Aliens Among Us

UnVeiling The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History

90 minute presentation... that can also be a wiki book. 150 WPM x 90 minutes max = 13,500 Words.

With this presentation, We are going to begin working Our Way through one the most difficult sets of conceptual material that humanity has ever had to process.

For many, it will lead to a state of Ontological Shock, in which (tktk).

The way to process this presentation is therefore to (temporarily suspend judgement).

The top and bottom line is this: Humanity is not alone in the universe, is not free here upon the Earth, and is in grave existential danger.

Aliens are Real. Their UFO craft are real. The Matrix is Real. And the Kontrolle Structure that humanity and Our planet are presently enslaved and exploited under is Not Merely Human.

Now before We go further, We should address the elephant in the room. For generations, humanity has been brainwashed and manipulated to reject such information and ostracize those who present it.

There are presently UFOs dominating the most sensitive and secure airspaces on the planet with total impunity. Women are being abducted and impregnated. Missing children around the world. Extraterrestrial mummies under medical examination. Extraterrestrial beings and craft in government custody. It is in the news. There are millions of witnesses and thousands of whistleblowers. There are hearings happening in the United States congress and government chambers around the world, with sworn testimonies from high ranking military, police, and government officials. Headlines like the following flashing across the Wall Street Journal:

Former Pentagon Official on UFOs: 'We Are Not Alone'

Former heads of security and defense agencies from multiple countries testifying that at least several extraterrestrial civilizations have been coming and going from Earth for thousands of years, and that the United States and other governments have signed formal agreements and are working side by side with extraterrestrials in underground and off-planet bases.

And only a few percent of the population pays attention.

Mind Kontrolle is astoundingly strong.

There is nothing wrong with being ignorant to these issues. What is detestable is to then be arrogant about it, as Our Loved Ones are led deeper into captivity.

"If aliens were real, I would know about it..." they said, and thus, the perished in the flames.

So through the course of this presentation, We will try to shatter the ignorance and endarkenment so many of Us are under. We will try to move beyond the understanding that The Phenomena, as governments call it, is real. That UFOs are real, that the Fascist Security State has many in their possession, and that it has been reverse engineering them since before World War II. That their extraterrestrial pilots are real, and that the Fascist Security State also has many of them in their possession. That interdimensional, angelic, and demonic forces are real. That multiple species of advanced, spacefaring non-human intelligences have been coming and going from Earth for millennia, interfering in, warring over, and sometimes dominating human and planetary affairs. That men, women, and children are being kidnapped, tortured, sexually violated, genetically modified, and hybridized around the world, while our Loved Ones are sent to kill One Another is artificial wars of non-human origin.

We need to get beyond these elementary realizations rapidly, so that We can begin to grapple with Who these beings are, Why they are here, and What they want.

More importantly for the human species is what kind of a future it wants. Whether it will continue to bow down as ignorant slaves before a race of extraterrestrial and demonic overlords; or whether it will awaken, arise, and unite as fully conscious and enlightened species to liberate its Self and this planet, and co-create Heaven On Earth.

Amidst the Darkness, the Good News is that the Forces of Goodwill, Light, and Love are far stronger, and We will prevail in the existential struggle for the future of humanity and Earth.

(Various thoughts...)

What is worse, the Fourth Reich of an interstellar Dark Empire is in the process of implementing The Final Order, through which they aim to establish permanent Full Spectrum Dominance over the Earth and Beyond.

This is not an issue occurring within any one country or domain. The Dark Empire operates far beyond the reaches of any constitution or government on Earth, and in fact looks down upon them as mere puppets, with utter self-righteous disdain.

While there are deep experts who have spent lifetimes studying each aspect of these issues and realities, It is Our working assumption that at least 99% of humanity is unaware of the full scope of Knowledge contained herein.

It is Our working assumption that if humanity knew that it was being systematically cultivated, enslaved, harvested and preyed upon by alien forces, and that many of its most powerful governments, religions, ideologies, and social norms were alien in their inception, it would cease supporting them, liberate themselves and all current and future generations of LIfe on Earth, and co-create something New.

That is after all the invitation to humanity at this moment in history, and the scope of The Final Test it now faces.

As We gaze out into the cosmos and stand in awe under the 2,000 or so stars visible to the naked eye on a moonless clear night... It is easy to forget about the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars that lie Beyond.

(Proceed to tell the Whole Story... Catastrophic Full Disclosure... best available evidence presented in the most compelling Way... the most shocking stories... revealing the Alien Kontrolle Structure / Matrix... and paving a Way towards Life, Liberty, and Heaven on Earth...)

I. Setting the Stage (5 minutes)

  • Opening Visuals and Music: Powerful and evocative imagery of the cosmos, Earth, and humanity's achievements juxtaposed with images of conflict, suffering, and UFO sightings.

  • Opening Statement:

    • "For centuries, humanity has asked the ultimate questions: Are we alone? What is our purpose? And why is there so much suffering and struggle on this beautiful planet?"
    • "Today, we reveal truths that have been hidden for millennia and invite you to embark on the greatest journey of liberation and co-creation in human history."
  • Key Premises:

    1. Humanity is not alone.
    2. Humanity is not free.
    3. Humanity faces an existential test unlike any in its history.

II. Breaking Through the Matrix (15 minutes)

  • The Programming:

    • "Why do so many reject the possibility of non-human life and its influence on Earth?"
    • Brief overview of media manipulation, ridicule campaigns, and disinformation tactics.
    • Examples of government programs like Project Blue Book, MK-Ultra, and more recent UFO denial campaigns.
  • Ontological Shock:

    • Define ontological shock: "The overwhelming cognitive dissonance experienced when core beliefs about reality are shattered."
    • Explain why this reaction is natural and how to navigate it with curiosity and courage.

III. The Evidence: Aliens Are Real (30 minutes)

  • UFO/UAP Phenomena:

    • Government disclosures: Pentagon UFO programs, Congressional hearings, and whistleblower testimonies.
    • Declassified videos (Tic Tac, Gimbal, etc.) and unexplained flight capabilities.
    • Historical accounts of sightings, crashes (Roswell), and retrievals.
  • Biological Evidence:

    • Reports of non-human DNA, extraterrestrial mummies (Nazca, Peru), and hybridization programs.
    • Medical evidence of abductees and implant removals.
  • Whistleblower Testimonies:

    • Statements from high-ranking military, intelligence, and government officials confirming extraterrestrial contact and collaboration.

IV. The Kontrolle Structure (20 minutes)

  • The Alien Agenda:

    • The Dark Empire: Introduction to extraterrestrial factions allegedly exploiting humanity, including their hierarchy and goals.
    • Harvesting Humanity: Exploration of abductions, genetic experiments, resource exploitation, and spiritual manipulation.
  • The Matrix of Control:

    • How alien influence manifests through Earth's institutions—governments, religions, corporations, and ideologies.
    • The concept of Full Spectrum Dominance: Control over mind, body, spirit, and environment.
  • The Fourth Reich:

    • Connections between Nazi programs, extraterrestrial technology, and modern globalist agendas.
    • The Final Order: Permanent enslavement through advanced AI, transhumanism, and social engineering.

V. Humanity’s Choice: The Final Test (10 minutes)

  • The Stakes:

    • What happens if humanity fails to awaken and unite?
    • Examples of civilizations that succumbed to similar forces.
    • "We are the pivot point for all future generations of life on Earth."
  • The Potential:

    • The extraordinary power and creativity of the human spirit.
    • Historical examples of triumph over oppression and adversity.
    • "If we awaken, humanity can become a force for light and love across the cosmos."

VI. The Path to Liberation (5 minutes)

  • Knowledge is Power:

    • The first step is acknowledging the truth and breaking free from ignorance.
    • "We must educate ourselves and others."
  • Unity and Action:

    • Strategies for building a unified, enlightened humanity: grassroots movements, spiritual practices, and technological sovereignty.
    • The role of each individual in co-creating Heaven on Earth.

VII. The Sacred Flame: Hope Amidst Darkness (5 minutes)

  • The Forces of Light:

    • Evidence of benevolent extraterrestrial assistance and spiritual forces working to liberate humanity.
    • "Goodness is stronger than evil, and the truth is unstoppable."
  • A Vision for the Future:

    • Imagine a united Earth free from fear and control, thriving in harmony with the cosmos.
    • The Sacred Flame: An invitation to awaken the divine spark within and rise to the greatest challenge of our time.

VIII. Call to Action (10 minutes)

  • Challenge to the Audience:

    • "Will you continue to live in the shadows, or will you step into the light?"
    • Concrete steps individuals can take:
      • Research and share the truth.
      • Build local and global communities of awakening.
      • Engage in spiritual and moral development.
  • Final Words:

    • "The universe is watching. This is humanity’s moment to rise and fulfill its destiny as a force for good across all realms and dimensions."