Pete's Observations
Dialogue around Pete's comments
Pie chart / Mosaic
By supporting passion - coming from different broad sets of background, knowledge, understanding of how the Whole fits together, enough access, support to feel coherent in the group...
There are thousands of existing efforts...
We all need the same goals... coordinate with same goals, values, metrics...
Forrist - Perhaps, it is useful consider an analogy of fungi, mycelium. What does it do? It is the pathway to connect nodes and feed the visible areas plants, animals, etc.
Michael - - Forrist - Perhaps, it is useful consider an analogy of fungi, mycelium. What does it do? It is the pathway to connect nodes and feed the visible areas plants, animals, etc.
PASSION... people who are truly passionate and would be doing it anyway...
The missing thing is unity and coordination... to be aggregators, unifiers, messengers...
+1 Bill "what is the superpower of this community","be message takers, aggregations, connectors, servants of the process"
Unity is where we are from and where we are returning
Recognition and measurement of the allocation of attention...
Community of Practice...
Emergence vs. Control
Top vs. Bottom
Problems result from the attempt to bring order into complex systems...
Learning from what works and didn't work...
One principle may be the clarity between protocols vs guidelines. Guidelines = take the 'guideline' as a default if one needs the pattern in the guideline AND feel free to test your own method if you believe it will produce superior results. Then as you've run the experiment, loop improvements back to the whole.
don't force structure, help them learn what structures work and help them locally...
Deeply listening to our own experience and that of others...
Pick the energy... how well it is working and not working, as real tie feedback...
"This is what I am not getting from what you are trying to do"
A language of complexity and change management, listen to others, listen to ourselves, and track it. that we are hanging our actions on.
The science of how we map the energy over time...
1 Killu - as Otto Scharmer suggest in presencing work - developing the skill to sense what wants to emerge form the future coming into the present. This comes for the commitment to inner personal development and ability to be internally calm and present to what wants to arise. I sense we are largely doing this with Jordan's path he is guiding
Most valuable aspect - connect, aggregate, serve, and place value on these efforts, vs. fragmented, invisible, not fully valued efforts.
Made visible as a possiblity... believe in hope in, enjoy...
Support and service as well as emergence... hard to break...
Unity, convening, shepherding, aggregating...
- To follow the route of other people's networks - leading to more connections, more convening, more unity...
spaces for
Navigation should be a facilitated meeting where we practice that.
Michael: We are present in a movement. We succeed if the movement succeeds. So we succeed by supporting, recognizing, publicizing, connecting, nourishing as much of the movement as we can—not by owning, running, coordinating it—or whatever small portion of it we could ever begin to “control.”
It starts with the environment and experience... getting better at it... putting langauge on it... recognizing it... so we can use it as a tool...
Forrist -
in addition to ritual creating a container (externally perceived) they also open us to ways of being (internal) that we can then abide as and in
Ritual and sharing actual experiences
Ritual - than sharing what it is like at the end...
The energy in our own local projects
Consider case study of doing that.
+1 Killu - rituals are one particular spot of a 'culture canvas' have clarity on all the areas of a culture map, increase clarity and thus power of the 'intention' seeking to emerge.
If you don't do the first levels of being together, to hep each other, can't help anyone else...
Capturing what is working well in story form
what is not going well in story form
Half work plus overhead...
VALUE Filter
The 6 + 2, groups, what's needed for all is: Onboarding this needs the culture map by whatever name, likely a 'buddy' during onboarding and a solid period - 90 days... all presuming resources to dedicate the sustained time to do this creation - btw, PCARE offers what we have learned and develoed if/when desired.
Absolutely @Wendy E. A pilot is such a valuable way to learn. We want to create psychological safety so our teams feel encouraged to take risks in order to fail fast and that way we learn so much without too much damage. Then celebrate the failure. After building that smaller dam - we will have learned so much. Now we can plan how to build the bigger dam.
Measuring Value, understanding value, and how that connects to funding... via a measurement of a sort and a level of objectivity...
Other thoughts
Steady cadence of exchanges brought in the big undercurrents we were struggling to deal with. This isn't just paradox - it is the real nature of the work and we were very much in our craft to allow this to emerge in a steady and articulated way.
I liked the extraordinary richness and diversity of frameworks, perspectives, and experience that emerged into a coherent thread informing what we might do next and why. I liked that this feels like legitimate governance / navigation - super consciously and thoughtfully examing where we are, patterns, what is next, and why.
I liked the sort of intense and robust discussion from a number of different people and perspectives.
good conversation around structuring for complexity
Liked, continue: emergent insights, thoughtful understanding of where we are and what is needed, good listening, constructively and fast moving forward. Pete's comments to Jordan, the kindness and expansiveness how it left us, and Jordan's generous and immediate listening. Our different complementary viewpoints brought to any topic. And I really like all of you as people, and love spending time in the process of building something worthwhile from nothing to what feels like moving slowly but is really moving fast!
I liked the calm but vibrant energy i felt from the group. I like how we continue to build on each others ideas, experience, suggestions, to take another move forward. I love how you all have taught me so much already and I'm excited for all the other learnings coming up - for all of us
Liked the dialog, the voice/chat mix. Appreciated the continuing emergence of our efforts at roots-up connecting without top-down controlling.
Liked the flow and energy building.
I wish some of the people who were there in early meetings would rejoin and give feedback of what they see now. I wish we were clear in the many aligned interconnecting streams of value we are dealing with. I feel and intuit it but it needs to be clearly articulated and "sold" on the right levels, to quickly resource with best people, financing etc, as it has potential to be.
There is a pattern behind this - is it time, psychological safety, a cadence of turn taking? It is hard to put my finger on yet we all felt it. I wish to know how to explain this to others as we all came up with a similar thing in what did we do well. Magic.
I wish we could do occasional breakout groups for dialog on topics.
I wish for us all that we continue to feel passionate about the work we are doing - 'cause that means we are on the right track. It will also be partly what attracts the people who are looking for us and who will join us to do this important work. I wish you all have a wonderful rest of your day 🥰
I wish:
I wish we had a core team resourced to work on this full time. I wish we had a well resourced support structure to serve and empower the core functional areas that are needed for the body to structure itself. I wish I had $10M of philanthropic funding, and $10M of investment funding, to accomplish the first acquisitions and next stages and to resource and coordinate passionate teams in core functional areas.
Wish: I could expand the number of hours a day into the timeless... yet the paradox of being totally peaceful with the 24 hours that exist without an opportunity to change. Okay. Off topic but all that comes to mind right now. :-)
I wish no one here (or, hell, anywhere) was competing for resources or recognition.
I wish that we would have a structure/ritual for this meeting, clarity on what we are striving for, and stories to learn from related to that striving. I wish we would share what has been acted upon in between meetings - what is the target condition for each one of us that aligns us toward our collective striving and what have we learned from that experiment.
are we thinking big enough? and what would happen if we got wishes above, what would be different in how we see do think?
I wonder what would happen if the resources were available to move this into a dynamically growing ecosystem of regeneration, emerging at a pace that not constrained by financial resources.
I wonder what would happen if we chose a subject that was really contentious or might be. So we have 20K USD how should we spend it now? How can we prioritise and how to we behave as we do this?
I wonder: What will emerge for each of us over the next two weeks, as a ripple from our focus today on the groups that are emerging
I wonder what would happen if we could communicate EXTREMELY effectively? This is critical. There is so much I want to know about all the work happening in the Meta Project and we are just at the beginning. We need to get really good at this to be successful.
I wonder what would happen if - we actually believed it were possible and acted as if it were our responsibility to co-create the best possible future for all generations of life. Without for a second flinching or shying away from that highest overarching and uniting goal.
I wonder what would happen if we create the conditions in this meeting for emergence to occur with a shared leadership model and a structure (that we would experiment with over time)...
I wonder if everything we were doing was to support projects not in the room, we would feel more ease?
I wonder what would happen if we tried some oral updates from members on their key areas of interest & action, and some discussion.