2022.10.04 Social Architecture
(Jordan's Notes)
Debrief From Last Weeks
- coming out of deep processing, starting to percolate...
- how we onboard into collaborative spaces...
- Composting...
- What is Meta Project?
- Affecting people's willingness to participate...
- At the basic level:
- Is it that we are doing our best to learn to be a group when things are unclear?
- People are leaving because it is unclear...
- What are the technologies that let us stay together...
- and how to pick projects that allow us to be a group more...
- vs. how can we keep gaining and regaining clarity even though objectives are unclear...
- Social dimensions are tough to define to start...
- how we might attempt to understand background, their proclivities...
- What you think an elephant is depends on where you start washing it...
- Subunits will have distinct personalities...
- Need to ID traits...
- Clarify...
- not interfere with existing teams working effectively...
- and figuring out how their framework, output, sharing will work with rest of the group...
- What do various groups think they bring? Is that needed now, or take back seat...
- We are struggling with keeping up - because things are moving faster than I thought they would - which suggests we may want to start contests, etc...
- If we were going to craft an invitation... what would we send... what would be the benefits...
- Who is audience
- what are we trying to market
- what is funnel we want them to flow through
- to reach what desired output?
- Extra level of commitment on people's parts... really working together to produce something... if it is really additive...
- Part of complexity
- is that we don't know what the options are we could enable
- the number of participatns we might engage in what capacity...
- We are playing in the whole world - makes it attractive but difficult to define...
- Wendy E - are we about PROCESS or CONTENT?
- If we can stand for the very best of process - involved and aware of process, and results...
- one thing you can do is get better for process...
- What is the quality of the decision for what to do with $50,000 US...
- the process is reproducible...
- if we can maintain realtionships, make difficult decisions, and continuously improve the process...
- If I say - I don't fully agree, and I will get behind it as we experiment and learn... can we make a decision, that doesn't go my way, that I will get behind, and we will monitor and track...
- and we can actually define these things at this level...
- Wendy E - I would prefer we stand on teh side of PROCESS - and get really good at it...
- Tricky thing - we have to do it with a project, and get feedback of the people we are trying to preserve...
- Have to have a FOCUS to get PROCESS better... get really good at how we MEAUSURE THE RESULTS... parallel projects...
- Map the process...
- then run experiments through them...
- Is it replicable across disciplines, scopes, etc.
- making the process of collaboration better for everyone...
- a better and better process for how we do what?
- Mindful with process to serve OUTPUT
- have to be clear about basic parameters...
- what you would offer depends on group, personalities, with their nascent processes (that will not be consistent) - which gets into dynamics of invitations to change... can't be pushed... so have to invite consideration of different ways of doing things...
- To offer any wisdom to a group - have to first understand them... what is important to them... so that perhpas you can offer something...
- teams at diffrent levels of effectiveness... diffrent levels of leadership... a lot to tackle... really important to be clear with our wishes...
- so they get what is good...
- and we learn what we need to learn...
- Recognizing a process, faciliatting a process, tailoring to culture and groups based on needs, wants painpoints, celebration... the work of that needs resourcing and support...
- That work is criticla to collaboration, creativity, innovation...
- So much more work, time, attention, effort, focus that goes into one galvanizing moment... the hours that go into prepping a group make a decision together, helping decide priorities, helping apply process well known to one discipline... and transfer to another... super difficult...
- The work of creatiing infrastructure often goes unknown and unfunded...
- Clear about people's time and efforts, coming in at right time, and right places...
- Social change groups - participants are burnt out...
- Do we know what they want / need / what current epxerience is
- We are not using mattermost properly...
- We are not using wiki properly...
- Multi-dimmensional
- endlessly complex dendritic structure...
- so much dimmensionality...
- so much opportunity for uniqueness... because of emergence...
- so it is a constructive paradox...
- to try to faciliate emergence... at same time. you support it with structures...
Priorities - Possiblity
- Recieving the presenting back information / maps
- Creating communication flow / process - bring in, consider, and communicate back out - synthesize...
- Resourcing
- How we prioritize and navigate...
Doing this is the context of PROCESS - that can continuously grow energy... recognize what is possible and where things are going...
- one element thwarting us - we have people with different levels of experience, level of understanding, knowledge bases...
- what Wendy sees happen - is people who come in with an agenda... or a sense of expertise... or a sense of learning edge, or curiousity... and have something to share...
- incredibly valuable, and if that person is not open hearted and open minded to listen... ends up dominating and killing the energy...
- Energy is necessary for people in room to figure out the emergence between them...
- ideally we are all listening to the thing that is being brought forward / wants to emerge...
- pause - consdiering how I can be additive to the conversation...
- Then that additive piece- how do we recognize when it is learning edge, vs. groups learning edge, vs. communities learning edge...
- We enter into pieces - with people operating with different scopes... and scales of being...
- mapping and comms rhythms / PROCESS...
- Interface betweene elements...
- Intra capacity building...
- Community / Confederation
- weekly meetings / people need RHYTHMS in their lives... the battle rhythm... the cadence
- INTERface... between elements
- INTRA... within elements...
- people can only learn at the cutting edge of where their learning is...
- might be a fast track or a quantum tunnel... after awakening moments... but complexity of the world is largely created by these edges that don't match... even the assessment of the problem...
Hypothesis of What's Next
- Wendy E: Learn to be comfortable with emergence and not knowing...
- Clarity of how we understand the problem.
- Language and process for dealing with emergence and not knowing...
- And how we match the right tools to the right levels of complexity...
- Wendy M: Meta project needs a core group of people to receive information, mindfully consider, and reflect it back to the community...
- Clarity, week to week, on what to do with information... people accountable to receiving information... talking about how information relates to all the pieces that are happening...
- A group that can check their own egos at the door, and process, wear multiple hats...
- of how and when to invite in the right pieces...
- be able to integrate that into the PROCESS... present the next way, gather the responses...
- THE COMMITTED CORE TEAM... Getting that cycle down - in the next 6 weeks, experiment cycling in information... prioritized from the group...
- considered effort to reflect back... in an emergent way... this is what is coming back down...
- Wendy M - something like Flint for value based collaborative decision making...
- what are teh questions we rate by
- what are the actions, considerations, projects that flow from that...
- Consensus around next steps in a way that keeps everyone engaged...
- Judy
- I don't necessarily see the path to take advantage of the wisdom / opportunity zones we have shared...
- and how to invite people into those places
- readiness for uncertainty is very variable...
- making it ok to feel insecure and uncertain - IS A CRITICAL FIRST STEP TO becoming self aware and moving...
- beyond defensive posture
- or self-serving agenda...
- people not paying attentio to what is good for group... but what is good for them...
- as we scale - how do we know how to provide what is needed, when it is needed... how do we identify opportunities, and right match of offers to needs at the right time,
- On the learning edge... get ourselves onto the learning edge / meaning edge...
- then the just in time delivery of the right pieces at the right time..
- Conundrum - how do we make visible... the potential pieces, let them select what might work...
- not being in any way prescriptive...
Misc Notes