Meta Project Navigation, 2022-08-03

Topics / Agenda

  • meditation
    • what is the purpose of the meditation? was it an experiment?
    • should we still do the meditation?
    • how would you imagine being the group, rather than an individual?
    • consider: guided meditation vs. an invitation to spend a few minutes in quiet individual meditation
  • introduction of agenda
    • request for agenda items
  • waterfall questions / snapshot of meta project
  • project management updates
  • retrospective

Waterfall Questions / Snapshot of Meta Project

  1. What is the best about Meta Project, that was non-obvious to you?
  2. What is best in you, that has come up about Meta Project?
  3. Where do we, in this group now, have the most potential, that can be realized now, in the Summer of 2022?
  4. What do you want to gift to the group?
  5. How would you summarize what the meta project community is?

Waterfall Answers

What is the best about Meta Project, that was non-obvious to you?

I want to share the observation that I have seen in these last couple of weeks, that in other larger groups, similar to Meta Project, there is a greater emphasis on the need to shift our focus from having a human centered point of view. I believe if we don't adjust quickly there will be a gap later

The generative capacity of the group.

The best thing, that was non-obvious: The particular people who have joined us at this time, in these places.

The cadence of being a group together. I love the rhythm of being me in an accepting group. Every week I get to be heard - not to push myself into the space but to be welcome as an authentic contibutor. This helps settle me into my local projects and work. And I can find people to support me and offer support too.

That the meta project is kind of setting itself up to play the civilization 2.0 game I wrote about long years ago at and also that social gatherings are way more complex than i can grasp

That people are so eager and willing to go high and come from their highest, and eager to intentionally work together as a group, as a superorganism (vs being oppositional, self-righteous, or bringing negativity/judgment/cynicism/the usual lower ways of being)! And that we are willing to practice together, be wrong, and learn.

Experiencing in real time, with real values aligned people, the ebb and flow of energy as expressed in tensions and tension resolution.

love, patience, safety, openness, alignment

That the group is conscious of the many others out there doing the same thing and not looking to be “the chosen ones.”

Seeing the growing community and is supportive as an initial assumption

Sense of connection with all.

Moving in to shared objectives and action plans.

Energy, connections with other groups of potential partners.

What is best in you, that has come up about Meta Project?

I am finding my voice, which is very settling. I am finding people with whom I deeply resonate. I am encountering issues and problems from “normal life” that people here are keen to explore and invent experiments and try solutions to. i sense we are tapping into the community emergence process and gaining deep insights

Within me, the stimulation my internal capacity to express authentically within the boundaries on my commitment to universal values of dignity, equity, compassionate and with humility.


With my holding of this as an internal personal commitment, MetaProject stimulates me to actually be this way when communicating my thoughts and perspective.

Best in me, that's come up: My capacity to help others; learning listen in different ways to different people, and learning what they think is important.


Dealing with hard things - and the not quite of that. There is an intuition that we are not ready for some things that might blow us apart or things that I cannot do but others can. Related - I am braver in other spaces, I laugh at myself regularly. More curious about who I turn up as and where that comes from and where that might go. Settled but not 'lazy' into awkward action.

That I have more courage to show up authentically in a group of strangers than I thought I do; that I so love the feeling of practicing going higher with a group that can and is willing to, in a practical context of doing something together, and I love it so very much! That the energy between us has me giving so much more time than I thought I would make available, because it is yummy and valuable.

As I have been learning from and sharing with people I didn't know just a short time ago I have been blessed to re-discover some concerns and passions from early years.

I am noticing my own faults with less judgement, and trying to present my full and flawed self, instead of striving to ‘seem’. I feel more confident in my small contributing piece of a whole.

Where do we, in this group now, have the most potential, that can be realized now, in the Summer of 2022?

A exemplar group - cycles of learning that we can articulate. Some paths we know won't work for example losing the human centre and being a set of projects too early. The caution of finding smaller projects with a longer term vector towards what urges us forwards. We can already do a lot - asking another group what they need of us might be a good next move. I worry we are not yet ready for funding or other similar value and see we might need to learn through some process how to share out - who needs what?

lots of 1:1 meetings. a barebones needs tracking system. curating (consensus of who and what we are and want). gathering stories and opinions 🙂

We can be a beacon light and example of approaching problems humbly and in essential unity, embracing differences, in the midst of a political climate that seeks to divide rather than unify around prioritized solutions.

strength in community, leading by example for new paradigm shift, inspiring expansion in others

Unknown. What might be possible… Realization of possibility once expressed in clearly measurable ways and accepted by the group as a desired and committed goal for Summer 2022.

Highest potential with long-term value that we can do now: practice how to do practical things from being our highest together-selves/The We that we know how, and learn from what shows up as friction and as success. Short-term: move forward projects without losing the feelings of magical connection, spaciousness, openness, and being better than we usually feel permission or space to be.

The potential to lead by following, to identify others whose minds are floating in the same direction, looking to get in shared formation. Humbly recognizing, listing, mapping is a natural output. Jonathan’s earlier meditation “Thinking as the group” resonanates. If you imagine we are of one mind, it leads to the equivalent of quieting the voices in the mind when speaking constructively to our shared “self”

What do you want to gift to the group?

Energy to formulate plans, and connections with other groups with shared interests and intentions.,

The gift of our stories at scale, so we have a human map of how we are working as an us but not losing the me that is generous, capable yet flawed within that. We grow together as an us like grains of sand or shells on a beach. Ebb and flow. We become ocean and land.

A tool for showing relationship, hierarchies (of projects, ideas, suggestions) easy and non-overwhelming to navigate, a game we can play to accomplish all the goals and needs of the meta project

Focus and continued awareness and attention on what energy is present between us; what is our contribution to that energy (whether emotional, intellectual, physical, intuitive or other); and how to best use available energy in the room and space between us to power what we are doing, because it is a not very well or much used and incredibly powerful available resource we could learn to use and teach to others.

More capability to think and remember as a group, using information tools like simple wikis and simple databases. Understanding better what good project management is, and how to do it.

My perspective and experience in practical, legal, and visionary ways to build systems that will meet true needs

My authentic perspective and energy as available to share within the context of my emerging Life and the ever moving energy fields within my personal reality and the shared reality of the various groups I am a member of.

anything I can: general support. my skills are mostly technical, but have experience in project planning and management. I'm going to code open-source software which could be alot of my contribution

I want to facilitate access to all that lives in our group mind and memory, to grow that mind as it gathers.

energetic balancing, healing

How would you summarize what the meta project community is?

A community thriving on cycles of deep listening and mutually generous doing that makes a difference in the lives of others.

A birthing place for a new way of working together, one that can hopefully scale to encompass billions of people.

Everyone interested in a thriving world who is willing to work shoulder by shoulder in a matrix of organizations and individuals that is relatively flat, without a single leader, not the typical triangular hierarchical authority structure, but instead is a collection of many connected nodes of groups and people, working together in tight and loose collaborations, and at least somewhat self-organizing, not centrally governed, but aligned with a future thriving planet and all its connected ecosystems, natural or manmade.

A generative community of caring, thoughtful, engaged, and energetic group with shared tent to help the world in many aspects on rich and challenging journey forward.

A group of people learning how to bootstrap a set of tools and processes which make a dream come true that we can solve lots of hard unsolved problems by sheer will, love and collective intelligence. we are constantly bothered by the need to progress

An aspirational vision sourced from Jordan and seeking clarity, shape and definition as it emerged from this particular group of individuals open to seeing what wants to emerge and materialize with minimal human egoic. Imprint.

A growing fellowship of people discovering their diverse and complementary passions and skills as they contemplate the challenges facing the earth and society and explore ways to help each other in finding genuine solutions.

A community that recognizes the movement to elevate the actions of humanity to our best intentions for each other and the planet

Reflections / Learnings From Our Waterfall Questions

The group is more than the group that there's a an elevation of shared wisdom share humanity, shared perspective. and and as a group in a totality it's way more than the sum of the individuals, and it has an energy to it that invites other individuals to join.

Project Management Updates


  • [x] map weavers
    • [x] project form
    • [ ] profile form (in progress)
  • [x] needs and issues trackers
    • [x] can include links between catalist to social dimensions group by story data
  • [x] meta project groups, how they show up in Catalist
  • [x] Lionsberg Wiki
  • [x] zeek
    • can help with a variety of things, planning, tech specs
    • bringing a few more people in a group to help in ways they can

Meta Project Project form:

  • feedback to Map Weavers group
  • question: how to represent "proto-projects", projects that are just forming

About Our Starting Meditation

A big part of it was creating a little bit of a buffer for people who who get to the meeting late. And in this call, in particular, we had a situation where people would show up after two or three minutes. So if you start the call on time, you have to keep restarting the call every time a few more people come in. So it made a buffer zone.

It was also a nice way to get centered and Jordan does a good job of centering us into you know, as you know, I've got a crazy day, you know, and taking five minutes out of the beginning of a meeting to let everybody calm down and so it gets centered and stuff like that.

Makes it so that we can start the call all being more present.

So that was kind of the idea that for me, but it has become a rote thing where we do it without without questioning why we're doing it and talking about whether or not it's it's practical and useful and things like that. For me.

There's also a difference, I think if it's a guided meditation, then it has a different effect than if it is an invitation to close your eyes and arrive. And maybe that's part of the question whether we would prefer one over another.

Yeah, so I agree. I mean, I looked at it as it was an experiment. I do think that there's a good purpose to it, which is to like align. I also think that it's it's become rote.

I don't really think it's useful, but I would, I would offer up a suggestion that maybe we have a one minute, maybe just like a musical interlude of you know, 30 seconds or or a minute of a guided something or maybe an offering for one person to bring a poem or something. So we're still like, centering, but make it useful. So I'm not saying get rid of it. But I wanted to like bring it up and find out what do we want to accomplish?

Jonathan's Opening Meditation

machine transcription, may need correction

Okay, let's all stop our video and close your eyes.

And imagine that we are a group and not an individual.

And that whenever we speak, and whenever we listen. It's the group speaking and we're done building up a picture of everything that's gone on, before this meeting among us within channels within the wiki and try to contain it all in our mind, without getting too distracted from what's someone's currently saying.

Hold on to that and help it build, nurture, help it grow.

And although we're going to frequently have an idea pop into our head, let it simmer for a bit and let it resonate with the group and let ourselves become as much as we can.

A true group, a thing that rarely happens in human lives. It's something brand new. It's something the human race needs.

And we're here in probably a fairly large sense. We're here to create that possibility. And to learn more we need to be in order to nurture it and develop it and make it come to pass in all our channels, all our meetings, all our one on ones, all our efforts, our projects.

Yes, we're individuals and we're mighty wonderful individuals. And we're also a group that to which we bring this tendency to argue argued, disagree, confront.

Show subtle nuances, provide insights that maybe are missing.

And yet if we continue along that path, all we're going to have is a pile of leaves and another pile of leaves and another pile of leaves.

So let's be the pile.

That's two minutes to open your eyes and come back.

Retro / Meeting Summary

  • What is the group mind summary?
    • How might we make a summary of this meeting?
    • Can we speak as an us, instead of me?

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