The Quest Towards The Goal

An Essential Guide to Flourishing and Abundant Life

There are some things that We need to Remember how to Be and Do...

This was a book that Jordan hoped to write. His ideas on most of these topics are available in other Lionsberg Wiki Books.

Maybe some day this book will write ItSelf.

The Quest - Introduction The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Transmit Wisdom, Knowledge, and Information Just In Time
The Quest - Flourishing From The Bottom Up and Inside Out The Quest - Flourishing From The Top Down and Outside In The Quest - Liberating One Another From The Caves The Quest - Crossing The Threshold of Knowing
The Quest - Passing Through The Boundary
The Quest - Passing Through The Eye of the Needle The Quest - Life Beyond The Boundary
The Quest - Walking The Straight and Narrow Path The Quest - Balancing on The Tip of The Needle
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Breathe
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Eat
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Drink
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Sleep
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Walk
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Learn
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Laugh
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Play
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Perceive
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Orient
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Move
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Navigate
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Map
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Differentiate Your Map From Reality
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Hemispherically Specialize
The Quest - Remembering How to Ground
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Love
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Love and Commune With One
The Quest - Remembering How and Why to Love and Commune With Your Self
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Love and Commune With Your Neighbor
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Love and Commune With All
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Unify the Pantheon of Sub-Personalities and Drives Into One
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Not Let God Float Away Into Abstraction
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Not Concretize the Absolute
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Wrestle with God
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Wrestle with Reality
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Incarnate, Embody and Constrain Infinite Potential
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Transcend the Limitations of Embodiment
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Differentiate Levels of Abstraction
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Exist, Think, Speak and Act Across Levels of Abstraction
The Quest - Remembering How and Why to Reconnect With the Co-Creative Energy of the Living System
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Cultivate Energy
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Channel Energy
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Exchange Energy
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Use Energy to Create
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Use Energy to Heal and Regenerate
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Use Energy to Destroy
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Reconnect with Infinite Intelligence
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Progressively Articulate
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Receive and Channel From Beyond Your Self
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Think
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Speak
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Write
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Collaborate
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Co-Create
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Forge or Join Groups and Teams
The Quest - Remembering How and Why to Differentiate Domains of Responsibility and Authority
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Establish Boundaries
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Govern Our Selves
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Quest
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Transform Quests Into Projects
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Manage Projects
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Stack Up and Align Projects into Programs
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Unify Projects and Programs into One Meta Program
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Create Work Breakdown Structures
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Pull Plan
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Establish Milestones
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Set Goals and Objectives
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Make Decisions
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Identify, Dialogue, and Solve Issues
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Transform Conflict
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Coach and Mentor
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Tell Stories
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Co-Create Systems
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Co-Create Tools
The Quest - Remembering Why and How to Co-Create and Align Technology

build trust have a purpose have an intention have a vision have values have principles
story board
seek wisdom
navigate towards truth differentiate propositional and non-propositional knowledge differentiate and name things create word tools continually expand our array of word tools categorize and map things establish ideals remember ultimate ineffability transcendenet, archtype, prototypes, instantiations kings and priests sovereignty autonomy community society living system alignment harmony coherence
stewardship vs. ownership citizneship 2-3 year temp contracts / filtering
associate and dissociate process for dissociation unity and divorce define domains create fields of agreement establish peace
wage war
optimally specialize
optimally generalize
optimize for general competence and adaptability optimize for Flow States create goods
exchange goods create companies federate companies regulate homeostasis ranges of tolerance differentiate and align theology, philosophy, science, theory, technique and practice etc. think and act from Universally and Eternally (the wisdom and perspective of God ) think and act SpatioTemporally
network become interplanetary become interstellar

Badges, Skills, and Just In Time Learning...

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