Map Weavers, 2022-07-19
- Catalist
- Mattermost
- Massive Wiki
- Open Impact
- email
Tooling and Components for the above
- Airtable
- HackMD
- Google Docs
- Obsidian
- GitHub (tbd another Git forge)
Onboarding Artifacts
- plans and specifications
- prose details
- visual diagrams / flows
- checklist for onboarding
- one big onboarding checklist template
- customized for each incoming person
- Facilitator / coach
- Mentors
- Social Architecture
- Harvesting / Curarting / managing knowledge sets, adn looking for emergent pieces..
- Someone has an idea... to setting up a thing... that can grow at the wise right time
- And the way we hold one another in that process...
- Seeing everything as an experiment... what did we learn... how ideas are generated...
- A PLACE FOR COLLECTING GEMS - for people to drop in what they think are gems that could be acted upon...
- How you deal with various levels of resistence / support / hesitation...
- This ties to idea of Generative Commons...
- Portfolio approach...
- Investing along a portfolio of things...
- Intrinsic motivation - following gut feel that I am doing the right thing...
- doing a set of things...
- and the ones that get extrinsic feedback - feels good and helps me allocate more energy
- other things you just do because they are the right thing to do...
- Instrinsic motivation - am I on the right track, or do I have something and keep going...
- something between Social Dimensions and Tool Makers, call it Sociology Architecture (or something). Sociology Architecture handles
- how we everybody uses the platforms and tools
- an overall architecture and reasoning of what we do, and why these tools
- UX review and feedback for the Tool Makers
- onboarding people to tools.
- concierge/onboarding role
- A hierarchy or depth of engagement...
- From meta project (loose mapping of all similar things that may or may not want to play together but maybe should)
- To Meta Project (people who are starting to vaguely work together...)
- To Lionsberg or another named thing that is a closely co-operating community...
- and how we progressively invite people deeper into right relationship with one another
- Where do I fit in?
- From curiosity
- To how energy builds / flows and is managed over time...
- Every person lost due to friction / lack of energy is a loss to All
How do we invite participation from visionaries without making them feel like they are
- entering an arena where they are competing in service of “their vision”
- giving up “their vision” to become followers?
Existing wiki material
Generative Commons
- Where can gems be gathered, dropped, tagged... super essential...
- Some boundaries, set of criteria, categories,
- Need trove cultivator / maintainers...
- See who is working on / advocating for certain things... that become a knowledge repository that can get pulled out...
- PM Tags to track the development through various stages...
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