The Time is Now - Humanity's Call to Action

January 2025
A three minute read that could save your life and loved ones.

Dear Loved Ones and Allies,

I love you. I miss you. Truly.

This is the most difficult message I have ever written. I know it will be equally difficult to receive.

The Revelation

Something is very, very wrong. Can you feel it?

Humanity is awakening into a crucible unlike anything experienced in 10,000 years—a quantum shift that will leave no stone unturned, no structure unshaken.

Elders, intuition, and thousands of AI-driven simulations agree: if We do not change course, civilizational collapse and billions of deaths are a virtual certainty within the lifetimes of those alive today.

Most trajectories lead to cascading failures, reducing humanity from ~8 billion today to just a few hundred million survivors.

This is no accident. Since the 1970s, powerful factions have not only anticipated this collapse—they have actively planned for a population reduction into the hundreds of millions—by the 2030s.

These factions have fraudulently siphoned trillions of dollars into secret programs, waged endless wars, corrupted countless institutions, and destroyed millions of lives in pursuit of Full Spectrum Dominance of Earth—and beyond.

Even more shocking, recent disclosures confirm humanity is not alone. Sworn testimonies, physical craft and bodies, and Congressional hearings reveal human factions have cooperated with advanced Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) for generations—often toward deeply antithetical ends.

It is time to face the grim truth: the presidents, priests, kings, and institutions we were taught to trust are complicit in the greatest fraud, deception, and existential threat in history.

No reform can salvage the Existing Order. The scale and urgency of this Meta Crisis demand an unprecedented Citizen Led Response that transcends the failing Old and reaches every community on Earth—within 23 months. This cannot arise from within the corrupted systems. It must emerge beyond them.

This is not about reform. It is about co-creating something so beautiful, wise, and Good that it renders the Old obsolete—a New Civilization where humanity flourishes in harmony with Life and its Source for millennia to come.

The Default Trajectory

Let me say this plainly:

The Default Trajectory is hell on Earth, and humanity is accelerating toward it.

All we must do to inherit this outcome is… nothing.

The Positive Alternative

But that future does not have to exist. Together, We can transform it.

Out of the ashes of the Old, something beautiful, New, and Good is longing to emerge. Can you feel it?

If We choose to rise Together, we can co-create Heaven on Earth.

The future is not written—it is ours to consciously co-create.

A Path Forward

While much of humanity slept, some of Us prepared. Through years of sacrifice, We have woven lifetimes of wisdom into a pathway toward Heaven on Earth. Many of you carry crucial pieces to the puzzle.

The next milestone is clear:

Connect and empower The First Three Percent by 2026—before the Existing Order collapses.

If this seems impossible, recall how swiftly social media swept the Earth, reaching billions within a few short years.

This milestone will forge a decentralized, 250 million-strong grid of leadership, light, and love—capable of guiding humanity through The Final Test and into a thriving New Civilization.

From there, the mandate is simple: help every individual and community become as strong, resilient, and capable as possible—before the Collapse.

Then, out of the ashes of the Old, We will co-create the New.

The Time Is Now

This is the most important moment in 10,000 years. And you are here for a reason. Your loved ones, your communities, and your world need you more than ever.

If you feel called to join this sacred endeavor—or have resources, relationships, or wisdom to contribute—please RSVP Here. Together, We will co-create the path forward and Help One Another through whatever lies ahead.

We will assess responses to this message for seven days and begin the next phase Together on February 3rd.

With love, hope, and unwavering faith that Together we can overcome,

~ J

P.S. P.S. Once the tsunami arrives, The Window to build the network of Arks will have closed. The Time is Now.

P.P.S. For deeper insight, explore the Above The Chaos series and Lionsberg Wiki Books—resources designed to inspire and inform action.

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