Chapter 1 - Grave Misinterpretation, Mistranslation, and Corruption

Among the many challenges, opportunities, and threats that Jordan discovered along the Way...

...was that the bible, the sacred text regarded as the Absolute and Inerrant Word of God in the sociocultural context he was born into, was in fact gravely mistranslated and misinterpreted. Intentionally.

There were many parts of the bible that Jordan had struggled with. His Earthly Father was a minister, he had been very active in church ministry since his youth, and over thousands of hours of study had arrived at a reasonably thorough grasp of the bible and its theological, philosophical, and pragmatic themes and implications.

However the text did not square his direct personal relationship with, and Knowledge of, his Heavenly Father.

It was a very sensitive topic, because many of his Loved Ones would have likely gone so far as to question his salvation, and worry he might suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell, for questioning the absolute Authority and Inerrancy of The Bible as The Word of God.

It was not their fault... it was what they had been brainwashed into in their local section of The Caves.

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