Lionsberg Wiki
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This site is a
Work In Progress
Above The Chaos
Lionsberg Wiki Books
Wiki Posse - Lionsberg/Meta Project, 2022-05-27
setting up a HackMD note (for this meeting)
date format
when to use HackMD, when to use Obsidian
Obsidian plugins
basic Obsidian setup
Date Format Year-Month-Date
Action - add to How We Write in Meta Project Wiki Website...
At Top - Topics
Preload topics for the meeting
Right Organization of Structure vs. Chaos
Talk as a team about how we are working with a wiki...
Some structure is good. A confusing forest of structure is not good.
When to use HackMD, when to use Obsidian
since HackMD and Obsidian (along with other tools) use Markdown, it's very easy to move notes between them
three dot menu
download Markdown
save to correct directory on your computer
in HackMD (optional, Save As Version)
in HackMD, delete all note content and leave a header at top about
# moved to wiki (wiki name)
(if you're using Git) commit and push changes
HackMD for synchronous things, like Zoom meetings
often "ephemeral"
Obsidian for asynchronous, longer term writing
persistent, but not real-time collaborative yet
Obsidian Plugins
Pages that link to this page
Past Meetings
Our Way of Writing Here