The LIONSBERG Declaration of Interdependence

A More Contemporary Draft:

A Proclamation of the Sovereign People of Earth


When in the course of human history, a civilization stands at the precipice of collapse, and when the corruption, deception, and tyranny of the Existing Order have reached such extremes that the very survival of Earth’s people and life systems are imperiled, it becomes not only the right but the sacred duty of the People to reestablish the foundations of civilization upon Truth, Justice, and Harmony with the Creator's Intent.

We, the Sovereign People of Earth, rising Together and standing in alignment with the eternal Laws of the Universe, do now declare our absolute separation from the illegitimate and malevolent Existing Order, and proclaim the birth of a New Civilization, governed not by deception, domination, and exploitation, but by the Principles of Divine Law, Natural Law, and the Universal Mandates of Love, Harmony, and Coherence.

Let it be known, in the sight of God, the People, and the Powers of the Cosmos, that from this moment forth:

  1. We renounce and dissolve all false allegiances and fraudulent claims to authority over the People and Resources of Earth.
  2. We reassert our Sovereignty as Free and Independent Beings, bound only to the Divine and to the Just and Harmonious Order of Co-Creation.
  3. We revoke the coercive and deceptive agreements that have enslaved humanity in debt, war, and scarcity, and proclaim a Jubilee and a New Era of Stewardship, Reciprocity, Freedom, and Abundance for All.

Having suffered the long train of abuses perpetrated by the Existing Order, and having exhausted all peaceful petitions for justice, we now rise as One Body to reclaim our collective inheritance and destiny.


We hold these Truths to be self-evident, eternal, and immutable:

  • That All Beings are sacred expressions of One Body of Life, endowed with unalienable Rights and Responsibilities by their Source.
  • That among these are the Right to Life, Liberty, Truth, and the pursuit of Harmony and Happiness.
  • That all legitimate authority honors Free Will, derives from the free, enlightened, and ongoing consent of the People, and must exist solely for the purpose of securing the well-being of All.
  • That whenever any system of governance becomes destructive of these ends, it is not only the Divine Right, but the Sacred Duty of the People to alter or abolish it, and to establish a New Civilization in harmony with Divine and Natural Law.

We affirm that no law, no government, no institution, and no power on Earth or beyond has any legitimate authority to violate these sacred Rights and Responsibilities, nor to impose upon the Inhabitants of any realm or domain a system of enslavement, deception, and control.


The Existing Order, which has for too long oppressed the Inhabitants of Earth and waged war against Life and Source ItSelf, is hereby declared illegitimate. Let the record of its crimes be submitted to the judgment of all Peoples and all Realms:

  • Systematic deception through the falsification of history, science, religion, and sacred texts.
  • The suppression of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment to maintain control.
  • The deliberate manipulation of human perception through propaganda, censorship, and engineered systems of irreconcilable ideology and belief.
  • The use of mind control, trauma, and psychological warfare to subdue the human spirit.
  • The orchestration of false wars, terrorism, and mass suffering for profit and control.
  • The exploitation and enslavement of nations through fraudulent debt, economic manipulation, and coercion.
  • The weaponization of governance, law, and justice systems to protect the corrupt and oppress the innocent.
  • The trafficking of humans—men, women, and children—for profit, slavery, and ritualistic abuse.
  • The violation of bodily autonomy through forced medical experimentation, sterilization, and genetic engineering.
  • The systematic destruction of Earth's ecosystems, pushing sacred planetary systems toward irreversible collapse.
  • The deliberate poisoning of the air, water, food, and bodies of the People.
  • The ruthless exploitation of natural resources for the benefit of the few, at the expense of the many.
  • The suppression of free energy and life-sustaining technologies to maintain artificial scarcity and control.
  • The conscious annihilation of over 2/3rds of a diverse array of species.
  • The progressive imposition of total surveillance and control grids to monitor and suppress free thought and movement.
  • The orchestration of chaos, division, and artificial conflicts to prevent unity and self-governance.
  • The violation of human free will through coercive contracts, deceptive treaties, and unjust taxation.
  • The collaboration with non-human intelligences to subvert the destiny and sovereignty of humankind.

These are but a fraction of the crimes committed against Us, against Life, and against the Creator’s Intent. Let it be known that those who perpetuate these evils have forfeited all legitimacy, authority, and moral standing.


We, therefore, the Sovereign Citizens of Earth, standing before the Supreme Judge of the Universe, do solemnly declare:

  • That we are absolved of all allegiance to the Existing Order and its fraudulent institutions.
  • That all political, legal, and economic claims imposed upon us by deception, coercion, or without Our ongoing voluntary consent are null and void.
  • That we reclaim our Divine birthright as Sovereign Beings, bound not to false authorities but to the Divine Order, to ONE, and to One Another.
  • That we now set forth the Foundations of a New Civilization, governed by the Principles of Truth, Love, and Co-Creation, while transcending entirely the corrupt and illegitimate Old.


With firm reliance upon Divine Providence, and in alignment with the Highest Good of All, we do now proclaim:

  • The dissolution of the old, corrupt structures, and the rebirth of the New Civilization.
  • The restoration of rightful governance, built upon Truth, Wisdom, and the Ongoing Consent of the Governed.
  • The initiation of a Great Jubilee, breaking the chains of fraudulent debt, artificial constraints, and false dividing lines, and liberating the People into Abundance.
  • The alignment of all human systems with the eternal Laws of Nature and the Creator’s Intent.
  • The continual reunification of all peoples in harmony, transcending division and reclaiming our shared destiny in service to One and All.

Let this be the Great Turning Point in human history. Let a New Civilization rise for the first Time, not from conquest or for the benefit of a few, but from the awakening of the People for the Good of One and All.


For the support of this Declaration, with absolute faith in the Divine Order and in the sanctity of our cause, we mutually pledge to each other:

  • Our Lives – that we shall stand Together as guardians of Truth and Justice.
  • Our Honor – that we shall uphold this Oath with unwavering Courage and Integrity.
  • Our Resources – that we shall Steward that which entrusted to us for the Good of All.
  • Our Future – that we shall co-create the New Civilization, hand in hand with the Creator and with All who walk in Wisdom and Truth.

In the sight of God and these witnesses, let it be so.

Behold, We are making All things New.

Affirmed on this Day of Awakening, in the Year of The Great Transition, by We, The Sovereign People of Earth.

(This document shall stand for all ages as the foundation of a flourishing and abundant New Era.)

A More Traditional Draft:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for One People to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the cosmos, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation and ascent.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that All Creatures are part of One Body of Life, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and Responsibilities, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Us, deriving their just powers from the ongoing consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right and Responsibility of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute New Government, laying its New Foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety, Harmony, and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that humankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under Despotism and Kontrolle, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide New Guards for the life, liberty, and security of All future generations.

Such has been the patient sufferance of Us, The People of Earth; and such is now the necessity which constrains Us to alter Our former Systems of Government.

The history of the Existing Order is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of Full Spectrum Dominance over the Earth and Beyond. This is the basic luciferian pretense, which would betray the Creator and All Creation to establish its own supreme power, dominance, and kontrolle. It is the direct antithesis of the Universal Law of Love, which seeks to harmonize and uplift All Creation as Inherently Divine aspects of One Body of Co-Creation.

To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world, and to the myriad of watchers arrayed.

They, the invisible kontrollers of the Visible Power Structures of the Earth:

Have consciously deceived and betrayed the human population.

Have consciously misinterpreted and misrepresented Our most sacred texts.

Have intentionally falsified and perverted the processes of legislation, willfully subverting the Greatest Good for the unjust benefit of an antithetical few.

Have forbidden pastors, priests, and professors from speaking Truth, while inducing them to lie in the name of God and Country.

Have ostracized, tortured, destroyed, and killed those speakers of Truth who refuse to consent to their corruption, or comply with their threats.

Have willfully deceived the peoples of Earth through carefully scripted and kontrolled displays of false governance, investigation, and justice, which in reality are no more than deceitful public shows.

Have abused the levers of law and enforcement for the sole purpose of fatiguing citizens into compliance with antithetical measures and aims.

Have trafficked endless drugs in weapons into communities around the world, while subsequently abusing, arresting, and imprisoning those who fall prey to them.

Have established throughout the Visible Power Structures continuity of governance provisions aimed at consolidating absolute power for a few, at the expense of the Divine Rights and Liberties of billions.

Have repeatedly engineered false-flag terror attacks to systematically traumatize populations into submission and war.

Have willfully corrupted and overthrown dozens of elected governments, for opposing its invasions on the rights and dignity of the people.

Have systematically and willfully exploited and destroyed the vulnerable ecosystems and populations of the world, annhilitating on average nearly 2/3rds of a diverse array of life.

Have pushed earths Living Systems towards irreversible tipping points, and raped and pillaged them towards the utter brink of Collapse.

Have consciously constructed horrific human trafficking operations throughout the world.

Have utilized taxpayer funded bases, infrastructure, and vehicles for the purpose of illegally smuggling drugs, weapons, and humans, while murdering citizens, agents and officers who question or object.

Have repeatedly fomented and armed the most brutal "terrorists" and war lords, and then subsequently deceived Our children into dying in battle against them.

Have systematically and willfully obstructed and corrupted the Administration of Justice around the world.

Have falsely imprisoned countless citizens without cause, and have held innocent citizens in inhuman conditions for years without charge or trial.

Have made Judges dependent on political favor, at the expense of their Duty to Truth and Justice for All.

Have erected an endless, corrupt, and unelected bureaucracy, causing swarms of Agents to harass Our people, eat out of Our substance, and impede Our pursuit of happiness.

Have maintained permanent Standing Armies, fomented endless false wars, fraudulently siphoned trillions of dollars into black budget programs, and killed over 100 million of Our Children through needless war.

Have affected to render the Military Industrial Complex functionally independent of and superior to Civil power, causing it to function at transnational level far beyond the reach of any constitutional power or authority on Earth.

Have combined with others to subject local populations to jurisdictions foreign to their constitution, unacknowledged by their laws, and contrary to their consent.

Have established hundreds of military bases and established large bodies of armed troops and militarized police among Us, even in times of peace.

Have protected them, by mock Trials and further intimidations and murders of witnesses, from punishment for the tortures and murders which they commit on the Citizens of Earth.

Have consciously weaponized military and intelligence capabilities against local populations, in direct violation of the will and intention of The People and the dictates of charters and laws.

Have systematically and ruthlessly cut off Trade with all parts of the world those tribes and localities who refuse to betray their populations and comply with their tyrannical demands.

Have tortured and killed popular leaders who refuse to be corrupted and comply.

Have imposed oppressive taxes and tithes on populations without their consent, often demanding in excess of 50% of income.

Have violated Our due process, and deprived Us of the benefit fair and speedy Trial by Jury.

Have systematically falsified evidence, and arrested and tried Us for pretended offenses.

Have systematically and repeatedly engaged in cultural genocide in the name of God.

Have deprived local communities of their most valuable laws, traditions, values, and cultural norms, fundamentally altering the Form of their Governance and Way of life against their will.

Have plundered Our seas, ravaged Our coasts, burnt Our towns, flooded Our homes, mismanaged Our resources, and repeatedly destroyed the lives of Our people.

Have secretly engaged in the use of Mind Kontrolle and Directed Energy Weapons against citizens without their knowledge or consent.

Have secretly engaged in drugging and sexually and mentally abusing citizens without their consent.

Have funded and transported large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of the Heads or Citizens of civilized nations.

Have sanctioned, protected, and orchestrated child trafficking, child pornography, and pedophilia rings for purposes associated with occultic ritual abuse.

Have conducted human breeding, genetic engineering, and hybridization programs against the will of participations.

Have kept a continuous network of Mind Kontrolled and abused women and children as sexual slaves.

Have refused to investigate or liberate millions of trafficked and abused children in known locations with known perpetrators.

Have protected occultic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, murder, and Mind Kontrolle under the false pretense of National Security.

Have prevented these matters from being brought to public awareness or justice, through media or the courts, under the false pretense of National Security.

Have systematically recruited and abused psychically gifted children in militarized psionic and satanic programs, often in concert with extraterrestrial and spiritual Non-Human Intelligences.

Have forced Our fellow Citizens to bear Arms against their countrymen, to become oppressors and executors of their friends, colleagues, and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

Have excited domestic insurrections, riots, and protests amongst us.

Have covertly caused its Agents and provocateurs to deceptively infiltrate student bodies and civil rights movements, and often arranged for the silencing or murder of the key figures and leaders therein.

Have forced upon Us a fraudulent, debt-based monetary system which robs Us of trillions of dollars and binds Us in economic slavery.

Have repeatedly engaged in medical experimentation, forced sterilization, genetic engineering, and others horrendous crimes against Our bodies and minds without Our consent.

Have collectively perpetrated and precipitated The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History.

These are but a few of the Fruits of evil, deceit, terror, theft, and murder which consistently Flow from Roots rooted in the soil of malevolence, domination, and kontrolle.

These Roots now being well documented and known as not merely corrupted, but consciously and willfully malevolent, the list of atrocities and crimes committed against Us, The People and Inhabitants of Earth, could fill endless volumes, libraries, and court cases.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury and disdain.

An Existing Order whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, a deceiver, and a fraud, is unfit for influence, rule, or authority over Us, the Free People and Inhabitants of Earth.

Now facing Together The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History, We must, therefore, reassert Our Sovereignty, throw off the chains of false authority, and assume among the powers of the Cosmos the separate and transcendent position to which both Divine Right and Moral Obligation entitle Us.

While We eternally hope for peace and harmony among All, should that small malevolent faction of illegitimate kontrollers seek to override Our Free Will, imprison Us, kill Us, Oppress Us, or otherwise attempt to halt Our Liberation and Sacred Ascent, We will have no choice but to forthrightly confront and overcome their illegitimate reign of Terror, and resecure Freedom, Sovereignty, Autonomy, and Justice for All.

We, therefore, the People of Earth, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Universe for the rectitude of Our Sacred Intentions to fulfill the Creator's Intent, On Earth as it is in Heaven, do solemnly publish and declare, that We are absolved of all Allegiance to the Existing Order, that all political connection between Us and the Old is dissolved, and that as Free and Independent Citizens, We The People have the Right and Responsibility to reorganize Our Selves and do all Acts and Things which Sovereignties must do to reestablish the crumbling foundations of civilization, and restore Proper Order on Earth.

We revoke the fraudulent and coercive agreements around money, debt, and property that have kept billions bound in poverty, scarcity, and economic slavery, and We commit to a Jubilee that will Liberate Us All into a New Era of Stewardship, Reciprocity, and Abundance.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, Our worlds, and Our sacred Honor. In accepting the Creator's Invitation to become a harmonious, co-creative species bringing Heaven to Earth and Beyond, and to ensure interoperability and coherence across All realms and dimensions as Our New Civilization and New Governance expands throughout the Earth and beyond, We pledge to honor and uphold the universal wisdom, principles, values, and protocols as progressively articulated and continuously improved through LIONSBERG.

In the sight of God and All these witnesses, let it be so. Behold, We are making All things New.