Lionsberg Membership Agreement (v.0.1)
This membership agreement (the “Agreement”) outlines the terms, conditions, rights, privileges, and responsibilities associated with becoming a member of the “Lionsberg Community,” an unincorporated, borderless, voluntary affiliation of people of Goodwill and cooperative intent.
This agreement includes by reference all aspects of the Lionsberg Participation Agreement, and adds in additional information associated with moving beyond participation into formal membership.
By joining the Lionsberg Community, members affirm and commit to upholding the Intention, Wisdom, Principles, Values, and Practices outlined in this Agreement and the Lionsberg literature, which are foundational to the Lionsberg System and Approach and to life, community, economy, governance, and right relationship between One and All.
The Principles and Values that undergird the Lionsberg System and Approach are intended to foster a culture of mutual support, collaboration, and reciprocity, contributing to the collective well-being, growth, and development of all members of the Community and the flourishing of society and the world.
In a moment of Meta Crisis, We the People of Goodwill are voluntarily arising and uniting to forge a More Perfect Union.
Higher Order Functional Unity
The Purpose of the Lionsberg Community is to connect, serve, and empower a Higher Order Functional Unity among Citizens of Good Intent. This is necessary in order to meet the needs, solve the problems, and capture the opportunities inherent in this unique moment in history.
Intention and Aim
Guided by the Spirit of Truth and Love, our Intention and Aim is flourishing, abundant, and rightly related life and society for all current and future generations.
Unique Focus
Our unique focus is on inspiring, connecting, serving, and empowering humanity to progress together towards The Goal.
Membership Eligibility and Admission:
- Eligibility: Membership in the Lionsberg Community is open to individuals, organizations, and communities who resonate with and commit to aligning with and upholding the shared Intention, Values, Principles, and Practices of the Lionsberg System and Approach, and who have been invited to join by an existing Lionsberg Community Member.
- Foundational Values: These foundational values include Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, Wisdom, and Beauty. A fuller articulation can be found in The Lionsberg System of Values.
- Process: Prospective members must complete the Lionsberg Membership Process, which helps ensure a comprehensive understanding and alignment with the Lionsberg Principles and Values, as well as an assessment of willingness, skills, and capacity to contribute, as the member is able, to the collective well-being of the Lionsberg Community.
- Approval and Mutual Consent: The Lionsberg Community, collectively or through its designees, reserves the right to approve or deny membership applications based on the assessment of alignment, capacity for contribution, and the community's capacity to support new members in a way that is regenerative and maintains balance and harmony. Once formally approved for membership and issued Lionsberg Identity, a member may refer to themselves as a Lionsberg Community Member.
- Continuing Membership: Continued membership requires the ongoing consent of both the member and the Lionsberg Community.
Rights and Responsibilities of Members:
- Access to the Community and Commons: Members have the right to access and participate in the resources, information, activities, and collaborative projects within the Lionsberg Community and Lionsberg Commons, contributing to the ongoing evolution and enrichment of the Community's offerings.
- Opportunities and Initiatives: Members may propose, learn of, join, or initiate new enterprises, projects, or initiatives that support and align with the Lionsberg Community, and that contribute to the collective well-being, growth, and empowerment of its members and the betterment of the world.
- Participation and Improvement: Members have the responsibility to uphold the shared Wisdom, principles, and values, and to actively contribute to the maintenance, stewardship, and continuous improvement of the Lionsberg Community and Lionsberg Commons, ensuring its vitality and regenerativity for current and future generations.
- Governance: Members have the right and responsibility to participate in the governance, decision-making, and conflict resolution processes of the Lionsberg Community, so that that their voices may be heard, that they may contribute to the collective wisdom and resilience of the community, and in that they respect and honor the processes of the Community, and the perspectives and contributions of fellow members.
- All members are invited and encouraged to become co-creators of Lionsberg and The Future.
- Members will be encouraged to express their unique skills and passions as a gift to the community and world around them, and to explore and discover new ways to create lasting and transformational value at all levels of engagement.
- The Lionsberg Economic System: The Lionsberg Economic System is first a way of looking at economic relationships in terms of stewardship, regenerativity, freedom, collaboration, right relationship, justice, and community, and secondly an effort to explore and develop wise mechanisms to support those qualities in an emergent economic federation.
- Economic Participation: Members may have opportunities to participate together economically, and will be encouraged to purposefully build the Lionsberg Economy upon the Lionsberg Principles and Values.
- Free Market Stewardship: Members will be encouraged to establish and structure economic entities on the basis of decentralized free market stewardship and collaborative governance, as a way beyond the false dichotomies of state control and provincial self-interest.
- Federation: Members will be encouraged to structurally federate all emergent economic activity with the Lionsberg Community, in order to ensure transparency, accountability, reciprocity, and functional unity across the federation.
- Voluntary Group Tithe: All federated groups will contribute ~10% of their available flow of time, energy, attention, and resources to the Lionsberg Community for the purpose of continuously improving the Lionsberg Commons of infrastructure, resources, ideas, services, and supports helping all members rise towards their potential and flourish in harmony.
- Charity and Justice: Groups will be encouraged to use the second tenth of their available flow of value to do charity and justice by addressing the root causes of suffering, dysfunction, and injustice around them.
- Profit Sharing: Groups will be encouraged to share ~30% of profits among stakeholders to incentive and reward contributions.
- Reinvestment: Groups will be encouraged to reinvest the remaining ~50% into the ongoing development and flourishing of the economy and community for current and future generations.
- Legacy and Passing The Flame: Groups will be encouraged to continually be Passing The Flame to future generations by encouraging, mentoring, and developing the next generations of participants.
Ideas and Opportunities
As a result of the synergies of ideas and relationship among a carefully curated and invitation-based Community, many ideas and opportunities will organically arise.
Aligned Ideas and Opportunities that arise as a result of Participation in Lionsberg or its relationships must be pursued through new or existing stewardship based groups structurally federated with Lionsberg, and should be coordinated with Lionsberg to optimally support the emergence of the Federation and Progress along the Critical Path.
The Lionsberg System is designed to co-operate on the basis of generating and cultivating emergent ideas and opportunities, co-creating Value, and contributing 1/10th of the Flow of Value back to the Lionsberg Federation to continuously enrich and improve the shared infrastructure, technology, community, culture, and commons.
Dispersing energy by separating emergent energy or information from the Lionsberg Ecosystem violates the basic Design Intent, which calls for a interconnected, interexistent, and continuously improving multi-generational ecosystem and approach.
As ideas and opportunities arise, they should be registered with the Lionsberg Commons and acted upon in a transparent and accountable way for the good of the Lionsberg Community, society, and nature as a Whole.
The decentralized pursuit of emergent ideas and opportunities in a structurally connected federation occurs on the basis of the Lionsberg Honor System, and is crucial to the Designer's Intent.
- Members have the responsibility to regularly and meaningfully contribute to and cultivate the Lionsberg Community and Lionsberg Commons in a regenerative way that revitalizes, nourishes, and improves them for future generations. This includes committing to a Reciprocal Monthly Contribution.
- Members have the responsibility to help one another create and maintain balance, flow, and reciprocity across all relationships within the System.
Separate Legal Structures:
- In order to progress towards shared Goals and Values, members of the Lionsberg Community may from time to time establish various legal infrastructures in various localities around the world. These structures may be members of the Lionsberg Community, and like all members shall remain perpetually independent, autonomous, and self-governing.
- To initially protect, steward, and allocate resources in a publicly transparent and accountable way, a separate legal entity, Lionsberg Inc., a 501(c)(3), has been established to promote the Lionsberg System and Approach to designing and building a better world.
- Members may help raise and allocate resources for the non-profit, and may also apply for fiscal sponsorships and grants for projects, initiatives, and fellowships that support our shared mission to design and build a better world.
Conflict Resolution and Accountability:
- Conflict and Disagreement: Members recognize that in any large group of people trying to communicate and collaborate in community, it is possible that misunderstandings, disagreements, and conflicts may arise. Members are expected to address such occasions through open, honest, and respectful communication, guided by the wisdom, principles, and values of the Lionsberg System and a genuine desire for mutual understanding, resolution, and reconciliation.
- Integrity and Trust: Members are expected to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions, commitments, and contributions to the Lionsberg Community and Commons, fostering a culture of integrity, trust, reciprocity, and mutual support. Realizing that trust takes time to form, members are expected to respect the process and practices through which trust is built.
- Violations of Values or Trust: If a member has intentionally or repeatedly violated the shared Wisdom, Principles, and Values of the Lionsberg Community, or failed to fulfill responsibilities or commitments made to other members, the Lionsberg community, through an elected Accountability Committee, reserves the right to take appropriate action, including mediation, restorative practices, or termination of membership, following a fair and transparent process that includes an opportunity for the member to address the concerns raised.
- Restoration: Following a just, transparent, and accountable process, the Accountability Committee may explore with the member potential avenues for growth, healing, restoration, and reintegration into the Community, along with specific steps or amends that may be required for that reintegration and healing to occur.
- Termination and Withdrawal of Membership: Members may voluntarily withdraw their membership from the Lionsberg Community at any time by providing written notice to the community representatives as they may be selected from time to time. A withdrawing member is encouraged to explain their reasons for withdrawal, and share insights or lessons learned during their time as a member. If a member is either voluntarily or involuntarily terminated from Lionsberg Community membership, they may no longer refer to themselves as a member of the Lionsberg Community.
Purpose-Built to Evolve and Transform
- Members understand that the Lionsberg Community, System and Approach are purpose-built to evolve and transform across multiple generations via the Lionsberg System of Governance.
- Members understand that they are the empowered co-creators of whatever Lionsberg and our world become in The Future.
By signing this Agreement, the undersigned (1) commits to become a member of the Lionsberg community, (2) acknowledges and accepts the rights and responsibilities outlined in this Agreement, (3) pledges to uphold the shared Intention, Principles and Values of the Lionsberg Approach, (4) commits to contribute to the collective well-being, growth, and development of the community, (5) commits to contribute to the collective well-being, growth, and development of society and the Living System that sustains it (6) determines to engage in a process of ongoing learning, collaboration, and personal and collective transformation, (7) understands that membership in the Lionsberg Community is a privilege and not a right, and that it may be terminated upon failure to uphold the Lionsberg Principles and Values, and (7) acknowledges the importance of open communication, mutual respect, and accountability within the Lionsberg community (8) commits to engaging in the Community in a spirit of Truth, Love, and Reciprocity.
Print [Member Name] Date: [Date]
By signing this agreement, the Lionsberg Community welcomes you into membership and commits to (1) support your growth, development, and contributions within the community, (2) provide access to meaningful resources, relationships, opportunities, and collaborative projects that align with the shared Values and Principles of the Lionsberg System and Approach, (3) engage together in a process of ongoing learning, innovation, and collective evolution in service of the well-being, empowerment, and the flourishing of Community members, Life, and Society, and (4) cultivate a culture of reciprocity, collaboration, and mutual support that enables every member to thrive, grow, and contribute to the fullest extent of their unique potential.
Print [Lionsberg Community Representative Name] Date: [Date]