industry began moving-line massproduction of dollar watches, tin cans, safety razor blades, big-city clothing-production sweatshops, then bicycles, then motor cars. In World War I, it introduced steel steamship mass-production; in World War II, transoceanic aircraft mass-production; and, in the “cold,” puppet-nation-waged war (World War III), extraterrestrial travel and transport, and mass-production of invisible mass-killingry potential. ”

Advancing Tech

  • “There is a fundamental evolutionary patterning in which, with each new era and phase of technology and social-economic venturing, both the tools and their products get bigger and bigger, and the numbers of humans involved multiplies. A period of doing more with more until a mammoth peak magnitude is attained which is followed by evolutionary production of ever more effective results with “ever less pounds of material, ergs of energy, and seconds of time, all of which integrating synergy produces ever more comprehensively effective tools with ever smaller technological artifacts produced by ever fewer unskilled human workers—the 1895 to 1929 model “T” waxing to the 1960s Cadillac limo, then waning to the 1980 Japanese Honda."
  • “For example, trans-ocean traffic brought into use ever more gargantuan ocean liners leading eventually to the five-day-Atlantic-crossing leviathans, such as the 81,000-ton Queen Mary and her sister ship the Queen Elizabeth. Using the World War II technology’s new, lightweight, high-strength, saltwater-impervious aluminum alloys in her superstructure, the S.S. United States was built to carry the same number of passengers and the same amount of cargo, and to cross the Atlantic at the same speed as the Queen Mary, though weighing only forty-five thousand tons, that is, 55-percent of the weight of the Queens.
  • These five-day-Atlantic-crossing passenger carriers are now obsolete. In 1961, three jet airplanes outperformed the S.S. United States in carrying capacity, in hours instead of days and at less expense.
  • “Another example of the little-to-big-to-little evolution is manifest in the world of mathematical computing. In developing trigonometry and its solution by logarithms, thousands of monks worked for hundreds of years to produce the one-degree tables of sines, cosines, tangents, and cotangents. During the Great Depression years of 1930 to 1936 the British and German mathematicians were hired by their governments in a joint project to calculate the table of functions to a one-“minute of arc exactitude. Then came the big post-World War II calculating machines, Univac et al., filling whole university buildings with thousands of thermionic tubes. Then came the tubeless transistor and computers weighing and bulking far less, until we came to printed circuits and “chips” and table-top equipment doing better work than the whole-building-filling equipment. Before all this, I myself spent two pre-calculator or -computer years carrying out the trigonometric calculations for geodesic domes. I had to do so “longhand.” Then appeared seventy-five-pound electric calculating machines, followed by the pocket-size computers with which the trigonometric problems that took me two years of work became solvable in one day by one person.
  • This process promises within a few years to become so miniaturized and so comprehensively capable as to be the size of a hearing aid, though able to interact with all the world-around computers and able to discern how best to operate our planet, making obsolete the opinions of corporate or government executives.”

Corporate Growth

  • “As mass-capital-venturing flourished after World War I, General Foods Company absorbed many pre-World War I individually owned, independent mass-producers of canned and packaged food. General Electric acquired other successful electrical goods manufacturers. The growth of corporate venture activity was, however, at that time yet identified by unique product categories.
  • After World War II, “mergers and acquisitions” and outright “takeovers” agglomerated almost all successful industrial capital ventures, regardless of their class of produced goods and services. The great conglomerates found it more profitable, safer, and more credit-powerful to diversify their risking. The successful “biggies” became ever more gargantuan”
  • “Because many of these conglomerations embraced all the national defense weaponry production, they “legally” qualified for guaranteed government “bailout” should their operation become financially “embarrassed” or debts unmeetable. The U.S. government’s decade-ago bailout of Lockheed Aircraft or its multibillion-dollar guaranteed loan to private Chrysler Corporation (the government’s military-tank producer) are the current outstanding examples. ”
  • “Soon after World War II, America’s five hundred largest corporations became supranational, taking with them (out of the United States) the invisible legal controls over what had been born as American industry with all its “know-how.” The know-how had been paid for initially by the U.S. people through their government’s wartime (or “on the brink of wartimes”) underwriting of the prime technologies as initially developed only for the U.S. Department of Defense or the Manhattan Project or the space program, developed in wartime at government (“we the people’s”) expense and turned over gratis for “operational efficiency” in “peacetime” to privately owned corporations.
  • ”“World War I brought vast munitions-buying on credit by the U.S. government, and the figures ran into multi-millions of dollars”
  • “World War II saw the same U.S. government credit employed to produce “multi-vaster” new-technology munitions, with the dollar figures running this time into the multi-billions of dollars.
  • World War III’s third-of-a-century of “cold-warring” between the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., waged vicariously through many hot-war puppeted nations, has seen the annual munitions figures running into the multi-trillions of dollars.”
  • “The U.S.A. 1981 “national” debt is over a trillion dollars, and the U.S. cannot pay even the interest on that debt. We can very properly call World War I the million-dollar war and World War II the billion-dollar war and World War III the trillion-dollar war.”
  • “The ambassador to the United Nations stated to the media that all the “United Nations now hate the U.S.A.” What they hate is Grunch, but Grunch is able to deceive the world into blaming the very innocent people of the United States.”
  • “All the continental U.S.A.’s industrial factories and grounds and 90-percent of all that can and does produce physical wealth has already become or is about to become the humanly invisible property of inhumanly operative supranational corporations controlled by the invisible human owners of invisible Swiss bank account code numbers.
  • A vast new giant of approximately no-risk capitalism is now astride the world.”
  • “A corporation’s executives are elected by its board of directors. The directors are elected by the number of shares of stock as voted directly by their holders or as voted by the holders of their share’s proxies. This voting is not on a democratic one stockholder/one vote basis but on an as-many-votes-as-shares-owned basis.”
  • “All unbeknownst to and undetected by the one-fifth of the one-third of humanity residenced within the U.S.A., gradually cross-breeding “worldians,” their one-third-of-a-century-ago kudos for realistically articulated generosity to and concern for others, as well as the U.S. peoples’ legal ownership and control of their economic assets, have been altogether exploited, usurped, or stolen from them by the invisibly integrated supranational corporate giants. The Grunch has conducted its ruthlessly selfish activity always in the name of the U.S.A. people.”
  • “At the termination of his presidency, Eisenhower expressed his shocked dismay over the exclusively self-concerned military-industrial complex that he had found to be growing inexorably as a malignant economic organism.”
  • “To best understand the present (November 1981) world crisis, it is necessary to turn history back for almost a century, back to when Edison invented the electric lamp and the direct current generator. J. P. Morgan, Sr., the economic power structure giant, was the first to act upon the realization that: whoever developed, manufactured, installed, and controlled the physical-energy generators and the metered-energy distribution and cut-off system could and would control the national economies into which they were physically introduced. ”\
  • Capital amassing by selling bonds secured by land given by the US Gov to pioneering railroad companies.
  • Became worthless.
  • “When the automobiles and the auto-trucks took so much business from the railways as to render the railroad passenger systems profitless, and cross-country “pipeable petroleum replaced coal as a prime fuel, and giant transoceanic tankers were developed, and the Middle East oil lands were explored and developed, the petroleum business rose swiftly to become the maximum economic power giant of the twentieth century, outpowering the Morgan utilities- and banks-based system.”
  • “The number of kilowatts of electric energy being generated from each BTU (British Thermal Unit) of fossil fuels burned or foot-pounds per second of water-power-derived turbine-functioning has continually increased since the very beginnings of electric-power generation and distribution. Concurrently, the weight of the production and distribution equipment to produce that power rapidly decreased per each kilowatt or horsepower of energy produced and delivered. As a consequence of this never-ceasing technological increase in overall efficiency, the actual overall cosmically predicated costs of energy generation have always and only decreased, and cost increases have been the consequence of those in top power-positions contriving through pricing to be able to pay ever greater dividends to shareholders and thus to increase the stockmarket value of their own shares, thus in turn to increase their power to control the amassed money of others as capital. Such capital power manipulation is intoxicating and seemingly unchallengeable.”
  • “After World War II, the electric power industry’s three-quarters-of-a-century-accumulated wealth successfully combined its political power with that of the oil giants to “take over for nothing” the total atomic-energy program assets. This included all of the know-how and production apparatus of the U.S. government’s military atomic-energy program, for which development the U.S. citizens had paid $150 billion.”
  • “To initiate his wired and metered electric-energy-power monopoly in the “gay nineties”—1890—which three-fourths of a century later became an overwhelming socioeconomic power, the elder J. P. Morgan used the earlier formula of issuing bonds and preferred stocks on each of his enterprises as soon as they were paying dividends. He was thus provided with additional free capital to initiate other branches of the power-structure system: for example, in copper mining (for use in the generation and conduction of electric power), steel manufacture (for the high-line masts and structural housings of the electric equipment), etc.
  • He used his engineering firm of Stone-Webster to design and build his foreign-country power systems operated by Electric Bond and Share Company—EBASCO. His price-increasing by the power companies was automatically matched by increase in the stock-market sale of his companies’ shares. These share values increased with his own equities’ advance. Using these equities as capital, he opened his own banks.
  • “Throughout its first 127 pre-World War I years, the U.S. government often had no national debt. World War I left the U.S.A. with a national indebtedness of $33 billion. The U.S.A. banking system went truly bankrupt in 1929, but the New Deal’s 1933 Bank Moratorium postponed recognition of that fact. Since then the moment of acknowledgment that the U.S. government itself is financially bankrupt has been postponed first by further- and further-ahead postponements of the payoff dates for U.S. notes and bonds and by successive votes of the U.S. Congress to increase the national debt limit. By “money accounting” (in contradistinction to real-wealth accounting), the U.S.A. is now realistically bankrupt. Since Nixon became president, the U.S.A. has been unable to pay even the interest on its national debt, let alone reduce the principal. Before Nixon, Congress assumed tax underwriting of ever greater interest-bearing on ever more postponed and greater national debt limits. For all the Nixon years and all the years of his successors the president has had annually to file a negative budget, meaning the U.S. cannot even pretend to be able to pay the interest on its indebtedness.

Back to Money

  • Breton Woods system - after WWII
  • instead of using gold as the means of exchange between countries, the dollar would be used.
  • Countries agreed to fix their currencies to the US Dollar, and dollar fixed to gold at $35 / ounce
  • created a system where all currencies essentially backed by gold
  • When countries exchanged... usually gold was stored in US...
  • Under Lyndon J, Vietnam, spending - countries began to grow nervous, and exchange $ for gold, as they felt more $ being printed than gold to back it
    • Guns and Butter
    • Vietnam
    • Manned mission to moon
  • President Nixon called for suspension of gold convertibility system. Claimed it was temporary.
  • August 15, 1971 - provide a fixed link to reality and restraint on government.
  • Since 1971, US has never run a surplus
  • Nixon created system where all currencies were backed by nothing except government promises... fiat - currency circulating by force and confidence.
  • No nation uses money. We all use currency.
  • Politicians say we don't need anything of real value.
  • Value measured only relative to each other.
  • Countries intentionally devalue currency to make themselves good trading partners
  • We borrow all currency into existence
    • it is a classic ponzie scheme
    • the more money they loan us, the more money they have to loan us in the future, and if they ever stop, the whole thing collapses and we can't pay them back
  • With creation of all this money, dilutes value of all dollars that were out there before.
  • Because of inflation in 70s, wife went to work
  • In 90s, savings rate got down to zero
  • In last decade, ran out of money, forced to borrow beyond means
  • by printing so much currency and devaluing it so heavily... hidden tax
  • The 2% is robbery...
  • Purchasing power of average person declining, governments concealing it...
    • if Gov used same CPI as carter in 70s...
    • a lot of inflation adjusted responsiblites government has - if they keep inflation low according to own stats, paying out less
  • Countries can arbitrarily debase currencies, making industries more competitive, causing entire manufacturing to move overseas...
  • When you print money, nothing backing it, and debase it... you have all these problems.
  • People demonstrating against the economy, and demanding more state spending...
  • Until 2008 - borrowing more until standard of living.
  • In 2012 - seeing deleveraging...
  • Banks giving out less credit... people taking on less debt...
  • Global economy is reliant on more and larger debt to keep functioning...
  • Have to keep expanding money supply, otherwise system will die...
  • In 2008 - bailed out, took on toxic debt on behalf of citizens...
  • By buying way out of crises - diluting crises - pushing it down the road and making it worse...
  • What are consequences of money printing on such a large scale...
    • What happens when fear trade goes against the dollar
    • loss of confidence in USD
    • Hyper inflation
    • Retirees will have to get jobs...
    • properties will decay...
    • Fed will try to print more inflate...
  • With so many countries holding savings in US bonds...
  • Proven 100% failure rate of fiat currencies...
  • Then world tried and experiment where all became fiat at the same time.
  • Fed accounting for what they have and people owe them as one item - illegal accounting ...
  • Now western central banks have sold gold... and non mainstream central banks... have been buying 100s of tons.
  • Actually gold not moving... multiple parties who think they have claim to each ounce of gold...

Just some quick notes - more to come...

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