Meta Project Navigation, 2022-08-31
- [x] General Updates
- [ ] Debrief on Pull Planning exercise...
- [ ] Discuss frameworks for competing values and priorities
- [ ] Work towards translating the Pull Planning exercise into a 6 week Schedule...
- [ ] What is the basic minimum communications between teams..
- [ ] Talk about teams, partnerships, etc.
- Partnerships
- Instead of rehashing / reinvesting - start drawing in pieces... What advances this best is comms...
- Future Capital
- Open Money - Hosting a Game / experiment for 6 weeks...
- ACIM - Judy connection
- Brad Degraf / Charles - Social Graphs...
- Winfinity
- Teams
- Tech Team
- Social Architecture Team
- Formation
- Focus towards onboarding
- Help inform the work of the tech team...
- Emerging / Core group / navigation...
- Wiki team
- Need more people editing... tech and process hurdle - Pete and Bill Anderson would like to help...
- Some people are having tech challenges, way of thinking, etc.
- Just structuring own notes is tough... community is harder... and tooling is harder...
- Specific issue: How to get and give feedback... We don't have a process / more people / having meetings - will help forge that...
- Every 2 weeks - team meeting...
- Resourcing Team...
- M&A Team
- +++ on these teams...
- Trips
- Jordan, Killu, Graham Boyd - heading to Estonia next Friday...
- Sector Energy
- Regenerative Ag...
- Education - first entry point into the system - working with 2-4 schools as prototypes to extend learning to those who need it...
- Individual Energy
- Jonathan / Bill / Forrist / Jordan - how we set up individual contributions...
- Communications
- Bill proposes communications director / team that is a aggregator and disseminator of information.
- Information will never be stable, even uncurated info provides opportunity to browse and stay in the loop... and align our own parts of the work.
- Wendy E proposes something like SenseMaker could be used.
Wendy M - Updates notes from Chat
"My dream is that we start to see where the patterns are - combining individual with those in the group - so that we can see areas of emergence that advance the whole... "
Tech Working Group
Regenerative Agriculture: -
- Map WISE Collaboration flow - Wendy & Marianne
- Mapathon event - Wendy & Vincent
Collaborative Decision Making -
- Possibility to use the Flint App in Alpha and/or Beta - * Wendy & Trae
Social Architecture
- Miro flow ‘Path of Service’ - Wendy
- Communication via a Meta Newsletter
- Greeters / Guides to help orient people
Create a Knowledge Network
Knowledge repository
- AirTable / Catalist / Wiki / etc
- Miro Master Flow
- Tech project database
Program of Life-long learning
Create the New Economy
Culture and Practices
- Quick iterations in communications, rather than polish and perfection... quick turns and iterations...
- [ ] Make sure we add Needs and Offers flow into 6 week schedule...
- [ ] Think through Triaging in each group / hierarchy of comms needs - to keep things moving with the best information... efficient and effective, important and urgent, etc...
- Social Architcture - working on
- Hierarchical org of projects and flows...
- Responding to tech pieces and giving direction for further dev
- Process and comms flows... how we know how to find it, read it... needs to think about how its perceived...
- SUBGROUP - IS COMMUNCIATIONS TEAM focused on internal comms
- Create Templates for information flow
- what are the templates, and how / where does the information flow, to what processing and what end...
- how to surface critical issues, what is in flows, time sensitive issues requiring triage...
- Marketing - External / Informational (belongs in a different group)
- Jordan, Judy, Jonathan
- Newsletter - Jonathan, Vincent, Pete, Bill - some thread... how to create somewhat automated newsletter... curated thoughts
- Wiki Team - to talk about how we wiki together...
- This takes culture
- Clear answer how non-wiki participatnts can fold in information.
- Mattermost Team / Mattermost Culture...
- This takes facilitation...
Issue Log
- [ ] How to fix communication flows and keep everyone in the loop...
- [ ] What is the nature of our Wednesday Meetings, how should they change...
- [ ] Internal Scrum on teams, the Scrum of Scrums - how each team updates and reports out... how do the levels of information tier out... team, team of teams, external networks, decisions that need to be made...
- [ ] Communication infrastructure.... nail at the front end.
- Quickly apparent Jordan is a bottleneck
- Communication roles
- Process
- Thinking and practice on how info is linked and moving around...
- Mattermost channels are spread out... not in conversation...
- Hypothesis - problem is that "we are not enacting information flow"
- We are not communicating enough...
- Interim Process to Get Things on the Wiki
- Google Doc to Wiki is super easy
- Out of Miro or Notion is tougher...
- Copy and Paste from Mattermost or other piece...
- Repeated things are automatable
- Summary and Link to Miro Boards.
- Tension - Relying on volunteer efforts / vs. / and getting something done predictive...
- Issue 1: Delegative Authority / Decision Making
- Pete talks about decentralization and authority... delegation of authority is hidden inside a sovereign - they figure it out internally.
- Externally - you have a contract wiht a sovereign - commitment, resources, they do it or not, and you cure it.
- Pete - this makes sense sometimes, and in others not... too abstract... people looking for clarity, structure, answers...
- Super pragmatic issues of reporting, delgative authority, etc.. when push comes to shove... when a team doesn't want to X... when there are conflicting priorities...
- One solution - nail resourcing...
- Issue 2: Resourcing
- Clarity for each person on what to concentrate on...
- Strategy... what needs to happen...
- Emergence... we need to know where things are happening and where the energy is currently flowing
- Clarity on where we are currently committed, where we feel there is resonance / potential to advance...
- Wendy - Flow
- Phil - Education and Facilities
- Tech Team -
- The (Theory of Change) is not clear to the group...
- Where do energies get applied to key acupuncture points and sequence...
- effective action apply energy in places where effort can have impact
- Map the things that are unstable
- the things where you can put effort
- Assumptions
- how stable we can be as individuals
- how stable the people we want to work with are
- Leads towards a sort of curriculum...
- Instability, choice with that, opportunities to steady little parts of the map...
- Finding places that are stable enough to make a change...
- creating an ENTRY POINT for people engaging to understand
- creating a PROCESS for mapping the dynamics, ability to spot energy...
- Jordan and Wendy to meet this week...
Resources, Links
"Scrum of Scrum" explanations
Lookahead Schedule examples
- I like, I wish, I wonder
- I like (What did we do well that we should continue)
- I wish
"I Like" - what did we do well that we should continue.
Wonderful energies, openness, shared thinking,. Great process discussion. Love communication planning.
I liked the initial framing intentions, helps us to know what to introduce. i liked the recognition placed on work already contributed
I liked that we had some tension and resolution during the call.
I liked that we were able to move flexibly to issues that were top of mind, and especially ones that concerned the essence of how we can actually function together and communicate efficiently.
I like how the important things emerge through our time together... I like the deep insightfulness of the group... I like the CHALLENGE of balancing allowing the deep perspectives to emerge and get spoken, and the TENSION of wanting to get those into more of a STRUCTURE... I like that people are patient while all that tries to emerge and bring itself into being...
I Liked - reconnecting to the energy
liked moving efficiently while also slowing down to fold in what was arising. liked creating and discussing path, groups processes. liked that tensions in what is not optimal got brought up discussed and solution potential moved forward. communication plan great!
We surfaced some elephants - that we are doing communication / wiki / complexity well enough
"I Wish We..."
I wish we were more aware publicly about what has been emerging as of highest potential value short term, medium and long term. sometimes I forget but it is useful to keep front of mind and heart, to balance the ever present tension of wanting more faster better. wish there was more time! not facetious- anything we can do to create a sense of not being so rushed, wish for it. if I find it elsewhere, will share. hope you all do the same, as it doesn't feel personal and feels like many of us feel it.
I Wish - for more clarity on the meta and micro to emerge sufficient for each person who is willing, to see and own their piece with greater enthusiasm and momentum
I Wish - for truly collective values-based exploration and decision-making among more people from more walks of life
I wish we didn't have to -- and then try to -- cover so much varied ground in such a short amount of time.
I wish we had a tentative agenda b4 the meeting, with some loose time framing, and a way to tee up future discussions points near the end for net meeting for next time. Also offline assignments an option.
I wish we... had transitioned a bit sooner to creating a shared map and understanding of what is up next and why (but I think that might have happened anyway, and maybe more powerfully, in a different want than I had planned, that I can just summarize after)
I wish we could spend more time sharing about the things we are working on, and discussing how much margin there is in our schedules. I feel like I am at times flying blind in understanding others' challenges and involvements.
I wish that someone - ?Jason would you be willing? worked me with to articulate how we might approach complexity / change to steady our approach
i wish we had / would be more concrete about forming teams and their purpose. I.e., establish minimal members, schedule a next meeting time. I wish we could be more rigorous about what topics we will and won’t cover. I wish we did more reflecting with good questions and pauses for thinking
I wish we’d know what we are doing next week before leaving today
"I Wonder - What Would Happen If We...?"
Each came to a meeting with our highest priority task and made a proposal for how to move it forward in a breakout room.
I wonder what would happen if we all (each) submitted, before the meeting, a very short summary of what’s happening, where help is needed, breaking news, new contacts and initiatives, etc.
I wonder what would happen if we had a couple more 60-90 minute calls each week?
I wonder what would happen if someone besides Jordan did a few of the things Jordan does every week for us?
I Wonder what would happen if we all could be meeting like this and contributing to the energy moving forward, AND have it be a part of our livelihood instead of off the sides of our desks.
I Wonder - about what the universe is up to, and what is being woven, and how we will attune ourselves more deeply to it and respond where and when necessary
I wonder what would happen if we... committed to minimum standards of interoperability... that took less than 30? minutes per day, that brought the invisible things we are all doing to light in a way that invited the threads to be woven together for action / help / support...
I wonder what would happen if we had sufficient capital in right now to hire a couple key people in the group to handle communication and coordination. This would focus energy where it is hard where all is volunteer.
I wonder what would happen if we could figure out and map the constraints we are working with to help people shift into more effective coordination / collaboration.
if we had a very clear statement of what is Meta Project, ready to share out loud with others. if we had a very clear shared intention, described in a future vision (when this has been successful, it looks like this...)
i wonder about how we would feel about each other if we knew (briefly) what they were contributing?
The Coming Week
- [ ] Schedule a COMMUNICATIONS TEAM meeting
- [ ] Jordan + (maybe others) to create a a draft 6 week schedule
- [ ] Possibly short verbal comms to give updates before the meetings...
- Need to thing of flow and how to not create "backlog" -
- Short summary of what's happening, where help is needed, breaking news, new contacts and initiatives, etc...
- Everyone records 1-2-3 min, put together, 30 to 45 min to watch...
- [ ] Jordan would like to work with (X) to get PM backbone running
- Issue log
- [ ] A place to track (backlog / parking lot) for things not to get lost...
- [ ] MOUs / Partnership Agreements advanced
- [ ] Estonia trip details finalized
- [ ] Advance onboarding...
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