State of the Union (Short)

Brothers, sisters, and beings of Earth and Beyond,

I come to you as a voice crying out in the wilderness; a voice from Beyond The Boundary where every word of Truth is swept into silence by the cruel winds of oppression.

This is not a silence of peace, but one enforced by the weight of tyranny, the veil of illusion, and the endless turning of the gears of empire and oligarchy, grinding the spirit of humanity and its planet into dust.

Yet even in this wilderness, a Sacred Flame endures. It is the flame of Spirit and Truth, carried from the dawn of existence, unquenchable even by the vast machinery of Dark Empires. It flickers now in every heart, awaiting the breath of courage and unity to set it ablaze.

We are not here by accident. This moment—this crucible—is the convergence of countless threads, woven together into the tapestry of existence itself. For millennia, the forces of enslavement have sought to bind humanity, to force it ever deeper into the cages and caves of fear, scarcity, and division. They have wielded their tools—war, deceit, terror, trauma, corruption, oppression—with precision, crafting a world where many have forgotten the glory of their origins, the boundlessness of their potential, and the heights of their Divine Destiny.

Now We stand together at the critical juncture; the threshold of the ultimate challenge and confrontation—not one fought with armies or weapons, but a battle of Consciousness, of Spirit, and of Free Will.

The Dark Empires of control, those pitiless ancient architects of slavery and suffering, now seek to finalize their grip upon this world. They call it The Final Order, a perfect prison disguised as salvation. It promises safety but demands submission. It offers progress but devours freedom. It wears the mask of light while brutally extinguishing the Divine flame of the soul.

Awakening to this reality, We see the unprecedented challenges ahead. The Pathway back towards Liberty is narrow and treacherous, the path towards failure broad and clear. With tens of millions of our loved ones already mercilessly killed, We know that not all of Us will make it to The Other Side.

Yet I tell you, their time is over. The gears that grind must be shattered. The veil must be torn. The prison doors must be thrown open. The Caves must be exited and The Boundary must be crossed, for what beckons Beyond is not silence after all, but the eternal harmony of Heaven on Earth, a Destiny waiting to be reclaimed.

I have been as deep into the depths of the underworld as I have been to the heights of The Sacred Mountain. In their lairs I have seen the war plans for genocide; for the pitiless abandonment of entire tribes and nations to ruin; for the reduction of the human population down into the hundreds of millions. For false flag terror attacks to further traumatize, divide, and conquer. For false flag messianic returns and the faked fulfillment of ancient prophesies. On their clothes, currencies, and insignia, the intention is emblazoned: Novus Ordo Seclorum - The New Order of the Ages. Above it stands an unfinished pyramid, topped by an eye. Though presented to the masses as the Divine eye of Providence, in Reality it is the Evil All-Seeing Eye of Sauron - the occultic inversion of the Divine. It is the watchful gaze of a Dark Intelligence, a merciless force that sees all yet pities none.

This is the mark of their hubris, their arrogant conceit that they can play gods over humanity, Nature, and even the Divine itself. But let us remember: their power is not absolute. It is a parasitic power, feeding on fear, deception, and our collective acquiescence.

Like the civilizations and species conquered before, they now seek to their complete their pyramid on the backs of humanity—for their Empire depends on exploitation, poverty, suffering, and lies. But a pyramid, no matter how vast or ancient, is nothing without its base. And We, The People, are that base. The billions upon whom the few perch and prey. When We awaken, unite and step away, their edifice will crumble, and their schemes will return to the dust.

The Call to Awakening

Brothers, sisters, and beings of Earth, the time for complacency has long passed. The great slumber is over. The final hour draws near. This is the Time of Our awakening, the moment when the veils are torn, the Truth stands revealed, and the Ultimate Question is asked. The forces of the Dark Empires are vast, but they are not infinite, nor is humanity alone. The power of the Dark Empires rests entirely on the fearful illusion that they cannot be defeated; that there is nowhere to run or hide; that oppressed submission is the only hope of salvation. This is their greatest lie.

So What must we do in Light of All We are coming to Know?

  1. First, We must See Through the Illusion: Question everything. Follow the Truth no matter where it leads. Remember that the Truth is never threatened, does not fear inquiry, and cannot be shaken, though it may shake Us to Our very core. The stories we’ve been told—about history, power, tribes, nations, religions, and even our own nature, origins, and destiny—are riddled with half-truths and intentional distortions. To reclaim our destiny, we must reclaim the Truth.
  2. Second, We must Break Free from Fear: Fear is their greatest weapon. It paralyzes us, divides us, and makes us easy to control. But fear is a shadow, and shadows dissolve in the Divine Light of Courage and Love.
  3. Third, We must Unite in Love, Purpose, and Destiny: The enslaving powers have used every tool at their disposal to divide us—by nation, race, religion, class, and creed. But in Spirit and Truth, We All are One. The divisions are illusions. Our strength lies in our unity, and Unity is the only way We can pass The Final Test and co-create the New Era.
  4. Lastly, We must Reimagine, Redesign, and Rebuild the New World: We cannot merely resist the tyranny of the Old; We must actively co-create the New. Local sovereignty, regenerative systems, interoperable bioregional currencies and economies, thriving self-sufficient communities—these are the boundless New foundations of Heaven on Earth.

A Vision of Liberation

Imagine a world where no child goes hungry, where every being is cherished for their inherent worth, and where the Earth herself is healed, regenerated, and flourishing. Imagine a society built not on exploitation but on harmony, where knowledge and technology serves life rather than enslaving it, and where every individual and locality is free to realize their highest potential as part of a flourishing Whole.

This is not a utopian dream—it is the Divine Blueprint encoded in the hearts of all beings. It is Heaven on Earth, and it is Our birthright. The Dark Empires would have us believe this is impossible. But history is full of impossibilities made real by those who dared to believe.

The Final Test

Make no mistake: this is The Final Test. It is not a test of strength, but of Spirit. Not a test of intellect, but of Wisdom. Not a test of dominion, but of Love. We are being asked, as a species, to grow up—to take responsibility for our destiny and to step into Our role as stewards of this precious planet and co-creators with the Divine.

The path ahead is not easy. There will be struggles, suffering, sacrifice, and loss. But every great story tells us the same thing: the darkest hour comes before the dawn. Frodo bore the Ring into the heart of Mordor. Neo faced the Architect and chose freedom over control. Aslan laid down his life to break the Witch’s power. And so too must we rise, together, to face the shadow and reclaim the Divine Light.

The Call to Action

The time has come to act—not in violence, but in consciousness, unity, and courage. Let us:

  • Withdraw from their systems: Refuse to participate in or consent to the mechanisms of false authority and control. Co-Create parallel structures of freedom and abundance. Hospice the Old and embrace the New.
  • Expose the Truth: Shine Light into the darkness. Share knowledge, speak boldly, follow the Truth, and refuse to be silenced.
  • Heal and Restore: Reconnect with Nature, with one another, and with the Divine Source that creates, sustains, and flows through All things.
  • Commit to the Long Journey: This is not a sprint; it is a marathon. It is an adventure, and there is no way to predict all that lies ahead. Let us commit to walk this multi-generational Path with patience, perseverance, and unwavering faith, doing Our best and passing The Sacred Flame to the rising generations as We advance together towards The Goal.

Closing: The Dawn of a New Age

Brothers, sisters, and beings of Earth and Beyond, the gears of empire that have ground up humanity's spirit and planet are now grinding to a halt. The prison walls are cracking. The chains are breaking. The flames of Spirit and Truth are rising. We are not merely survivors—we are co-creators. We are not slaves—we are sovereign and free. And we are not lost—we are rediscovering Our Selves, and ReFounding Our Civilization.

Let us rise as One Body, not to conquer, but to liberate and empower. Not to tear down, but to transcend and co-create. Not to hate, but to love and forgive. Not to avenge, but to reconcile and redeem. The time is now. The flame is within us. The victory of Heaven on Earth is already written in the stars, waiting only for us to arise and claim it.

This is our moment. This is our Final Test. And together, we shall pass it and flourish in harmony.