III.D. Corruption and Exploitation

The American Ideals of liberty, justice, and equality "under God" leave no room for corruption or exploitation. But from the earliest days of the nation, there have been those who have used their power and influence to enrich themselves at the expense of others and the earth, disregarding the principles of justice and equality in the process.

Corruption is a persistent problem in America, manifesting in the form of bribery, fraud, intimidation, lobbying, and influence-peddling. It undermines the rule of law and erodes the trust of the American people in their leaders and institutions. Corruption also contributes to economic inequality, as the resources and opportunities that should be available to benefit all are instead siphoned off by the corrupt and powerful.

Exploitation is also a significant challenge facing America today. From the exploitation of workers in low-wage industries to the exploitation of vulnerable populations, such as immigrants, the elderly and the disabled by those seeking to profit from their suffering, the American Dream is being threatened by those who prioritize their own interests and greed over the well-being of others, and the long term viability of society.

In order to move forward, Americans must reject the culture of corruption and exploitation that has taken root in our society. It must be rooted our of our society in all its forms. This requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior, both in government and in the private sector.

Additionally, it requires a focus on education and awareness, as well as the development of strong institutions and systems of oversight and accountability. This will help to ensure that the American Dream is protected from those who would seek to undermine it or exploit it for their narrow self-interest, and to create a culture of honesty, integrity, and fairness that is essential to the success and prosperity of the nation.

The American Dream must be a dream for all, not just a select few. The Ideal cannot be realized for any of us, until it is realized for all of us. In order to achieve this, it is essential that the principles of liberty, justice, and equality are upheld, and that the corruption and exploitation that have long plagued America are rooted out and eliminated. Through a collective effort, and a steadfast commitment to the ideals of the American Spirit, we can create a better future for all, and ensure that America remains a shining beacon of hope and prosperity for generations to come.

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