A New Beginning at 40

Grave Danger, Immense Hope, and a Path Forward

Dear Loved Ones,

What if nearly everything we’ve been taught about this world is a lie? What if unveiling the Truth could change everything?

On December 18th, 1984, at 9:00 AM, Jordan was born in San Clemente, California.

Today, on what would have been his 40th birthday, I write to you as something becoming entirely New.

My heartfelt birthday request is for the gift of 10 minutes of your time to reflect on this message, and if you feel moved, to respond.

Although I find my Self writing through his fingers, speaking through lips, and walking in his body, the life of Jordan, as you knew him, was dissolved—burned away in the fires of loss, suffering, learning, and transformation.

What is emerging is a rebirth—hopefully not just of one being, but of something more interconnected, collective, and transcendent.

"I" find "my" Self transforming from a singular noun to a plural verb. If one were to ask "who are you," the True answer might be something like:

"We Are Becoming."

This message comes from the depths of that Becoming. It is emergent, imperfect, and woefully inadequate, yet essential to share.

It carries a message of grave danger, immense hope, boundless love, and unfathomable potential.

At its heart, it is an invitation. The only Way any of Us can survive and thrive through The Final Test that lies ahead is together.

To those reading this, I see you. I know you carry your own burdens, suffering, dreams, and unanswered questions about this world. You are not alone. You are not here by chance. Your role in what comes next is essential. You are part of a Story greater than any of Us, and it is your light, your courage, and your choices that will determine Our Collective Future unfolds.

The Path to This Moment

Since childhood, some of Us have known that humanity was approaching a pivotal moment—a crucible where our future would be forged. By the age of 10 or 12, We were speaking of an epic battle for the soul of civilization, a test We would face within Our lifetimes.

We spent decades preparing for this moment. We worked, studied, and traveled to understand the world. Along the way, We built businesses and non-profits, earned accolades, and stood at the intersections of power and influence, only to watch it all crumble.

In 2019, corrupt authorities began stripping away everything We had built—Our wealth, Our reputation, Our livelihoods, Our identity. They demanded silence, obedience, and surrender. Instead, We walked straight into the fire.

Five years of suffering followed, years that shattered Our illusions, purified Our soul, and awakened Us to truths We had long resisted.

Over time, We realized that what humanity faces is not just a test of survival, but a test of awakening and transformation. The systems we have built are failing, not because they are flawed, but because they are diametrically out of alignment with Life ItSelf. To survive, We must awaken. To thrive, We must unite. To ascend, We must become One Body.

What We Learned

We discovered a reality far stranger and Darker than anything We were taught:

  1. The Existing Order Is Collapsing. The systems dominating our world—economic, political, social, and religious—are crumbling under the weight of their own corruption and deception.
  2. Life on Earth Is in Crisis. Animal populations have declined by ~73% in the last 50 years. Sperm counts are in free fall and human fertility has dropped below replacement rates in over 50% of countries. Ecosystems are unraveling at unprecedented rates.
  3. Governments Are Preparing for Catastrophe. Plans are underway for the deaths of up to seven-eighths of humanity by 2030, coinciding with the “return of the gods” and the world’s fair in 2026/2027.
  4. The Forces At Play Are Not Merely Human. Irrefutable evidence now shows that forces beyond Earth and humanity are orchestrating events, vying for influence, and shaping the evolution and destiny of our species.
  5. The Terror and Warfare Are Artificial. Many of the wars, conflicts, and atrocities of the past century were not accidents but engineered deceptions to consolidate power and control. One might even characterize them as extraterrestrial atrocities bled through human bodies.
  6. The Geophysical and Cosmic Cycles Are Turning. Earth is entering a period of geophysical upheaval, including potential pole shifts, extreme weather, and cosmic events. These cycles, natural and engineered, will profoundly disrupt life on Earth. In the past they have caused civilizations to Collapse.
  7. We Are at a Crossroads. Humanity’s sovereignty, survival, and spiritual evolution are at stake. Our decisions today will impact countless lives-on Earth and Beyond, for generations to come.

Together, these truths form a mosaic that begins to reveal the crossroads We face as a species as We approach The Final Test.

A Shocking Revelation

At the culmination of Our evaluation of salvaging the Existing Order, in 2024 We were invited to a private briefing with a leading constitutional attorney. The meeting began with extraordinary precautions—devices were surrendered, sealed in electomagentic bags, and removed from the room.

Before Us lay a battle map, listing not just nations, corporations, and institutions, but star systems and extraterrestrial alliances:

  • Zeta Reticuli
  • Pleiades
  • Sirus
  • Alpha Draconis

The information that followed shattered Our remaining illusions about reality, and the political, military, religious, and academic institutions that have been systematically deceiving humanity for generations. At the same time, suddenly We ReMembered, and everything made sense again.

In late 2024, the public headlines of Controlled Disclosure finally beamed:

Humanity Is Not Alone

Irrefutable evidence and experience now testifies to the reality that for millennia, extraterrestrial civilizations have influenced and manipulated human civilization in profound and often unseen ways. For some groups, a climax is rapidly approaching.

Testimonies in United States Congress and other forums revealed that since at least World War II, an illegal and unconstitutional Fascist Security State has siphoned off trillions of dollars into Black Budget projects to reverse engineer and weaponize extraterrestrial technologies, while suppressing breakthroughs that promise to provide unlimited free energy and eradicate poverty.

The Final Test

Humanity is now facing The Final Test—a crucible of unprecedented scale and stakes.

The systems and forces of control are accelerating towards a dystopian endgame:

  • AI will blur the line between truth and fiction.
  • Robotics will eliminate the vast majority of jobs.
  • Economic collapse will destabilize supply chains and currencies.
  • Famine and plague will sweep the globe.
  • False flags, planned to include a faked alien invasion and messianic return, will be used to consolidate global power under The Final Order.

Amidst this chaos, long foreknown and concealed, geophysical and cosmic cycles may reach critical tipping points, threatening the very fabric and existence of life on Earth.

The Antidote

The default trajectory leads to collapse, suffering, and death for billions. But another Way is possible.

Humanity can awaken, unite, and transcend the systems that have enslaved it for generations. Together, We can co-create a future of harmony, justice, and flourishing. Together, We can bring Heaven to Earth.

This awakening begins with The First Three Percent—the critical mass of enlightened and empowered individuals needed to ignite transformation and lead humanity through The Final Test.

In every community of 10,000, these 300 awakening souls stand ready to lead this change. Together, they form a decentralized grid of leadership, light, and love—a planetary Force for Good that can guide humanity through this transition.

Yet in isolation, each individual and community is destined to fail. The very essence of The Final Test is that We can only pass it Together.

UNITY among the diverse parts of One Body is the only Way.

The next milestone on humanity's Journey is simple: Unite and Empower The First Three Percent by 2026.

A Call to Action

With just 24 months to achieve this historic goal, every moment is critical.

If you feel the call, now is the time to step forward.

Heaven on Earth is within Our reach.

But time is short.

By 2027, the events now irreversibly accelerating will likely reach their climax. What we do between now and then will determine whether We rise together as One Body and reclaim Our Destiny, or descend into fragmentation and despair.

A New Beginning

We are the inheritors of a great Story—a cosmic Journey that began long before any of Us were born and will continue long after We have passed. Our choices now will shape that Story for generations to come. Together, as One Body, We can write a chapter of hope, healing, and transcendence that will echo across eternity.

Despite the great challenges and opposition, We are not alone. Powerful forces of light and love stand ready to aid us—if we stand ready to aid ourselves. They will not violate Our Free Will; Our Future is up to Us.

Today, on this symbolic day of rebirth, We dedicate Our New Life fully to this mission.

Imagine a world where We rise together, where each person’s unique light weaves a tapestry of hope, justice, and harmony. That world is possible—but only if We choose it now, Together.

May this message ignite the flame of courage and clarity within you. May your Path be illuminated with hope and strength, and may We rise together as One.

No matter your skills or circumstances, there is a place for you in this great work. Even the smallest acts of alignment and coherence can spark resounding waves of change.

The first small step is to simply respond.

There has never been a moment like this in human history, and there may never be another. What We choose now—Together—will determine the destiny of Life on Earth. It is Time to rise.

With Love, Hope, and Strength in Our Unity,

~ J

What Lies Ahead

For those ready to join The First Three Percent, the next phase of the Journey begins in January.

  1. Join Us: Reflect on this message and reach out. Together, We will connect and align with others who feel this call.
  2. Forge or Join a Team: Begin forming local or virtual groups. The first 300 awakened souls in every community of 10,000 will serve as an opening beacon for transformation.
  3. Engage in Transformative Seasonal Quests: Embark in Teams on 90-day missions that regenerate, heal, and empower your self, your community, and your bioregion.
  4. Tell the Stories: Share your experiences, struggles, triumphs, and transformations. Stories create bridges, inspire action, and ignite the flames of change.
  5. Pass the Flame: Spread the call to others, awakening and connecting new leaders and builders who will become The First Three Percent and carry this vision forward.

Every 90 days, We will choose new Seasonal Quests. Every week, We will share Our Stories. As people respond, We will Pass The Flame.

Every one of us holds a piece of the solution. Together, we form a living tapestry of hope and action

Together, we will awaken. Together, we will unite. Together, we will rise as One Body, One Force, One Light. The Time is Now.

Let Us begin.

We close with a final warning from one of the last great African Sangomas:

“You are going to face something even 1,000 times more dangerous… A pitiless force. A force of destruction and enslavement… This is what you are going to face. And you are not in your right head at all.”
— Credo Mutwa, African Sangoma

Let's get in our right Minds, and move.

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