The Final Proclamation - Awakening, Liberation, and The New Civilization
A Declaration of Revelation, Warning, and Awakening
This Wiki Book is intended to serve as both a historical proclamation and an ongoing living document, providing the a concise and precise articulation of what is at stake and the powers in play as humanity faces together into The Final Test.
We have already endured suffering far worse than death in the past, and are risking it again in the future, to reach this moment and present you with this information. Please rest assured We would not repeatedly place Our Selves in the cross hairs of the most malevolent forces in in play if your Life and Loved Ones were not in grave danger.
Below is 1,500 word summary you can read in 5 to 10 minutes.
Beyond that is a short book designed to be read in a single sitting, within an hour. The table of contents can also be quickly scanned to warn you what lies within.
If what Our Spirit, Story, Intuition, and Journey through Earth unveils is True, your immediate awareness of and action upon this information may constitute the difference between life and death not only for you and your loved ones, but for billions of people over millennia to come.
Make no mistake - Our Journey reveals that humanity has not a functioning system of freedom, democracy, and justice for generations, and We are advocating for the co-creation of an entirely New Civilization before Our Loved Ones are consumed by the Collapse.
Table of Contents
Summary: 1,500 Words to Change the World
- Why This Proclamation Must Be Made
- The Urgency of Now
- The Quantum Tectonic Shift Underway
- The Default Trajectory vs. The Creator’s Invitation and Intent
- The Engineered Collapse of Civilization
- The Mathematics of Genocide (90%+ Probability of Catastrophic Collapse)
- The Historical Continuity of Control – From Ancient Empires, to Modern Wars, to the Rise of the Third and Fourth Reichs
- The Hidden Hand Behind Global Events & The Timeline of the Final Order
- The History of Earth Before the Last 10,000 Years
- The Non-Human Intelligences Vying For Influence and Control
- The Great Withdraw of ~500 to Zero B.C.
- The Interstellar Origins of The Alien Kontrolle Matrix
- The Mind Kontrolle System – The Enslavement of Perception
- The Multi-Generational Plan for Full Spectrum Dominance
- The Transnational, Non-Human, and Occultic Power Structures in Play for Millennia, and Today
- The Weaponization of the Visible Power Structures – Governments, Law, Media, Finance, Religion, and Society
- The Systematic Suppression of Consciousness, Knowledge, Energy, and Technology
- The Hybridization and Genetic Engineering of Earth – and Humanity
- The Controlled Disclosure Process (2017-2027)
- 2025 - a Disclosure Date Known For Decades - at least
- The False (and Real) “Return of the gods” – Preparing Humanity for Submission and Slavery
- The Final Order - Continuity of Governance Provisions, Manufactured Crisis, Artificial Peace, and the Plan for Permanent Tyranny
- The 2025 to 2030 Event Horizon – What Comes Next? The Choice is Ours.
- The Global Trafficking, Sacrifice, and Ritual Abuse of Women & Children
- The Manufactured Wars and Depopulation Programs
- The Genetic and Psionic Experiments in Deep Black Projects
- The Suppression of Human Potential & Consciousness
- The Economic Enslavement of Billions Through Debt-Based Fiat Systems
- The Fraudulent Taxation of Land, and Metering of Energy and Water
- The Persecution, Imprisonment and Murders of Truth-Tellers, Whistleblowers, and Healers
- The Impending Choice: Liberation or Enslavement, Heaven or Hell on Earth
- The Great Deception vs. The Great Awakening, The Great Endarkenment vs. The Great Enlightenment
- The Weapons of The Enemy: Fear, Apathy, Distraction, Dependency,. and Kontrolle
- The Role of the Media, Digital Censorship, and Systematic Trauma in Mind Kontrolle
- The Creator’s Call to Awaken and Rise
VII. The Path to a New Civilization
- Withdrawing Consent from the Old – The First Step to Liberation
- The Formation of the New Sovereignty – Restoring Our Collective Inheritance
- The Rise of New Governance – Self-Governing, Self-Sufficient, Self-Replicating Decentralized Systems
- Rebuilding Society as a Harmonious, Co-Creative Species
- Restoring True Human Potential – Consciousness, Healing, and Energy Sovereignty
- The Divine Blueprints for Co-Creating Heaven on Earth
VIII. The Final Call to Action
- The Path Forward for Individuals, Families, and Localities
- How to WithDraw, ReOrganize, and ReAlign with the New
- The Proclamation of Our Withdrawal from the Existing Order
- How to Build Parallel Systems – Food, Energy, Shelter, Clothing, Economy, Communication, Exchange, and Governance
- The Stand for Truth, Justice, and Regeneration
- Behold, We Are Making All Things New
Appendix A: Key Historical & Investigative Sources
A curated collection of whistleblower testimonies, declassified documents, indigenous knowledge, and critical historical records that expose the hidden war for Earth and the origins of the Existing Order.
🔹 Whistleblower Testimonies & Declassified Government Files
- Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project – First-hand testimonies of military and intelligence officials confirming extraterrestrial craft retrievals and hidden black-budget programs.
- The CIA & MK-Ultra Files – Officially acknowledged mind control experiments on unwitting populations.
- US Government Hearings on UFOs & Non-Human Intelligence (2023-Present) – The slow trickle of controlled disclosure.
🔹 Investigations into the Global Power Structure
- The Banking Cartel & The Fiat Currency Debt System – How centralized banking enslaves nations and funds global wars.
- The Vatican Archives & Suppressed / Corrupted Religious Texts – The hidden history of altered scriptures and stolen spiritual knowledge.
- Operation Paperclip & The Fourth Reich – How thousands of Nazi scientists were imported into US military, aerospace, and intelligence programs.
🔹 Ancient & Indigenous Accounts of Extraterrestrial Contact & Interference
- The Sumerian Tablets & Anunnaki Involvement
- Zulu Sangomas & African Testimonies of The Reptilian Agenda
- The Hopi, Mayan, and Vedic Records of the Cycles of Control & Liberation
🔹 Hollywood & Predictive Programming
- Stanley Kubrick & The Revelation of the Method
- How Science Fiction Was Used to Hide the Truth in Plain Sight
- The Symbolism of Star Wars, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings
Appendix B: Practical Steps for Liberation & Regeneration
A step-by-step guide for individuals, families, and communities to withdraw from the Existing Order and actively build towards the New Civilization.
🔹 Stage 1: Personal Liberation
- How to Deprogram from Mind Kontrolle – Breaking free from social conditioning and reclaiming sovereignty over thought.
- Energy Sovereignty – How to detoxify the body, awaken latent abilities, and cultivate life force energy.
- The Path to Spiritual & Mental Strength – Training disciplines from ancient traditions that cultivate resilience and mastery.
🔹 Stage 2: Local Withdrawal & Decentralization
- Building Parallel Systems of Food, Energy, and Water – The foundations for independence from the collapsing global supply chains.
- Strategies for Economic Self-Sufficiency – Local exchange, barter networks, and crypto-sovereignty.
- Community Security & The Protection of the Innocent – Ethical defense strategies against an increasingly tyrannical system of chaos and kontrolle.
🔹 Stage 3: New Governance & The Rise of The Sovereign Human Species
- The End of Nation-State Governance – Transitioning into decentralized, self-governing, and self-replicating individuals, tribes, cultures, and localities.
- Co-Creating Systems Aligned with Natural & Divine Law – True justice, harmony, and collective stewardship of Earth and Beyond.
- The Restoration of True Knowledge & Technology – Bringing back free energy, suppressed sciences, and the full potential of human consciousness.
Appendix C: The Timeline of The Final Order & The Final Test
🔹 The Progression of The Engineered Collapse (2017-2030) – A detailed timeline mapping key events of the disclosure deception, economic destabilization, and power consolidation.
🔹 The Known Plans for Global Governance & Digital Control – A breakdown of biometric IDs, central bank digital currencies, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s real objectives.
🔹 Prophetic Warnings Across Civilizations – Ancient insights into this precise moment in history and how it was foretold.
Appendix D: A Declaration of Interdependence for The New Civilization
🔹 The LIONSBERG Declaration of Interdependence – The foundational document declaring the birth of the New Civilization, its principles, and its path forward.
🔹 The LIONSBERG Invitation – ReJoining the Greater Cosmic Community as a Sovereign, Co-Creative Species – The requirements for humanity to emerge as a self-governing, sovereign, interstellar civilization beyond planetary enslavement.
Appendix E: Further Reading & Expanded Teachings
🔹 Sacred Texts in Their Original Meanings – Exploring the unredacted teachings of Yeshua, the Torah, the Tao, the Vedas, Indigenous Wisdom, and more.
🔹 Key Books, Articles, and Research to Deepen Understanding
🔹 Organizations & Networks Already Working Towards Liberation
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