A Letter to Our Loved Ones (January 2025)

Beloved Ones,

For the first time in 40 years, a message and a moment in history burns so deeply within that I could not forgive myself if it were left unspoken to those I care about the most.

This message is not easy to write, nor will it be easy to hear. It challenges deeply held assumptions about reality, ventures into forbidden territories cloaked in secrecy, and touches on topics distorted by generations of psychological warfare and spiritual deception.

I know these words may provoke confusion, anger, or even Ontological Shock. Sharing them risks relationships I treasure. Yet, I write because I believe the lives of those We love—and every soul on Earth—are in grave and present danger.

I ask you, with love and respect, to suspend judgment and consider what follows with an open heart and mind. If True, it changes everything. If True, We are awakening together to The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History. And Time is short.

Capturing the existential threats and opportunities at hand in less than 2,000 words feels impossible. 144 Threads - A Desperate Prayer to Weave Humanity's Last Best Hope and the other Lionsberg Wiki Books explore in more detail.

The Journey That Led Here

In recent years, Our unconventional journey led Us beyond the boundaries of "normal life" into distant realms Corruption and Darkness that exposed astonishing truths. When false religious and political authorities attacked and sought to destroy Us for shining too much Light into the Darkness, We sought recourse and justice—not only for OurSelves but for All.

This adventure drug Us down to the hidden lairs of the Invisible Power Structures underpinning the Existing Order, where we uncovered a shocking reality:

  • After millennia of deceit, centuries of subversion, and generations of neglect, The Foundations of Civilization are failing.
  • The Existing Order is fraudulent in its inception, malevolent in its intent, dominated by Non-Human Intelligence (NHI), and collapsing by design.
  • For at least three generations, humanity has been deceived by concealed technologies, false narratives, trillions of dollars of fraud, and plans for the deaths of billions by ~2030.
  • This "managed extinction" coincides with an apparent "Return of The gods" (advanced Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)) by ~2027.
  • Out of the Chaos, a dystopian TyrannyThe Final Order—is rising, with Full Spectrum Dominance over Earth and beyond as its aim.

This revelation shattered our naiveté and exposed The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History.

As We began to share about what We discovered Beyond The Boundary, We came to realize that vast majority of humanity, like Us, was unaware of these realities and the Dark Forces driving them, and asleep in the burning building as it teetered towards Collapse.

A Crisis of Civilization

The Existing Order—rooted in false authority and unholy alliances—has enslaved humanity under fraudulent systems of government, finance, and religion for far longer than We care to acknowledge. These systems wield Force and Deceit to demand fealty, externalize salvation, erase culture, conceal Truth, promise false heavens, threaten false hells, and blind humanity to the Divine Unity, Power, and Potential within.

This nightmare is fully visible today, as mass movements rally around false religious and political saviors, weaving together nationalism, empire, and genocide in the names of "God," "security," and "destiny." That such blatant distortions can gain acceptance among otherwise sane and intelligent souls is a testament to the depth of deception and Mind Kontrolle keeping humanity divided, conquered, and enslaved.

Our journey—spanning continents and delving into unseen realms—allowed Us to trace The Threads of Deception back to their antithetical roots. It became clear that many sacred texts and historical narratives have been intentionally corrupted and mistranslated, not to liberate and enlighten but to subjugate humanity. Much of what We were taught about Our world, Our history, and Our heritage bears little resemblance to the Truth.

Today, discussions of politics and religion among Our Loved Ones are often taboo, leaving humanity mired in irreconcilable narratives that fragment trust and unravel the social fabric. Many of Us unknowingly place trust in systems, narratives, and figures that pit Us against one another and lead Us astray. The arrogant belief that "we" hold the Truth while "they" are deceived binds Us All in chains of division.

In the end, We uncovered a devastating reality: the entire foundation of the Existing Order—from religious narratives to bloodlines, from nation-state borders to financial systems, from property rights to military conquests, and from the exploitation of Earth to the enslavement of its inhabitants by Invisible Power Structuresis fraudulent and illegitimate in its origins, masking profound spiritual and existential threats.

The Concealed Threats

The threats hidden behind The Veil are cosmic in scale, and Not Merely Human.

Throughout history, Earth has experienced recurrent cataclysmic events—pole shifts, solar flares, coronal ejections, tectonic upheavals—that have reset civilizations, wiped out species, and rendered vast regions uninhabitable. Modern evidence of geophysical change—accelerating polar dislocation, collapsing atmospheric and oceanic currents, growing geomagnetic anomalies—suggests that the next period of profound instability may be imminent. These events, long understood and documented by ancient civilizations and now reemerging in modern science, are inevitable, overdue, and may unfold within our lifetimes—or the lifetimes of those we love. Humanity is entirely unprepared.

Simultaneously, the Invisible Power Structures, colluding transnationally and puppetting the Visible Power Structures, conceal advanced technologies, traffic and sacrifice human lives, distort spiritual truths, and collaborate with hostile Non-Human Intelligence (NHI). Their aim? Establishing Full Spectrum Dominance over Earth and beyond via The Final Order, enslaving humanity while exploiting the planet's resources to further antithetical designs.

This cold, calculated force has orchestrated generations of deliberate exploitation and unimaginable abuse:

  • The countless millions tortured, murdered, or disappeared.
  • The women and children trafficked, enslaved, ritually hunted, systematically traumatized, sacrificed, and even consumed.
  • The breeding programs and supply lines sustaining this horror.
  • The children forced to fight or die in cages, shattered in body and spirit.
  • The unspeakable occult inversions of sacred rituals, designed to fracture innocent realities and desecrate Divine essence.
  • The captives in underground bases, subjected to horrific experimentation at the hands of merciless alien forces under the guise of National Security.

These atrocities, unthinkable to the waking mind, occur with the full knowledge, consent, and participation of the powerful families, elites, and smiling faces dominating politics, economics, media, and religion. Generations of unchallenged complicity have woven these horrors into the fabric of society.

It is almost impossible to comprehend—until one steps outside the veil of The Matrix and personally confronts forces that are Not Merely Human. Beneath the surface of illusion, a relentless war is being waged against humanity’s future, even as the cosmic cycles spin Earth toward calamity.

If this sounds like fiction, remember that what was dismissed as conspiratorial fantasy just years ago—extraterrestrial craft and beings, secret technologies, engineered plagues, shadow governments, ritual pedophilia among the elite—is now emerging into mainstream awareness through whistleblowers, indigenous elders, everyday citizens, and sworn testimonies before Congress.

If it feels as though we have awakened into a strange amalgamation of Star WarsThe MatrixThe Lord of the RingsIndependence DayMen in BlackClose Encounters of the Third KindEyes Wide Shut The Chronicles of Narnia, and Harry Potter... it is because those stories are Archetypically True. We were born into an Archetypal World at War.

As the flames lick the pillars of the Existing Order, countless millions suffer and die, and the structure of civilization accelerates toward Collapse, humanity remains deeply asleep—unaware, unprepared, and kontrolled by design.

Sounding The Alarm explores these threats in greater detail. Discerning, preparing for, and acting on these truths together could mean the difference between survival and extinction—for ourselves and those We hold most dear.

The Opportunity and Mandate Before Us

If even a fraction of this trauma, abuse, betrayal, and deceit is True, silence becomes complicity, inaction becomes genocide, and participation—whether through apathy, ignorance, or compliance—becomes an unthinkable betrayal of Spirit.

The Existing Order—illegitimate in its origins, fraudulent in its inception, and collapsing under the weight of its own corruption—has brought humanity to The Crossroads, facing The Final Test:

  • One path spirals into fear, division, and submission, ushering in the rise of The Final Order.
  • The other path calls Us to awaken, arise, unite, and co-create a flourishing New Civilization.

The elite are retreating into bunkers and bases, forged with the blood, sweat, and stolen resources of billions they now intend to abandon to suffering and death. In their wake, humanity stands before The Great Question:

What will We The People choose?

The choice is Ours alone to make. If We reject fear and embrace Truth, Love, and Wisdom... if We refuse to participate in or consent to the machinery of deception and Kontrolle... if We accept The Creator's Invitation to become Co-Creators of Heaven On Earth...

...then a New Civilization is not a distant dream, but an emergent reality.

The Critically Effective Time Limit

The Existing Order is ablaze, its collapse accelerating with every passing moment. The Window to act is narrow, and humanity must seize this critical juncture to transform chaos into opportunity.

The Critically Effective Time Limit requires that We rise into a Higher Order Functional Unity before the Existing Order collapses into irreparable Chaos and Tyranny.

While We Do Not Know precisely how the Free Will and choices of billions of Conscious Agents will influence the unfolding of events, one truth is undeniable:

The Window is closing rapidly.

We are not afforded the luxury of hesitation. Every action—or inaction—determines whether humanity will ascend into unity and co-creation, or Collapse further into division and despair. The Moment is now, and The Call is clear:

Will We choose to rise Together as One Body and ReMember Our shared Destiny?

The Final Call and Invitation

We know that The Message is strong, unconventional, and inappropriate if the building is not on fire. We are yelling "fire" because We have been touched by the malevolent flames and know their merciless desire to consume the rest of civilization.

If for any reason this message or Our Journey separates Us and We do not speak again, please know this:

We love you. We always have. We always will. No matter what unfolds or what you may think of Us, Our deepest wish is for you to flourish in joy, harmony, and peace. Difficult times lie ahead, and if some choose to face them alone, We hope you find your way through with courage and grace.

As for Us, We understand that fragmentation is the Path to suffering and death, and that We can only get through this in partnership with One and All.

For those who feel called to act Together now, the next milestone on the Critical Path is clear: awaken and unite The First Three Percent of humanity by 2026. This is not a lofty ambition, but a necessary threshold—The Minimum Viable Force required to guide humanity through The Final Test and forge the foundations for a New Civilization. The Path of course also demands pulling together The First Few Million Dollars so We can focus and move with purpose and power.

We cannot predict what lies ahead for billions of individuals and millions of communities. Each will face their own Journey through uncertainty and transformation. But Together, We can forge the Way, ensuring no one is Involuntarily Left Behind as we build the bridges for The Movement FROM the Old TO the New.

How to Engage

Please feel free to share this message with those you love. The Lionsberg Wiki contains a variety of open and free resources to help awaken heart and minds, and illuminate the steps ahead. Every person awakened, enlightened and prepared is a priceless victory.

If you feel led and would like to collaborate or contribute, please reach out. Together, We can begin the work of building The Movement—a global network of Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating individuals, teams and localities, aligned in purpose and action, committed to transforming the world, and advancing together towards The Goal.

Closing Reflection

The world is shifting beneath Our feet, change is accelerating exponentially, and The Message We carry is neither conventional nor easy. Yet the times we live in demand nothing less. They call for boldness, clarity, and faith—a willingness to speak Truth and step into the Unknown, embracing this unprecedented work of transformation.

While it is True that the Existing Order is collapsing, this need not be the end. It is the beginning of an entirely New Era that can be better in every Way than the Old World We are leaving behind.

A once-in-millennia opportunity lies before us: to forge the foundation of a New Civilization and co-create a future rooted in Truth, Wisdom, and Love. But We cannot do it alone. It requires We The People, united as One Body, harmonized with One and All.

Will you join Us? Will you arise and stand Together for a future worth fighting for?

With love,

~ J

To explore these topics in more detail, visit 144 Threads - A Desperate Prayer to Weave Humanity's Last Best Hope or the library of Lionsberg Wiki Books.

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