WEBVTT 00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:17.000 Jason. welcome. Nice to see you, good sir. Nice to see you. 00:00:17.000 --> 00:00:23.000 Not all of you because you have sunglasses on It's kinda It's like super bright out here. 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:33.000 It's foggy right now. and I was really struggling to to see so nice to meet you guys alright beautiful. 00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:38.000 Let's see so Judy is there marianne is not doing well. 00:00:38.000 --> 00:00:46.000 I'm just looking around the room. kilo has 2 able to join here. 00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:51.000 Michael welcome for us we can't see if you'd like your camera on. 00:00:51.000 --> 00:00:59.000 But no no pressure there. you are wonderful to see. A good Sir alright beautiful. 00:00:59.000 --> 00:01:04.000 Well, thanks for thanks for being here. what a eventful last couple of weeks. 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:19.000 It's been amazing amazing times, in was really looking forward to getting to our meeting today, and kind of i'm really enjoying these 6 week cycles, cause it's feeling like Miss Judy bent them was 00:01:19.000 --> 00:01:28.000 approximately correct in her prediction that these 6 weeks cycles would be about the right period for maturing and kind of iterating. 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:37.000 So. it's really interesting what happened in the cycle. kind of at a few weeks getting started. and then if you very strange weeks in the last few weeks that opened up a lot of possibility. 00:01:37.000 --> 00:01:41.000 So just looking forward to kind of doing our retro today. 00:01:41.000 --> 00:01:48.000 My invitation of if some or all of you are willing would be next week. 00:01:48.000 --> 00:02:00.000 When we start we're both starting our yes, it might be our good 6 weeks cycle, and we're all just starting a new court and as we ran. 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:13.000 Professional organizations. we would do quarterly meetings where we would sync up on kind of the long term milestone and the pull plant milestones, the poll planning, and then really dial in on the kind of 3 00:02:13.000 --> 00:02:17.000 one and 3 month, 3 year, one year, and 3 month plan. 00:02:17.000 --> 00:02:30.000 So I was thinking next week we might do kind of a light version of that kind of a quarterly meeting your app for it, so that we have a really clear shared vision going into fourth quarter, and then to next year so 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:37.000 I I may, and a few of us, or whoever would like to join on just a slightly extended meeting next week. 00:02:37.000 --> 00:02:43.000 Start quarter and for today, just really looking forward to debriefing on 00:02:43.000 --> 00:02:49.000 This last cycle and getting some updates and catching up and navigating into this. 00:02:49.000 --> 00:02:56.000 So i'd love to create a lot of space for us to just try to process together. 00:02:56.000 --> 00:03:07.000 We haven't caught up in a few weeks so I feel like Klu and I should probably share short updates, and then i'd love to just go around the room and kind of get perspective and alignment. 00:03:07.000 --> 00:03:16.000 From everybody on your view from your mask, and then spend the the end of that kind of integrating and getting ready for our our quarterly meeting. 00:03:16.000 --> 00:03:23.000 There. so does that sound like a acceptable agenda for today? 00:03:23.000 --> 00:03:33.000 Any significant objections, anything that anybody else would like on the agenda. 00:03:33.000 --> 00:03:42.000 Okay, beautiful. I'm Klu some of these people have heard, and some of these people have not heard about our time in Estonia. 00:03:42.000 --> 00:04:00.000 For anybody that has not would you be willing to give a few minute update on our our time there from your perspective and kind of what's followed after that, and just kind of start off the rounds little perspective, sure and i'm hoping 00:04:00.000 --> 00:04:13.000 that i'll keep my notes really short and then you can wrap in in the way that you can, and I can't also the week that follows, or i'm sure that there was some kind of you know maybe overlap. 00:04:13.000 --> 00:04:16.000 and synergy with your experience in New York as well. 00:04:16.000 --> 00:04:20.000 Does that work cause I think it's more useful or valuable. 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:30.000 If you yeah, absolutely yeah, we'll go there the next yeah So when you talk a little bit about Estonia and any follow-ups you've had, and what's kind of started from that, and then all we've in New York and then 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:33.000 we'll go to some grounds to get her video voices into the room. 00:04:33.000 --> 00:04:38.000 Okay, so So the whole Estonia trip came up. 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:49.000 Kind of suddenly, and really almost as a fluke, because it was an invitation for somebody else for grand void to come and meet with me for a day who lives in Europe. 00:04:49.000 --> 00:04:53.000 But then he asked, Are there other people to meet with? And I said, Well, actually, there are. 00:04:53.000 --> 00:05:03.000 There are people who are interested in what You're doing. and started thinking about it more and very quickly, as Graham and I were talking about it became clear that it really makes sense for Jordan. 00:05:03.000 --> 00:05:07.000 If he were to say yes, and I reached out, and he said yes to join. 00:05:07.000 --> 00:05:12.000 And then from there, even without much effort, I think in Pop. 00:05:12.000 --> 00:05:20.000 This idea, this notion, this organic sentiment that one of the reasons why stone is interesting is that it's a small country. 00:05:20.000 --> 00:05:33.000 At 1.3 million people that is very tightly connected to and it's very easy to find people across different institutions and organizations and spaces and fairs of life. 00:05:33.000 --> 00:05:48.000 It's very interesting to connect them and to reach out to them, and it's also, therefore, potentially very interesting place, where maybe easily one could build the kinds of ecosystems of diverse but aligned groups and 00:05:48.000 --> 00:05:59.000 efforts. And so that was kind of the perhaps the the idea that we were semi-formed idea that we walked in with and ended up having meetings and presentations. 00:05:59.000 --> 00:06:04.000 There was a presentation at the main polytechnical University that's got the 800 views now. somehow. 00:06:04.000 --> 00:06:11.000 They had 60 people in the audience and and 50 online, and the views keep going up and where we talked about future capital. 00:06:11.000 --> 00:06:17.000 But where Graham spoke about his form of building these tightly aligned multi-stakeholder. 00:06:17.000 --> 00:06:21.000 Multi-capital ecosystems where Jordan spoke about the vision. 00:06:21.000 --> 00:06:26.000 That that perhaps we can all resonate with i'm not gonna repeat that and more. 00:06:26.000 --> 00:06:43.000 And then there was a conversation in the room and similar meeting similar conversations repeated with a member of Parliament with a former minister who is. We had 5 h dinner with, and it's interested in doing something on different levels along those 00:06:43.000 --> 00:06:55.000 lines we met with a a notable set of folks with a Pre yoga master, who is very who's recently published a book about emotional releasing emotional addiction. 00:06:55.000 --> 00:07:02.000 But really it's a consciousness technique to become more clear, and has become more clear. 00:07:02.000 --> 00:07:10.000 It becomes easier to collaborate. So part of the conversations were also that people collaborating with each other better across all kinds of you know, Silas and organizations and ecosystems. 00:07:10.000 --> 00:07:26.000 So on one hand, there's a talk about systems and perhaps doing a national pilot on the level of maybe an organization, maybe community, maybe nation state of these sort of tightly interconnected, collaborative ecosystems that are also 00:07:26.000 --> 00:07:29.000 highly aligned, and have the business component where the business fits. 00:07:29.000 --> 00:07:45.000 And on the other hand, the conversation about what is the and interpersonal thing that needs to happen for people to collaborate and work well together and get over all kinds of problems that seem to naturally arise. in those contexts so maybe that's where i'll hand 00:07:45.000 --> 00:07:48.000 it up over to you, Jordan you know i'm sure I left a fine shout. 00:07:48.000 --> 00:07:57.000 Maybe you can color in and I could you share a little too. 00:07:57.000 --> 00:08:04.000 Even we haven't had that much time to reign so just What's kind of been rising since we've returned. 00:08:04.000 --> 00:08:10.000 I know you and Forest have done some processing together, and you've been having some follow up conversations with people. 00:08:10.000 --> 00:08:19.000 So what what parts have seem to remain alive and and definitely the and actually I'd like to ask Forest to chime in as well? 00:08:19.000 --> 00:08:34.000 What has what has, what we had a conversation our third conversation, each of them I'm afraid over 2 h, because it just gets to be too fun, and we don't look at the clock of mapping mapping the 00:08:34.000 --> 00:08:42.000 landscape, Mac mapping the potentialities as well as mapping across the networks of who might be and what might be useful. 00:08:42.000 --> 00:08:53.000 Endeavors and initiatives to engage in in let's say let's call it the Estonia initiative on one hand, building a pilot that could be used for the world, both up and down in the developed 00:08:53.000 --> 00:09:04.000 world as well as the developing countries, but kind of in a modular way, figuring something out and doing it as well as to sort of what seems to be there, and organically arising and so This mapping. 00:09:04.000 --> 00:09:08.000 Looks very much like it's we use mural rather than mirrorboard. 00:09:08.000 --> 00:09:12.000 They're pretty similar. it's a bunch of stickies you know, ordered by themes. 00:09:12.000 --> 00:09:18.000 But the process of getting those themes and getting the sticky to show up, and the conversation has been absolutely joyful and delightful. 00:09:18.000 --> 00:09:26.000 So that's one i've been also speaking with Graham, and kind of considering what might be the next steps. 00:09:26.000 --> 00:09:34.000 And then published a couple of articles in estonia and press, and these were, You know, that's part of the business of going there. 00:09:34.000 --> 00:09:44.000 I have to commit to doing those. But I have tried to also gently push this view of the world, as well as the importance of doing things. 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:50.000 This way, as well as the personal aspect, because that's less spoken about the collaboration. 00:09:50.000 --> 00:10:06.000 And you know people managing themselves, and then I know that there are people waiting for us for next steps, and those include you know, a stone in business school folks, and they're considering on their own as well as the trend setting or 00:10:06.000 --> 00:10:15.000 trend analysis, does trans analysis for the parliament that puts up the reports of different themes of Estonia between now and 2035. 00:10:15.000 --> 00:10:19.000 They're interested in doing something. and then the Jordan and Grandman there is continued interest. 00:10:19.000 --> 00:10:24.000 Those between the Ai and robotic system and collaborative, which is one of the European Union. 00:10:24.000 --> 00:10:32.000 Digital, you know, initiatives. were this methodology could also be used. 00:10:32.000 --> 00:10:42.000 So there's a number of things up, but for me it actually feels like kind of a let down, cause the energy was so magical, and there was so much happening. 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:53.000 That's I miss that like no it's sort of, you know, like my usual life is actually fine, and it was wonderful before. 00:10:53.000 --> 00:11:08.000 But I missed that amazing energy, and the magic and how everything kept falling in place, and i'll stay one last thing, and I I may have done a little overboard, at least in the conventional view of the world but I 00:11:08.000 --> 00:11:26.000 felt that it was very important. and I was it is also my ancestral country, and I believe in a very present and highly conscious way of engaging with the present moment wherever you're at, if you can where you can you know I I can 00:11:26.000 --> 00:11:35.000 get not out of shape, and then I can't but when I can doing that leads to even more of what feels like miraculous and highly aligned. 00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:39.000 And so I engaged in that way of being particularly in Estonia. 00:11:39.000 --> 00:11:44.000 A lot, and it's when one does that then I know Wendy Alfred, do you? 00:11:44.000 --> 00:11:47.000 And I. We have spoken about that sort of thing, you know. More happens. 00:11:47.000 --> 00:11:57.000 More seems to come because we're also conscious of it and now, I'm, emboldened to speak and bring this more into our daily work. 00:11:57.000 --> 00:12:09.000 You know in my life as well as potentially here because it's a concrete practical way of being it is not conducive to finding car keys in your purse or driving. well, or you know practical things if 00:12:09.000 --> 00:12:15.000 you'll lean too far into the being present because practical things, at least for me, get hard. 00:12:15.000 --> 00:12:22.000 But this was something else that got practiced. there that I think is it's not just abstract. it's not just the meditative practice. 00:12:22.000 --> 00:12:34.000 It just sit alone. and but it's a practice that you can walk in groups with people in engagement, in conversation, in dialogue, and in fact, in dialogue with life with that was a big big deal for me in 00:12:34.000 --> 00:12:49.000 Estonia I missed some of that here as well because I don't have as much cost to engage in in in this meaningful way, and whoever it's happy to talk more but it's 00:12:49.000 --> 00:13:06.000 it's real and it's a it's a way of being that is richer, that leads to more productive in some ways faster shortcutty results and solutions to those problems that are already looking for solutions like it literally 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:11.000 falls in your laps if you are that way. Yeah. 00:13:11.000 --> 00:13:23.000 The yeah, was so evident there I think it's it's great getting outside of our typical bubbles, and, for instance, let's say for me especially to be on my first trip. 00:13:23.000 --> 00:13:30.000 Kind of on from our soviet soil and things that I don't understand, and history that I don't understand. 00:13:30.000 --> 00:13:47.000 And if anybody wants to watch an amazing documentary that's right relevant to our times, key, loop me watch the singing revolution, which was very inspiring and I watched it on the way over there, But it's kind of the 00:13:47.000 --> 00:14:00.000 amazing story about how Estonia held it's hard and spirit through the subsequent rounds of occupation, and early 19 hundreds and World War 2 and you know, kind of the Us. 00:14:00.000 --> 00:14:09.000 And they do betrayal post world war 2 remaining over under Soviet rule, and then being able to sing their way back into freedom. 00:14:09.000 --> 00:14:14.000 And so it's really inspiring and it's like there's just on what you were saying kelly. 00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:25.000 It's like there's no way that there's No way that we could know what's there, especially when we cross those cultural barriers unless we're so present to each other. 00:14:25.000 --> 00:14:28.000 Right in both ways, and then allowing that to emerge. 00:14:28.000 --> 00:14:35.000 And so as we tried to do a good job without it it's it's really imagine. okay, beautiful thanksgiving. 00:14:35.000 --> 00:14:43.000 I appreciate that forest before I talk a little bit update on New York. 00:14:43.000 --> 00:14:48.000 Is there any thing you would like to add in from your conversations and digesting with Kilo? 00:14:48.000 --> 00:14:55.000 I'm sure a little bit and just what an amazing delight. 00:14:55.000 --> 00:15:13.000 And it was really prompted by my kind of understanding is, many of us have a lot of very significant relationships that might come to bear with trying to move forward an initial project. 00:15:13.000 --> 00:15:18.000 And then, also recognizing, we have to find right timing for that. 00:15:18.000 --> 00:15:27.000 So the kind of brainstorming that Kelu and I did, and the mapping and things like this is something that taken advantage of the moment. 00:15:27.000 --> 00:15:34.000 That, indeed, you you know you went over the connections or there There's kind of a whiteness potential. 00:15:34.000 --> 00:15:41.000 Then changes over time, and so, if there's a way of being able to engage it earlier than later. 00:15:41.000 --> 00:15:56.000 Then that's really where we're trying to put some attention to turn around and say, Okay, what is that low hanging fruit that you can turn around and open up a excitement door like making connections with the folks. 00:15:56.000 --> 00:16:02.000 That are actually on the ground doing something going success exactly what they're doing. 00:16:02.000 --> 00:16:15.000 But it applies to Estonia and to the folks over there, and things like that, because ultimately it takes a team from over there to want to embrace whatever this opening is. 00:16:15.000 --> 00:16:29.000 And so now that starts this dance the other side for me is I didn't know much about Estonia, so it prompted me to kind of dig in and learn about Estonia, and what an extraordinary country very unique in 00:16:29.000 --> 00:16:45.000 terms of where it is and very operate, placed in the right place of having been in the early adopter in digital to recognizing that the world is really grown up and they don't feel like such an early adopter anymore 00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:50.000 potentially been falling behind because of the lack of resources and size. 00:16:50.000 --> 00:16:58.000 And yet opportunities that we see to move again. out there, so that's a little bit there's plenty. 00:16:58.000 --> 00:17:10.000 But certainly that's one of the things keelo and I are looking at is wanting to extend the group, and continue a bit to try to find what's a good path and with your guidance and thoughts 00:17:10.000 --> 00:17:20.000 Jordan: Yeah. beautiful Okay. amazing. okay, i'll give it quick. 00:17:20.000 --> 00:17:26.000 Overview of from my vantage point. 00:17:26.000 --> 00:17:32.000 Update on on New York, and just kind of maybe tying a couple of those threads. 00:17:32.000 --> 00:17:42.000 So quickly picking up on Estonia because a few people the call I've already already heard some of this, but 00:17:42.000 --> 00:17:47.000 It was magical, it was live and so amazing, so encouraging. 00:17:47.000 --> 00:17:54.000 It felt like we had a again these 6 week Cycles are so interesting to watch. 00:17:54.000 --> 00:18:03.000 But After a couple of formative cycles it we were reflecting that it felt like there was a little mole and the energy, and then, all of a sudden, it just like exploded. 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:07.000 The last couple of weeks with all these new relationships and opportunities. 00:18:07.000 --> 00:18:17.000 And so I think I mean just to validate everybody on the call, like the the work that we're doing together is really important to needed. 00:18:17.000 --> 00:18:33.000 And and it's so amazing to be able to travel and to discover reciprocity and relationship and everything that we can learn and grow from, and everything that we might be able to offer, and and help, with too, so 00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:46.000 maybe a couple of things that that surprised me were the absolute openness and receptivity and immediate connection to what we were talking about. 00:18:46.000 --> 00:19:00.000 Coordination and collaboration and ecosystem funding and new ways of creating, you know, community and legal and guys and different prototypes and different funding mechanisms, and how to create all the 00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:07.000 sustained energy towards let's say estonia's, 2035 transformation. 00:19:07.000 --> 00:19:11.000 That they're working on I think they call that the green transformation, or the green transition. 00:19:11.000 --> 00:19:20.000 So we got to meet with 4 site. center that's working with Parliament on kind of the strategic planning across all the different buckets of what that looks like. 00:19:20.000 --> 00:19:26.000 Between now and 2035, and it was just remarkable on so many levels. 00:19:26.000 --> 00:19:29.000 Keyle inventions, you know, prototypes that could be replicated. 00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:46.000 I was thinking about the amount of research and funding that have gone into all these different development systems from what ability to energy to elder care. to you know unity and mindset change and all these different things. 00:19:46.000 --> 00:19:51.000 That's that's not getting shared right because It's the Estonia 2035 green transition. 00:19:51.000 --> 00:19:55.000 I was looking at it, just going down. This would this would take years and years and years to replicate. 00:19:55.000 --> 00:20:05.000 And what a powerful opportunity if we can start cross, pollinating all these! Not all the knowledge that all these different groups and countries, and think tanks and everybody are doing so. 00:20:05.000 --> 00:20:19.000 It was just another example of, how much work's been done and maybe hely deposited the question what if we're further along than we think we are, and I kept thinking that when we're there might be, further along the way I think we are, if 00:20:19.000 --> 00:20:29.000 we can just get everything connected up. Another really key thing that That kind of surprised me and came up was 00:20:29.000 --> 00:20:36.000 There's an incredible opportunity there. in particular I think would be artificial intelligence and robotic institute. 00:20:36.000 --> 00:20:44.000 There's going to be 200 or so of these advanced technology kind of innovation centers. 00:20:44.000 --> 00:20:53.000 Let's say funded by the European Union and something truly extraordinarily happened with the one in Estonia, because they were getting started as one of the earliest ones. 00:20:53.000 --> 00:20:56.000 Covid hit, so that you funding was delayed. 00:20:56.000 --> 00:21:06.000 But the Estonian Government went ahead and funded that first year, and so, as it turns out, they're kind of out ahead of the proliferation of the rest of those 200. 00:21:06.000 --> 00:21:19.000 Just with I think fairly incredible positioning because of the inherent Estonian spirit and culture that's there, you know as well as their jump start on the rest of the Eu. So that was really interesting. 00:21:19.000 --> 00:21:23.000 And then tying those into into New York last week. 00:21:23.000 --> 00:21:30.000 New York was extraordinary. It was another it was another magical week. 00:21:30.000 --> 00:21:34.000 Just absolutely back to back to back to back, you know. 00:21:34.000 --> 00:21:42.000 Wonderful connections Amazing aligned people! more allies and great people out there moving than I could have imagined. 00:21:42.000 --> 00:21:53.000 So again, just so encouraging and so many aligned people, so many people wanting to collaborate And And again the the issue that kept coming up was like, okay. 00:21:53.000 --> 00:22:05.000 How do we connect and collaborate across these different nodes that we're working on So same thing that that we've really been focused on on what that patterning is And what the processes could be and How can we connect up 00:22:05.000 --> 00:22:10.000 kind of that network of networks. So all that that legal governance, I guess. 00:22:10.000 --> 00:22:20.000 Program management stuff was at the forefront, specifically, as it relates to how we share information and resources across the groups. 00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:29.000 Other other key threads where there was a amazing and delightful network of women. 00:22:29.000 --> 00:22:49.000 That space entrepreneurs there. So there was several female heads space companies that are that are working with different countries around the world on how to promote kind of stem education and engagement in space especially from 00:22:49.000 --> 00:22:55.000 the perspective of getting female representation thereup from its current. 2%. 00:22:55.000 --> 00:23:00.000 But they have a very well connected network of key leaders in the space industry. 00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:06.000 That were delighted to talk about collaboration and how to support. 00:23:06.000 --> 00:23:18.000 As we talk about ontologies, like the us sdgs. One of the key topics was that there's not a There's goals for you know, stewardship of life in in the water and life on land and there's not 00:23:18.000 --> 00:23:28.000 a goal for stewardship. of life and space and we're already starting to kind of and this manage the the space that surrounds our beautiful planet. 00:23:28.000 --> 00:23:43.000 And so that was a really interesting theme. That theme was also connected out to to projects, and Saudi Arabia, Uae, and Africa related to space industry and developing nations. 00:23:43.000 --> 00:23:52.000 And the role that that particular when might be able to play and getting the space industries off the ground. 00:23:52.000 --> 00:23:56.000 With this proper stewardship and values and all those things. 00:23:56.000 --> 00:23:59.000 So that was kind of an interesting tie in with some of the the Ai. 00:23:59.000 --> 00:24:01.000 And robotics and innovation stuff in Estonian. 00:24:01.000 --> 00:24:05.000 But it was another pull, that kind of this leading edge forest. 00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:17.000 I think your work and your careful time and attention you've been paying on the web web 3 stuff, and I triple e and the protocols. you know it's all that same kind of stuff of how we how we establish 00:24:17.000 --> 00:24:31.000 the standards for stewardship of all these advanced technologies, from based technologies to Ai, to robotics, to, you know, Web 3 and all these things that are gonna really be the powerful tools that shape life So all 00:24:31.000 --> 00:24:39.000 that was kind of blazing strong and all that I think is fairly under the represented and ontologies like the sdks. 00:24:39.000 --> 00:24:52.000 So they're that is powerful powerful pull on the attack in Ai and web 3 and space, and all those those advanced sides, and pretty to participate. 00:24:52.000 --> 00:25:10.000 Let's see. So as I sit, with this I think we have you know, when we, when we started this after some social dimensions, work and March in April, and then kind of shooting a email out to 60 people to 00:25:10.000 --> 00:25:20.000 say, hey? Who might want to follow along? and play with the idea we're working on something bigger than any of us can individually handle through a couple of cycles. 00:25:20.000 --> 00:25:34.000 I think we've now hit like this big expansion where you know the size of people that should be on our emailing list that are interested is roughly doubled and and it's gonna take some changes to you know structure and 00:25:34.000 --> 00:25:42.000 leadership and resource, saying and medium meeting, rhythms and communications, and all that, to figure out how to meet that. 00:25:42.000 --> 00:25:50.000 So I think that's the biggest thing that i'm I'm just feeling is that it's like we're we're getting us shared through these potential opportunities to serve in bigger ways. 00:25:50.000 --> 00:26:04.000 We're gonna need to develop their resources and structure do that i'm, a 1,000 could percent committed and certain that everything we've been moving towards is like more needed than ever. 00:26:04.000 --> 00:26:07.000 And so I just wanted to navigate together in the best way. 00:26:07.000 --> 00:26:21.000 So that's maybe some of my updates the last thing that that i'll share is you know we've been working with different different groups on potential you in partnerships, etc. 00:26:21.000 --> 00:26:24.000 You know, around funds and contests, etc., around the Global Goals. 00:26:24.000 --> 00:26:32.000 Those conversations are all advancing. It looks like Should we be able to figure out legal and governance? 00:26:32.000 --> 00:26:37.000 We have, you know, we have surprisingly high level support around those things. 00:26:37.000 --> 00:26:51.000 And it's it's all brought up the same issue that we've been working on which is that like the issue is how we work together, and very specifically, when it comes down to like where are we writing checks and how does 00:26:51.000 --> 00:26:59.000 the governance work right like the specifics of legal and governance and structure. And so we're working through those details. 00:26:59.000 --> 00:27:10.000 And as as we work through those i'm i'm feeling like 00:27:10.000 --> 00:27:27.000 I'm, feeling so grateful for the abundance of opportunities, and so determined that, like we have to hold the absolute integrity around this emergence and like right relationship, and the right structures of all this and so that can 00:27:27.000 --> 00:27:41.000 make things feel like it goes a little slow and I think that's slowness and care with the integrity of every step of governance and structuring is going to be underway a big part of whether this succeeds or not so those are some 00:27:41.000 --> 00:27:46.000 updates around there. Alright, check So those are some updates 00:27:46.000 --> 00:27:53.000 Let's go around the room. does anybody have any key questions I suppose you have your hand that let's take a couple of any questions or things that are live in. 00:27:53.000 --> 00:27:59.000 I'd love to just do a little talking stick round and i'd love to hear from everybody in the room. 00:27:59.000 --> 00:28:09.000 Get your perspective on what's happening. worst yeah sure so a couple quick comments in terms of what you've shared so far. 00:28:09.000 --> 00:28:24.000 But anna also in other direction to think about that hasn't really been on the conversation for myself, or some others, and that's in the area of recognizing that around the planet in the Us. 00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:30.000 And probably maybe in. You know, the stoning and stuff migration is going to become climate. 00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:39.000 Migration is going to become a big deal, and does that fits with disaster, preparedness, and disaster. 00:28:39.000 --> 00:28:54.000 Recovering. So that means there's also going to be a lot of specific funding that's already available, and that's moving into those areas, and the people that a few people I know Georgia belly and 00:28:54.000 --> 00:29:04.000 being one very knowledgeable there. it says that those folks are largely unaware of all the kind of stuff we're talking about, because they're within their own silo. 00:29:04.000 --> 00:29:06.000 So that was one of the things. And then the other thing. 00:29:06.000 --> 00:29:22.000 I might put out for your consideration you mentioned that there's a we that's working on those details you're talking about, and if you felt comfortable just mentioning who the people are that's within 00:29:22.000 --> 00:29:32.000 that pod of the we that would be the other thing I'll hold any of the others stuff till it rotates back around later. 00:29:32.000 --> 00:29:40.000 Yeah, Thanks forist. might be delighted if you would like to be part of the we working on those things. 00:29:40.000 --> 00:29:49.000 And Bill Larson and I have been primarily working on the central agreements. 00:29:49.000 --> 00:29:59.000 What if you'd like to stay more in the loop on that 00:29:59.000 --> 00:30:15.000 Yeah, i'd be yeah that's that's maybe Another big theme is there's a growing number of pattern watchers very concerned about what might unfold over the next 12 months in terms of longer and 00:30:15.000 --> 00:30:25.000 migration And economic watson let's say the total set of impacts arising from how we have disrupted supply chains. 00:30:25.000 --> 00:30:34.000 And then had this work Europe, and how that might further destabilize systems leading to 00:30:34.000 --> 00:30:44.000 Some disasters that could force a lot of migration pressure, which often leads to a additional conflicts. 00:30:44.000 --> 00:30:50.000 And and destabilization. so for us I think you're we're intuition on that becoming a big issue. 00:30:50.000 --> 00:30:56.000 Both the like. both the migration and the root causes that are giving rise to that desperation. 00:30:56.000 --> 00:31:01.000 To move. are going to be a really part big part of this. 00:31:01.000 --> 00:31:16.000 It really hits also with refugees and it hits with the needs to deploy systems that i'm aware of that, could be deployed, that rapidly enable the people to learn how to make their own food to 00:31:16.000 --> 00:31:25.000 do it on site to take care of sanitation I mean there's all the things that happen when that's happening. 00:31:25.000 --> 00:31:29.000 That's really missing infrastructure at most of the government levels. 00:31:29.000 --> 00:31:34.000 They look at refugees, and a and a inaccurate view. 00:31:34.000 --> 00:31:49.000 I think not from a compassionate view. Yeah. So for us, One of the big one of the big topics that that seemed also resonant was this idea that so many of us have are either carrying ourselves and have created or 00:31:49.000 --> 00:31:57.000 have extensively researched these different elements of like the prototype that would be needed. 00:31:57.000 --> 00:32:05.000 And so we think about any hard hit area of crisis there's all the basic needs and problems that need to be met. 00:32:05.000 --> 00:32:09.000 Think, in our network we have a reasonable handle along those solutions. 00:32:09.000 --> 00:32:22.000 I know that in my own mind I can and we don't have those, I think, in writing anywhere, as far as that total stack, and how they could be deployed even going to our last couple of conversations with like Jane 00:32:22.000 --> 00:32:25.000 and other people on the community and management side of all that. 00:32:25.000 --> 00:32:38.000 So from the the dialogical standpoint of how you even start to engage in community and crisis, to get empowered towards solutions, to then, being kind of waiting in the wings with that total set, I think that would be a 00:32:38.000 --> 00:32:43.000 high leverage area, spend some time and try to pull that solution. 00:32:43.000 --> 00:32:46.000 Stack together. Then it's basically just working with each of those groups to go. 00:32:46.000 --> 00:32:53.000 Okay, if we wanted to prototype type what it would look like to take this total stack into an area, you know. 00:32:53.000 --> 00:33:01.000 What would that look like? we actually have a fast track on that, because George Rebellion has been building that stack at him. 00:33:01.000 --> 00:33:18.000 Links and names and relationships it's now up over maybe 40 or 50 pages the stacks that they should be organized into. so that's available as a starting point i've got that that's his what he 00:33:18.000 --> 00:33:21.000 calls that pdf but i've got that pdf. 00:33:21.000 --> 00:33:34.000 So it's often being that updated so we're just updated at the time it's ready to activate Okay, So for us, that that's a potential action. 00:33:34.000 --> 00:33:38.000 Item that you and I could take with anybody else that was interested if we wanted to. 00:33:38.000 --> 00:33:41.000 I'd be happy to spend time with you but We could start with 00:33:41.000 --> 00:33:49.000 Your list in my list, and george's list and just kind of forge something in the shape, and get it out for the group. 00:33:49.000 --> 00:33:55.000 Then to add to. So if if you were willing to do that i'd be happy to collaborate on that together. 00:33:55.000 --> 00:34:04.000 Sure that sounds great. I would say that it would be great to have support of somebody that's gonna really be putting it into the right kind of wiki. 00:34:04.000 --> 00:34:15.000 Your document, or whatever the method is to figure that out before we dive into the actual work, and then might be able to organize and do copy, paste. 00:34:15.000 --> 00:34:23.000 Other kinds of things that move it along fairly quickly. Once we have a clerk plan on it. 00:34:23.000 --> 00:34:30.000 I'm there 00:34:30.000 --> 00:34:43.000 Alright, we might be able to find a Do you ask your in information, maybe somewhere, if we looked really figured out how to make it a nice reciprocal thing. 00:34:43.000 --> 00:35:03.000 Okay, beautiful. We love you team. Okay, judy I guess I just have a question of how we want to contemplate, organize and then manage the explosive dynamic of what's occurring because it's clearly beyond the scope 00:35:03.000 --> 00:35:19.000 of the 15 or so of us that are regularly on the calls, and in order for it to be effective, we have to have a process for engaging in information transfer and a bunch of other things with sometimes massive agencies at Federal 00:35:19.000 --> 00:35:26.000 levels in different countries, or somewhat less messy in state level or local communities and metros. 00:35:26.000 --> 00:35:35.000 It's just It's such a massive dendrite process in terms of the need for the change that needs to be facilitated. 00:35:35.000 --> 00:35:48.000 I'm wondering how we can contemplate the most appropriate role for us to play and the extent to which we can directly or indirectly respond 00:35:48.000 --> 00:35:55.000 A lot about research. we have close access to from that. 00:35:55.000 --> 00:35:59.000 So. So first of all, I think we're gonna need to get these efforts resources right? 00:35:59.000 --> 00:36:09.000 Because they're they're obviously beyond anything we could contemplate with our little part time volunteering, so we can be encourage and share knowledge and all that good stuff. 00:36:09.000 --> 00:36:21.000 But if we're gonna actually engage some of these they need to be well resource bye, i'd i'd love to know how this lands against what you're saying. 00:36:21.000 --> 00:36:34.000 But there's there's an amazing set of resources that i've grown to know in the architecture engineering construction industry around program management, which just do that. If there's a large complex program of action you have very 00:36:34.000 --> 00:36:47.000 solid processes for coming in, sorting out stakeholders, identifying goals, backcasting those analyzing current conditions and kind of setting up the program of action information and communication flows. 00:36:47.000 --> 00:36:52.000 And so my my best type of business so far in the best place i've ever seen. 00:36:52.000 --> 00:37:03.000 That done is where I spent the last 20 years and i'm Sure, there's there's other better places, but I but I think if we got these we could get a couple of these prototypes resource that that would be 00:37:03.000 --> 00:37:13.000 kind of how i'd start by approaching that I think Judy, by getting some getting some really word world class program management support on, and just kind of rolling it through the process. 00:37:13.000 --> 00:37:18.000 And and that all kind of sinks up very closely with the integrated delivery. 00:37:18.000 --> 00:37:33.000 The Lionsburg integrated delivery work we've been trying to together over the last last few years 00:37:33.000 --> 00:37:55.000 Jonathan Recently we had a social architecture meeting in which we realized that that we can't really do a lot of work until we know what Lionsburg is in the Meta project is so I'm thinking 00:37:55.000 --> 00:38:11.000 some very first steps might be to tackle that missing piece 00:38:11.000 --> 00:38:17.000 Thanks. Jonathan 00:38:17.000 --> 00:38:21.000 I agree. i've been then, thinking a lot about that I think we've 00:38:21.000 --> 00:38:34.000 I think I have maybe done a little bit of a disservice by not doing a better job, sharing all all the pieces that are there, and present and immediately actionable. 00:38:34.000 --> 00:38:43.000 Because it it gets too big. So we have a an amazing core court base that needs to be activated. 00:38:43.000 --> 00:38:52.000 So. so, Jonathan i've been thinking about that too, about as we start this new cycle, another round to reset and be extremely clear. 00:38:52.000 --> 00:38:56.000 All the pieces we have in play kind of the lifetimes work they're at table. 00:38:56.000 --> 00:39:00.000 What we have to work with and and then next I mentioned you next week. 00:39:00.000 --> 00:39:12.000 Maybe we'll do kind of a quarterly meeting to get get clear on some written 3 year targets kind of one year your plans, and then down to specific quarterly action. 00:39:12.000 --> 00:39:24.000 So I think if I where to bring some of those pieces together, and then we did more of a standard quarterly meeting, we'd have a It's all in written framework to work, so does that with that kind of address do you need your 00:39:24.000 --> 00:39:37.000 bringing up Jonathan too soon. to say I hope So we're rearing the go so 00:39:37.000 --> 00:39:49.000 Yeah, we need some ground to stand on. I will you're you're welcome to hold me accountable for satisfying your definition of ground to stand on. 00:39:49.000 --> 00:40:03.000 So. So let's get through a quarterly meeting next week, if you're missing any ground to stand on, or if the way that i'm explaining it is too complicated can be in charge of something simplify and make it 00:40:03.000 --> 00:40:11.000 firm a great deal, I love it by thanks. 00:40:11.000 --> 00:40:16.000 Okay, i've heard a couple of words pop up in the last few sentences. 00:40:16.000 --> 00:40:32.000 So if and i'm just gonna flight these words out because I think we need a language and structure, and Jason and I have spoken about this in his last couple of posts in chat I think reflect that conversation not So i'm i'm 00:40:32.000 --> 00:40:44.000 talking Canadian framework. but i'm going to throw some of these words in the entry point to our meeting today was around the energy which was almost chaotic in some ways, but had a sense of water to it you know 00:40:44.000 --> 00:40:48.000 estonia un. but it wasn't really explicit do exactly X. 00:40:48.000 --> 00:41:01.000 Now. Okay, So in the energy and the sense of possibility is somewhere between being chaotic and being complex, because you've got all these moving parts, and they're all going different directions, and it's not that there 00:41:01.000 --> 00:41:09.000 isn't any synergy between them that it's not particularly apparent, and it won't be until it's historical, and even then open to interpretation. 00:41:09.000 --> 00:41:13.000 So that's sort of a mixture of chaos and complexity. 00:41:13.000 --> 00:41:20.000 And then we've got the just do something Now you know what's, our low hanging fruit forest was talking about that, and others have. 00:41:20.000 --> 00:41:30.000 What could we execute? now? that is relatively clear, and gives us a sense of well, at least this is possible. 00:41:30.000 --> 00:41:36.000 And then you just use the word complicated. There are some things that are, you know, bound by legislation and other things. 00:41:36.000 --> 00:41:50.000 So. So here's what i'm saying I think that we lack a way at the moment of identifying which type of domain each of the things that we're trying to handle is coming from and what Judy is talking about is you 00:41:50.000 --> 00:41:55.000 know you you. and do you have aaki to carve this for me? 00:41:55.000 --> 00:42:12.000 Is, you can only impose so much structure on humans when the the things that attempting to work with have those different characteristics. and if you try and impose order on the chaos, one or order on the cook complex one it just 00:42:12.000 --> 00:42:16.000 squirms out some other way, and the are some things that are just complicated. 00:42:16.000 --> 00:42:28.000 You just need to know how the financial system currently works and not break rules, because you create huge governance problems and lacks of trust and lack of trust is somewhere else. 00:42:28.000 --> 00:42:32.000 And and onboarding people that's you know it's partly complexity. 00:42:32.000 --> 00:42:35.000 You've got to meet them where they are and invite them in. 00:42:35.000 --> 00:42:38.000 You can't just say I sent you an email Why didn't you come? 00:42:38.000 --> 00:42:43.000 You came. But why? didn't you stay there's no clear answer to that? 00:42:43.000 --> 00:42:58.000 The the motivations are behind so my proposition is and on the back of all of that we need a theory of change as well, because you kind of play this part of the same systems to each of those domains, and you can't you have to 00:42:58.000 --> 00:43:03.000 think about what type of change is possible in each of those domains. 00:43:03.000 --> 00:43:06.000 So we have to be. And this 2 things I propose. 00:43:06.000 --> 00:43:14.000 One is a is the caution of treating everything as if it has the same properties. 00:43:14.000 --> 00:43:26.000 Because if you trade a complicated thing, as a simple thing you only get into trouble and sometimes with chaos, you just need a little bit of order, and I would say there's a little chaos in our group here in terms of 00:43:26.000 --> 00:43:42.000 what our intentionality is. so my proposal is that we double down a little on getting the language of you know complicated, complex, clear, chaotic, at least betted down, and start to recognize what can't be treated with the same 00:43:42.000 --> 00:43:50.000 recipe, and, what needs more subtle the term things, and recognize the motions and movements of things. 00:43:50.000 --> 00:43:54.000 You can. if you are aware of that, move things between domain. 00:43:54.000 --> 00:44:00.000 So something is clear. Once you know all the rules you can shove up into complicated make a system around it. 00:44:00.000 --> 00:44:03.000 Do do planning and make it happen again and again and again. 00:44:03.000 --> 00:44:12.000 Sometimes people are breaking those rules because the rules weren't good and they're doing sideways things to make the stuff happen that needs to happen. 00:44:12.000 --> 00:44:15.000 And you don't know what's going on and then it gets totally messy. 00:44:15.000 --> 00:44:23.000 So we need to be aware of those things. so a change change theory of change is not just a theoretical thing. 00:44:23.000 --> 00:44:30.000 It's a real practical thing and we need to understand what the qualities of the issues that we're dealing with in. 00:44:30.000 --> 00:44:43.000 And i'm just saying can Evan Framework would help with, and I I composed with Jason that we could do a short presentation on that, just to give people a language to say I know actually this, is messier than it, looks and deal 00:44:43.000 --> 00:44:52.000 with it in a different way, because it's a hammer Now, thing you know, everything needs poor planning is great for complicated things. 00:44:52.000 --> 00:45:01.000 Maybe, anyway, at this an offer in there and the offer is let's let's double down a little bit on the language of what we're dealing with. 00:45:01.000 --> 00:45:05.000 Some things are straightforward. something's a nice and if we treat everything as having the same qualities. 00:45:05.000 --> 00:45:21.000 We'll get into trouble. we'll soon we probably already are there a little bit in terms of what said and what's not said, Not serious trouble, but scale brings trouble or trickiness if you haven't paid attention to these things 00:45:21.000 --> 00:45:29.000 Okay, beautiful. So Jason and Wendy, I would like to accept that concrete offer. 00:45:29.000 --> 00:45:35.000 How to keep us on track. So would you guys be willing to. 00:45:35.000 --> 00:45:47.000 Would like Block 15 to 20 min of our our meeting next week for you guys to give us an overview of what you're thinking, and just some opening frameworks. 00:45:47.000 --> 00:46:01.000 Would that be a good? What would you? like Jason feel free to come off mute and chim in here? No, no, just the one thing I was gonna say build off of Wendy was 00:46:01.000 --> 00:46:08.000 So I was, i've been thinking, for years about a taxonomy of problem solving like all problems are not equal. 00:46:08.000 --> 00:46:18.000 And then the tool sets needed to address those problems, and then I fell into the Canadian model and then I use the Canadian model to start saying, Well, wait a minute. 00:46:18.000 --> 00:46:24.000 There are different ways to approach. I call it approach or address problems because you can't solve a bunch of the problems in the name of the model. 00:46:24.000 --> 00:46:33.000 You can only address them so how you do that slightly different than integrated lean project delivery on some parts of the problem. 00:46:33.000 --> 00:46:40.000 So it's it's under which parts need what energy and what approach . 00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:44.000 That's so that's I think something and I would I think I will. 00:46:44.000 --> 00:47:03.000 I'm gonna be color commentary to to wendy's awesomeness, and whatever we do, so I would defer to her, related to like the amount of time that would probably be necessary to assist in talking about this model 00:47:03.000 --> 00:47:11.000 And just finishing and brief Here it's possible to link where the energy is in this system. 00:47:11.000 --> 00:47:19.000 And I keep on talking about energy in a way that you can actually see what is actually dropping into different domains. 00:47:19.000 --> 00:47:26.000 So something that you thought was actually ordered and organized and I will defer completely to Jason's expertise here in. 00:47:26.000 --> 00:47:35.000 You know, Cutter, and other things you know this there are things that you've done in a production system that I would never be capable of doing. 00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:48.000 But i'm very good at recognizing when when parts of the system need to be handled differently, and the science of narrative will help us a lot here to track when something shifting that we just didn't realize and get 00:47:48.000 --> 00:47:57.000 to it sooner rather than later. So this science to tracking this that you can then say, No, this is something we need to impose order on. 00:47:57.000 --> 00:48:02.000 This is this is something that we need to understand is turning into something else, and we're not quite sure what yet. 00:48:02.000 --> 00:48:06.000 But we're going to track it and manage it in a different way. 00:48:06.000 --> 00:48:11.000 Okay, beautiful. And Pete had his head up for a while, and so as windy. 00:48:11.000 --> 00:48:16.000 So. yes, sooner rather than later, otherwise we'll go all over the shop. 00:48:16.000 --> 00:48:21.000 Yeah, let's go, Pete, and wendy and then yeah it's good key. 00:48:21.000 --> 00:48:28.000 Thanks, and Wendy. I appreciated what you you brought in with terminology. 00:48:28.000 --> 00:48:35.000 And thank you, Jason. I kind of wanted to touch back to what Jonathan said about our social architecture. 00:48:35.000 --> 00:48:47.000 Call yesterday. What he said is, we realized we Can't really do a lot of work until we know what Lionsberg is, or what the Meta project is. 00:48:47.000 --> 00:48:51.000 I said as much on that call. I think a couple of us did. 00:48:51.000 --> 00:49:00.000 Jonathan suggested that a path forward is to figure that out, and then we would know what to do. 00:49:00.000 --> 00:49:14.000 It's not clear to me that that's the the it's not it's not clear to me that that's the clear path forward, because i'm not sure that meta project is at the place where we can 00:49:14.000 --> 00:49:35.000 say what it is yet. So I want to make sure that we avoid rushing to overdefine something which is still emerging, and use that as a way to work on something that we can't quite work on yet 00:49:35.000 --> 00:49:50.000 And reflecting on that makes me wonder. I think what i'm maybe all of us many of us are i'm a little frustrated. 00:49:50.000 --> 00:49:55.000 We seem to work. We seem to be doing a lot of work or a lot of activity. 00:49:55.000 --> 00:50:01.000 We have a lot of activity at kind of a metal level we haven't done very much practical work. 00:50:01.000 --> 00:50:16.000 I'm: Okay, with that except that I feel like we're trying to get to practical work by doing more meta-work rather than just saying Yeah, we can't do meta work right now, or it doesn't 00:50:16.000 --> 00:50:30.000 make sense to do matter work right now. and maybe we should just do some practical work. I think maybe that's a path forward to to do some very specific project things that aren't you know that that are in the forward direction 00:50:30.000 --> 00:50:36.000 the forward path of Meta Project but Aren't developing meta-project of 2 or 3 or 5 years from now. 00:50:36.000 --> 00:50:48.000 I i'm certainly one of the people who sees Meta project 2 or 3 or 5 years out. 00:50:48.000 --> 00:50:50.000 Jordan. I know you do, and I know a number of us. 00:50:50.000 --> 00:50:56.000 Do, and I can predict a lot of what we need then working to build. 00:50:56.000 --> 00:51:04.000 That right now is sometimes premature. and I think we drive ourselves a little bit to distraction. 00:51:04.000 --> 00:51:15.000 I'm doing that. Even things that are that are pretty obviously straightforward, that we will need, like a directory of projects or a directory of people. 00:51:15.000 --> 00:51:20.000 Were overbuilding right now, because we don't know what we need. 00:51:20.000 --> 00:51:22.000 We don't know what we want we don't know why we want it. 00:51:22.000 --> 00:51:36.000 We don't know who would use it. for what when so all of those open loops in definition of what we need create kind of a frothy environment for people like me. 00:51:36.000 --> 00:51:40.000 Maybe people like Jonathan people like Vincent to go. 00:51:40.000 --> 00:51:44.000 I could build that and start building it for a directory. 00:51:44.000 --> 00:51:50.000 Maybe we just need a spreadsheet or a Google Doc or a hack. Md: I would prefer. 00:51:50.000 --> 00:52:03.000 But and for a directory of people maybe all we need is a Google, Doc, I don't know but we don't have that even yet, right now, because we've been so excited about what we could build rather than what we need for this 00:52:03.000 --> 00:52:08.000 week or the next week in the week after that I said a lot. 00:52:08.000 --> 00:52:13.000 I'm going to say one more thing which is a little bit separate a thing. 00:52:13.000 --> 00:52:19.000 We had an interesting call yesterday. The Social architecture crew was trying to. 00:52:19.000 --> 00:52:27.000 We started to come post a call from 2 weeks ago, I wasn't around to make the call a week ago, when it would have been better to compost it. 00:52:27.000 --> 00:52:36.000 So, anyway, reading the notes from 2 weeks ago made me remember something that I said back then that that still makes a lot of sense for me. 00:52:36.000 --> 00:52:44.000 It's that we don't spend a lot of time hanging out together. 00:52:44.000 --> 00:52:55.000 And so it's it can feel frustrating to get together for an hour and a half in in zoom space, and have a lot of plans. 00:52:55.000 --> 00:53:02.000 Go on, and then you know not know what's going on for a week, and then yeah, do the same thing again. 00:53:02.000 --> 00:53:13.000 So spending time together There's there's kind of 2 times 2 2 kinds of spending time together for me that that humans like that humans enjoy that humans need. 00:53:13.000 --> 00:53:28.000 One of them is kind of just hanging out and learning about each other, or having a little bit of fun together, or chit chatting, or whatever right another kind is finding a tab that needs more than 2 pair of hands one 00:53:28.000 --> 00:53:40.000 pair of hands. It needs a few pair of hands to all work together on and confronting challenges together and arguing about which way is the right way to do it, and congratulating each other. 00:53:40.000 --> 00:53:51.000 When we've got 100 linear feet of ditch dug, or you know, 3 h of meetings transcribed, or whatever the work is. 00:53:51.000 --> 00:54:04.000 So I you know, I when I first was thinking about this, so we don't spend enough time hanging out and just enjoying each other's company and talking about the weather or talking about you know what's fun or what 00:54:04.000 --> 00:54:11.000 what? what you've been doing, what you eat for dinner or something like that. The the kinds of work are kind of interchangeable. 00:54:11.000 --> 00:54:21.000 I think most of us here and certainly me there's there's a work has a bad connotation for a lot of people because they do work that They're forced to do not that. 00:54:21.000 --> 00:54:33.000 They enjoy all of us are pretty mature enough we've learned that work and so fun, you know it's fun to do work, so I remember that. 00:54:33.000 --> 00:54:37.000 Oh, we don't actually have to hang out and just shoot shoot the ball! 00:54:37.000 --> 00:54:46.000 We don't have to do that. We could be working on something together, but then it needs to be something meaningful right something that we can say. 00:54:46.000 --> 00:54:54.000 You know we spent 4 h together on this this week. or this 2 weeks, and look at what we've accomplished, and let's just keep doing that and do more of it. 00:54:54.000 --> 00:55:09.000 I one of the things that I that so it's it's a reminder for me that it's frustrating to feel like we're not getting anything done but in reality we haven't spent that much time together 00:55:09.000 --> 00:55:25.000 and if we spend more time together productively, whether it's you know entertainment, productivity, or work productivity, I think we'll feel our blood pressure and our in our and our frustration, will will relax because we're doing. 00:55:25.000 --> 00:55:36.000 something together, and being productive together 00:55:36.000 --> 00:55:47.000 Go to Wendy, and then pete if you'd be willing to think about how if we were to have a little hypothesis on how we could. 00:55:47.000 --> 00:55:50.000 What what we could do better to facilitate what you're talking about concretely. 00:55:50.000 --> 00:55:56.000 Some people would know how to engaged in that, and we would know how to engage in it. 00:55:56.000 --> 00:56:08.000 Let me just say i've had quite a few thoughts as I've been waiting in the queue a lot of people have already voiced them, so I just wanna say thank you to people who are voicing them in 00:56:08.000 --> 00:56:15.000 the room. So i'm gonna try and add on instead of repeat 00:56:15.000 --> 00:56:20.000 I I think the best way to encapsulate everything that I'm. 00:56:20.000 --> 00:56:30.000 Thinking is along the lines of this group on the people that are showing up regularly being a model for what we see needs to happen in the world. 00:56:30.000 --> 00:56:34.000 So the Estonia initiative is amazing and your connections at the Un are amazing. 00:56:34.000 --> 00:56:46.000 And the Ghana project is amazing and where all this is really exciting, and and I think a lot of us can see how collaboration is on the edges of everything everybody wants. 00:56:46.000 --> 00:57:02.000 And so is an enhanced directory, and so is a knowledge network, and so is, you know, all these other things that we are hoping to create. and we are struggling to do that just for the people in this room right. 00:57:02.000 --> 00:57:15.000 I think we would learn a lot. So this idea of picking a smaller project, or in some spaces I voiced in the past, you know, picking an experiment to run through how whatever words we want to use it's picking on you 00:57:15.000 --> 00:57:23.000 know, is slicing off something and saying we're gonna focus on this and practice with it. 00:57:23.000 --> 00:57:38.000 Give ourselves the freedom and the abundance, feeling of practicing on something that if we fail, it's okay right, and that the fail feels minor and not like a failure, because we just learned and we picked our you know we kept 00:57:38.000 --> 00:57:52.000 going instead of feeling like there's so so much at stake, Now this doesn't mean that in parallel we couldn't also be, and you know, percolating the other relationships and inviting the right people in I 00:57:52.000 --> 00:57:59.000 just i'm feeling 00:57:59.000 --> 00:58:08.000 2, like too many threads, are going afraid, and the energy is not the energy of individuals. 00:58:08.000 --> 00:58:10.000 And the in between meetings. I think this is kind of what Pete was getting at. 00:58:10.000 --> 00:58:15.000 If I if I caught his, the vibe of what he was saying right? 00:58:15.000 --> 00:58:22.000 The energy dissipates too much during the week there is not enough cross communication between us. 00:58:22.000 --> 00:58:27.000 There's not enough focused attention to help us pick priorities. 00:58:27.000 --> 00:58:38.000 There's no group to go to to get feedback or realign when new issues come up, or when you know new thoughts come in, or something else emerges. 00:58:38.000 --> 00:58:43.000 So that's telling me we need a structure we need governance right in this room. 00:58:43.000 --> 00:58:54.000 First, so that as we start to add on the decentralized pieces and more of them, they they have somewhere to go. 00:58:54.000 --> 00:59:00.000 They They're gonna struggle, with the same things we're struggling with refo focusing our on our energies. 00:59:00.000 --> 00:59:14.000 Just X externally from this group I think will be a distraction for a little while, and then we'll ultimately fall apart, because there is no backbone for them to align themselves to either in dig or small ways 00:59:14.000 --> 00:59:23.000 so that's of concern to me part of that backbone isn't just structural and procedural as I will echo what Pete was saying. 00:59:23.000 --> 00:59:35.000 It is by, is it is actually even more important that it's the connections in this room, because this is going to be hard work, and what is going to motivate us all to keep going in spite of how hard it is is that 00:59:35.000 --> 00:59:48.000 we love each other, and that we're here for each other and that we've got each other's back, and that will be there in the hard moments, and sometimes you know 4 of us will need a particular attention because of one particular project going 00:59:48.000 --> 00:59:52.000 on, and the rest of us will come will swoop in to support and vice versa. 00:59:52.000 --> 00:59:56.000 And we will need we'll need that and also a recognition for you. 00:59:56.000 --> 01:00:07.000 Jordan playing, having been at the forefront at the edge here for so long, i'm eager for you to share the weight of what you have I've yet to hear. 01:00:07.000 --> 01:00:13.000 What is it really that lined? Why, i'd love a presentation from you when you feel ready? 01:00:13.000 --> 01:00:16.000 What is it? What is the p I don't still Don't understand? 01:00:16.000 --> 01:00:18.000 What is this piece that Lionsburg is going to be offering? 01:00:18.000 --> 01:00:34.000 And what is this emergence with future capital what is that really looking like, even if it's just in its emergence stage? It helps me understand how to align the pieces even in these early early manifestations. 01:00:34.000 --> 01:00:44.000 It helps me put my energy in the right place. So again echoing what Pete said and what was spoken into the Social architecture meeting yesterday. 01:00:44.000 --> 01:00:48.000 The energy is dissipating while it was growing for you on your trips. 01:00:48.000 --> 01:00:53.000 It was dissipating on this end because there was no feedback loop. 01:00:53.000 --> 01:00:57.000 And you're right now just an observation this isn't criticism. 01:00:57.000 --> 01:01:01.000 But you are the feedback loop right now, and we need many more. 01:01:01.000 --> 01:01:10.000 Right. So we need a core group that that is responsible and has accountability to different pieces, so that there's movement regularly. 01:01:10.000 --> 01:01:18.000 So that, and and speaking to I forgotten, I think it was forced to, said, You know there are so there's so much waiting right in the wings. 01:01:18.000 --> 01:01:26.000 But if we draw it in at the wrong time, if especially if the time is particularly wrong, we can get all excited about what they have to offer. 01:01:26.000 --> 01:01:29.000 But the energy is just going to dissipate because it's the wrong time. 01:01:29.000 --> 01:01:41.000 So again it we need a core backbone to help provide a rhythm to help provide a consideration and mindfulness over inviting these pieces in at the right time, when we have the bandwidth to include them. 01:01:41.000 --> 01:01:45.000 Or consider them, or give feedback to them, or whatever, because otherwise these pieces are just sitting. 01:01:45.000 --> 01:01:59.000 We we it's too much thank you 01:01:59.000 --> 01:02:06.000 I'm trying to i've been sitting here writing myself notes on how to formulate, trying trying to say or communicate. 01:02:06.000 --> 01:02:16.000 I think we're. all excited, and drawn to the opportunity that exists to make meaningful contributions to the many, many problems that the world is facing. 01:02:16.000 --> 01:02:22.000 But it would be impossible, or a group our size, or even a 1,000. 01:02:22.000 --> 01:02:38.000 Our size to meaningfully address that in a systematic way. without having shared levels of awareness and communication, because it can evolve into chaos and almost to feudalism. 01:02:38.000 --> 01:02:47.000 If we're not careful because things will start to seem to be competing with one another when they're actually doing the same thing in a different context, and therefore in a different way. 01:02:47.000 --> 01:03:02.000 And so there's a process of communication where actually wrote in the chat i'm. kind of feeling like I need more communication, not less so shifting to quarterly or less frequent meetings is somewhat concerning 01:03:02.000 --> 01:03:17.000 because so much is changing so quickly that you keeping up with what's happened in the last 3 or 4 weeks is a little bit of a challenge, and and we're not yet at the maturity as a group or a team 2 sort of 01:03:17.000 --> 01:03:22.000 blindly trust without knowing, and even if we did blindly trust because we do trust. 01:03:22.000 --> 01:03:32.000 And I think the trust in this group is extraordinarily high if we're trusting, but have the wrong information, we can still do things that are destabilizing or not helpful to the situation. 01:03:32.000 --> 01:03:47.000 That we're approaching So it it feels to me like we needed to find a magic balance point that combines wisdom and action with evaluation and analysis. 01:03:47.000 --> 01:03:55.000 So that it can be constructively better each time we try to do something, and that has an umbrella over it. 01:03:55.000 --> 01:04:02.000 Of the incredible diversity of the groups that are actually going to be the feed on the street implementers. 01:04:02.000 --> 01:04:05.000 I mean, I think, about Estonia as a great microcosm. 01:04:05.000 --> 01:04:17.000 The metropolitan area of the twin cities is about 6 times the size of hisphonia, and getting them to agree to do anything as simple as fixing sidewalks is sometimes challenging. 01:04:17.000 --> 01:04:21.000 So there's some things that are more possible with small groups than bigger groups. 01:04:21.000 --> 01:04:33.000 But these problems are so big that we're going to have to figure out how to interface with not individuals, but agencies and major organizations that are working in this too. 01:04:33.000 --> 01:04:38.000 And so i'm struggling with you know I have energy I have some competency. 01:04:38.000 --> 01:04:46.000 But how do I really help? Because if I can't really help i'll get frustrated or overwhelmed? 01:04:46.000 --> 01:05:02.000 And so I think we're at a very capable point in our own internal social dynamic, because we've built empathy and sharing amongst this team, and some of us have another 50 people we could reach out to 01:05:02.000 --> 01:05:08.000 others have another dozen. Some may have thousands I don't know the scope even that each person could reach. 01:05:08.000 --> 01:05:33.000 But how do we do the right kind of dendritic expansion, and build at the same time the knowledge that lets it be reck that we learn from it, and can share the learnings in very diverse environments 01:05:33.000 --> 01:05:38.000 Always so well said. They can keep 01:05:38.000 --> 01:05:43.000 Worst. 01:05:43.000 --> 01:05:47.000 Yeah, thank you. to respond to a couple of different things. 01:05:47.000 --> 01:06:03.000 I think what you brought up. Pete was really good, because, Jordan, as soon as it went into kind of looking at putting some kind of list together, or whatever that might be in my mind, I started backing up to go wha what is it going 01:06:03.000 --> 01:06:14.000 to be used for. How is it going to be used what so knowing that there's that big picture envelope and figure out, Okay, where does that show up and write timing right? 01:06:14.000 --> 01:06:20.000 Order. it's more saying that again we have all these resources and such. 01:06:20.000 --> 01:06:32.000 And there's more detail about that including jamaica and work with George and I a couple of years ago, put in support number of hours already putting this kind of stuff together. 01:06:32.000 --> 01:06:48.000 So again it's needing a bucket I have to turn it into a deliverable that can be used by others with in the context that it's intended the other thing I just wanted to point as a positive 01:06:48.000 --> 01:06:59.000 societal thing happening in the United States right now. They got announced just a couple of weeks ago, and then to try to underline what this might mean. 01:06:59.000 --> 01:07:10.000 So we think about it a little bit. So the usda which had talked about putting in a 1 billion dollars to launch Carbon's partnerships for carbon. 01:07:10.000 --> 01:07:22.000 Smart commodities actually announced 2.8 billion across 70 different projects that will be paid out without match over the next 3 to 5 years. 01:07:22.000 --> 01:07:29.000 That's going to pull in a lot more than the few 100 organizations that are already involved with it. 01:07:29.000 --> 01:07:34.000 So there's a whole thing about that's a whole ecosystem. 01:07:34.000 --> 01:07:48.000 It's being launched with nearly 3 billion dollars of cash that somebody didn't have to turn around and go get investment money to do with a lot of colleagues that I know that have the organizations around to do 01:07:48.000 --> 01:07:54.000 that that seem to me to be particular very connected to the kind of things we're talking about. 01:07:54.000 --> 01:08:09.000 But if there isn't, the energy to kind of think about what's it take to appropriately and realistically connect with the folks, particularly early on before they stabilize, into Okay, these are the partnerships these are 01:08:09.000 --> 01:08:19.000 the people. This is the direction this is what's happening So that's just a window of opportunity that just happens to be crip prox right now. 01:08:19.000 --> 01:08:26.000 Or critical proximity. Yeah, one of the things which is what we had talked about some time ago. 01:08:26.000 --> 01:08:38.000 Maybe a month, 6 weeks or so that in a conversation with Jonathan and I think it was part of the maybe the resources group, or something like that is really we are lacking. 01:08:38.000 --> 01:08:53.000 And going back to what kilo said I I think that really what's happening in a good part of right now is, since we don't have any methodology of really tracking the investment of energy that's being put in by 01:08:53.000 --> 01:09:03.000 all the various different people in any form whatsoever we're training the energy of love essentially bottom line that's what's happening? 01:09:03.000 --> 01:09:12.000 That's the reciprocity that's occurring we are, we are consuming and trading the energy of love. 01:09:12.000 --> 01:09:26.000 And so what's that can only go so far without going into transparency that you then actually start to understand where? what are the energy flows that are happening? 01:09:26.000 --> 01:09:30.000 Where are the the networks and the patterns of these? 01:09:30.000 --> 01:09:44.000 Energy flows happening, if we can't map it any place And so this is why, from planary careers point of view, I ended up with this off the wall kind of hypothesis that you had to start with the 01:09:44.000 --> 01:09:51.000 Constitution already figured out that in people could buy into a methodology we use profit units and things like this. 01:09:51.000 --> 01:09:57.000 We use contracts. We use this, even though we don't have the money We have a measurement we have a few in there. 01:09:57.000 --> 01:10:09.000 We have a trust that's developed among all the different people not to say that this is the way that the Lionsburg or any of this should go just that in a current method. 01:10:09.000 --> 01:10:26.000 It feels like that. that would add a lot of value. I guess, is what I'm saying is, if there was a method that would be reasonably figured out what that method is, I I I don't know I I think that 01:10:26.000 --> 01:10:32.000 takes some people to think about in the turnaround and put together and find a method that makes sense for the group. 01:10:32.000 --> 01:10:40.000 But the value of keeping track, then, is much more close to a healthy ecosystem, cause I help. 01:10:40.000 --> 01:10:48.000 The ecosystem is exchanging energy and molecules and consumption of whatever it is that's going on. 01:10:48.000 --> 01:10:56.000 And so that's automatically nature's keeping track of it and so we wanna create some level of visibility for ourselves. 01:10:56.000 --> 01:11:15.000 So complete with that. Thanks. thanks for yeah I could easily see when we I'm so, Judy, to quickly go back to your comment with the just wanna clarify a misunderstanding around the quarterly meetings what 01:11:15.000 --> 01:11:19.000 I was referring to is is in the organizations i've run in the past. 01:11:19.000 --> 01:11:27.000 We've done a specific type of quarterly meeting to really center in and make sure everybody's aligned on clarity on that next 90 days. 01:11:27.000 --> 01:11:35.000 How it leads into one and 3 years. out and to make sure there's understanding on their targets, and then the the weekly meetings are executing to those priorities. 01:11:35.000 --> 01:11:38.000 So I wasn't proposing that that would go but just that. 01:11:38.000 --> 01:11:44.000 We tried to have a very focus type of meeting that would really and and for us to what you were saying. 01:11:44.000 --> 01:11:50.000 What I what I learned and what I think everything i've read has said is typically Pete. 01:11:50.000 --> 01:12:01.000 I think you said this couple of weeks ago. maybe we should try to focus on a very few things and actually get them done, you know, instead of having a lot of things that we don't get done that's the basic failure 01:12:01.000 --> 01:12:08.000 pattern is that you pick 7 quarterly priorities and then you don't accomplish them as opposed to picking 2 or 3 in and nailing them each time. 01:12:08.000 --> 01:12:25.000 So forest. I I can easily say what see what you're talking about on on how we start the measurement and exchange being a, or or at least that basic measurement of energy flows connected to those priorities being one 01:12:25.000 --> 01:12:33.000 of the in that tackle in our next cycle so we couldn't talk about that, maybe next week, and see if it's a thanks for. 01:12:33.000 --> 01:12:40.000 Bring that in, Jason 01:12:40.000 --> 01:12:48.000 Yeah. So I think Judith said, about scale is interesting. 01:12:48.000 --> 01:12:58.000 And then I think about Estonia having interesting stuff because it's you know it. 01:12:58.000 --> 01:13:13.000 It's it's big enough but not too big and I and what we're doing in and appleton is, and we're basically fox cities is about 250,000 people, and what that does is it compresses 01:13:13.000 --> 01:13:25.000 the amount of complexity. down to 3 hospital systems. 4 foundations. 01:13:25.000 --> 01:13:29.000 So 6 local businesses that are a 1 billion dollars plus 01:13:29.000 --> 01:13:35.000 And so it starts to create capacity to create alignment. 01:13:35.000 --> 01:13:40.000 And so my couple of reflections over the past couple of weeks. 01:13:40.000 --> 01:13:51.000 And what people are the same. I got a chance to go to the Balkans last week, so I spent 7 days and 6 countries, and I could, and all the countries were small. 01:13:51.000 --> 01:14:00.000 You know, from Slovenia, the Montenegro to Croatia, to Serbia, at the Hungary and and Bosnia. 01:14:00.000 --> 01:14:07.000 And what is what is interesting is thinking about the long arc of a city state. 01:14:07.000 --> 01:14:14.000 It's not world war 2 it's 29 Bc. 01:14:14.000 --> 01:14:25.000 And the resilience of over time to persevere as a Bosnian. 01:14:25.000 --> 01:14:32.000 Over basically 20 to 30 occupations over the period of 2,000 years. 01:14:32.000 --> 01:14:43.000 Has There's something to say about that locality that ability to to hold a space, hold a culture hold a aspiration. 01:14:43.000 --> 01:14:50.000 So. So that was my reflection of seeing those different cultures, and they are all different, which is quite interesting, too. 01:14:50.000 --> 01:14:59.000 The The work we're doing locally is becoming interesting for a few few reasons. 01:14:59.000 --> 01:15:07.000 One. it's going local and and national so for example We are building a community data hub lying to by all community. 01:15:07.000 --> 01:15:22.000 I'd say, all most community stakeholders to have one data infrastructure that's creating a poll for a national set of people to run a grant to really create a standard structure for data infrastructure for communities So 01:15:22.000 --> 01:15:38.000 the pull comes up. But the work is actually in the and the locus And so it's the connections between the national or the global, or this group in each of our own domains where we're doing our work and how we learn from 01:15:38.000 --> 01:15:43.000 each other. One of the big things that we're struggling with in the 01:15:43.000 --> 01:15:49.000 Standard of local community prototype is understanding and testing government structures. 01:15:49.000 --> 01:15:56.000 And so we kind of understand how to create local ecosystems that can cash flow positive. 01:15:56.000 --> 01:16:08.000 And we can kind of understand how to engage local businesses in reinforcing and creating a positive cash flow that reinforces the cash flow that's there. 01:16:08.000 --> 01:16:17.000 We're trying to figure out is how we create that infrastructure or the governance that enables the people who are working in this general local community to benefit from it. 01:16:17.000 --> 01:16:26.000 So yeah, I can that's like so If I had asked i'm like, Okay, that's where that's where you know, we're looking at mandra and cooperative model, because it seems to work But are there 01:16:26.000 --> 01:16:40.000 better models. So as we just think through those type of things, that's kind of where my head has been over the last couple of weeks, and it's exciting to see the local the national and the ability to think about how we might 01:16:40.000 --> 01:16:45.000 experiment, cross context. 01:16:45.000 --> 01:16:51.000 So, Jason. you you may or may not know that several years ago. 01:16:51.000 --> 01:17:01.000 We're starting out on this that legal and governance piece became apparent that it would be basically the sticking point of the thing that we didn't know how to do as a species. 01:17:01.000 --> 01:17:07.000 So in our pathways to set up, but to set up Lionsburg. 01:17:07.000 --> 01:17:19.000 We research the world for examples? Laundrom was brought to my attention, and I ended up taking 2 week long trips with the leading us professor, who spent the last 40 years on the Montagon model and groups of grad students over there 01:17:19.000 --> 01:17:26.000 Bill came on one of those 2 trips for a week, so we do very, very deeply. 01:17:26.000 --> 01:17:30.000 And person over multiple trips into that model. We have personal relationships with 01:17:30.000 --> 01:17:34.000 Key executives and wisdom holders of that whole system. 01:17:34.000 --> 01:17:45.000 And for a very specific reasons we we we need to just take a step beyond it for for very specific reason. 01:17:45.000 --> 01:17:54.000 So i'd be delighted to collaborate on on that, and share some of that with this question of of what are we doing? 01:17:54.000 --> 01:18:03.000 Setting up those fractal nodes of governance that can be network together and ecosystems that can flow resources. 01:18:03.000 --> 01:18:08.000 And I mean you've obviously seen how that mongeon model got built out over time. 01:18:08.000 --> 01:18:15.000 One of to think about where I think we're going is that that's that's a small example of what simply needs to be done. 01:18:15.000 --> 01:18:22.000 And there's been reasons why monitor gone kind of capped out at that 01:18:22.000 --> 01:18:27.000 That 13 billion dollars and staying local in Boston and Spain. Yeah. 01:18:27.000 --> 01:18:31.000 And so we've had some very smart lines thinking about why they hit that cap. 01:18:31.000 --> 01:18:35.000 Why is it not work to export it around the world and countries? 01:18:35.000 --> 01:18:46.000 To what really do let's let's talk about that Okay, thank you 01:18:46.000 --> 01:18:59.000 What are we? One more thread there before? we go to wendy, which is to say that the other person other than a couple of us that are on this call that have maybe thought about that the deepest is this graham boyd 01:18:59.000 --> 01:19:12.000 who was Well, i'm gonna nodding to forest Obviously, so probably Bill and I and Forest and graham void are among the people that I found at least that have thought deepest. 01:19:12.000 --> 01:19:16.000 About this next generation of ecosystem governance and laundry gun, and what's beyond it? 01:19:16.000 --> 01:19:29.000 So I think that's part of Why, the universe had Graham and I just spent a week together in Estonia because we got hours and hours and hours to really dive deep into our last years of work, and and align 01:19:29.000 --> 01:19:34.000 and we very, very, deeply aligned on what I think are the principles of that. 01:19:34.000 --> 01:19:40.000 And so I think there's gonna be a match 01:19:40.000 --> 01:19:44.000 Can cut a couple of years off your roadmap and have a prototype chicken. 01:19:44.000 --> 01:19:56.000 Alright wendy so just saying that the retreat that I went to, and i'll just say the canvin retreat. 01:19:56.000 --> 01:20:17.000 In August was exactly on that topic so so we've got a group of people who are very broad thinkers who we could use as a reference group, since everyone was working on quite solid and multiple levels, of thinking around 01:20:17.000 --> 01:20:22.000 you know governance and decision making, and what makes that hang together? 01:20:22.000 --> 01:20:32.000 So I could use that community of practice to to bring in and invite them, since they all came with that theme in mind. 01:20:32.000 --> 01:20:47.000 And that's still fairly fresh and so there's an opportunity there to have you know 3 people who are familiar with cannabis framework, talking about governance, looking critically at some of these systems knowing that there's some probably little 01:20:47.000 --> 01:21:05.000 flourishes that haven't necessarily been added but could quite easily be added, partly because there are people who've got existing projects. And you can say, well, you know how would this model work, and actually get a bit of good nuance thinking and I think dave would be up 01:21:05.000 --> 01:21:11.000 to that as well. So and the timing is right we've only just recently come together. 01:21:11.000 --> 01:21:22.000 So getting the breadth about a number of people and a specific event that's already got a lot of inputs that I could look at and we've got all the transcripts and such from that all they're coming so 01:21:22.000 --> 01:21:26.000 we've actually got real Dna around what was discussed as opposed to. 01:21:26.000 --> 01:21:32.000 We had a good meeting. It was interesting We Think there's Some good options. 01:21:32.000 --> 01:21:39.000 Yeah. Great. thanks. I need the link for Montgomery, and they need to have a community here for me to come up to speed with. 01:21:39.000 --> 01:21:48.000 That would be my ask. Okay. so wendy I would be. 01:21:48.000 --> 01:22:02.000 I can tell you how delighted, i'd be to have that community of practice to exchange ideas with, and see if we can come to a shared, wise, right model for anybody who is not aware of it. 01:22:02.000 --> 01:22:16.000 Open future coalition is having a summit october eighteenth, which is like 3 weeks out. One of the biggest things they've asked from me is whether far enough along that we can finish articulating kind of the 01:22:16.000 --> 01:22:21.000 governance in interoperability and agreements among the Federation. 01:22:21.000 --> 01:22:28.000 So i've been up i've been spending a lot of time at on that so at 1 30 this morning. 01:22:28.000 --> 01:22:30.000 Just grinding, trying to get that that whole thing. 01:22:30.000 --> 01:22:36.000 So I would really really love Wendy if that group was willing to be able to take. 01:22:36.000 --> 01:22:42.000 And Jason like, let's take all that work and what though, and I have done and see if we can bring that together and come out with. 01:22:42.000 --> 01:22:48.000 Really, why is this build set of principles? that would solve issues for Jason. 01:22:48.000 --> 01:22:51.000 I think it would solve issues for us, and it would be our to skip. 01:22:51.000 --> 01:22:58.000 I think 01:22:58.000 --> 01:23:04.000 Okay, i'm windy you're on you're on mute 01:23:04.000 --> 01:23:19.000 What hasn't been done from that meeting and pete and I put a bit in for a book that the the transcripts themselves are actually important, input because it's what's sitting between the speakers and the nuances that that's where 01:23:19.000 --> 01:23:24.000 the gold is so any particular speaker will have a particular viewpoint. 01:23:24.000 --> 01:23:34.000 But what's said collectively. between them is important so I might need a little bit of Pete's help. But Pete's not so available at the moment, so that would just be a bit of tech support by a you got a 01:23:34.000 --> 01:23:43.000 lot happening on your plate feed. So anyway, eighteenth of October is only 2 weeks away, and it's a critical 2 weeks to get that information going. 01:23:43.000 --> 01:23:49.000 So yeah, there's a little bit of a community practice that might needed around that just to help do my little bit. 01:23:49.000 --> 01:24:00.000 Well. 01:24:00.000 --> 01:24:08.000 Beautiful. Thank you. Andy. 01:24:08.000 --> 01:24:18.000 Sorry it's very cute you can just say something so what I'm wanting to say, and you guys are gonna start to see me joking a little bit on the load here. 01:24:18.000 --> 01:24:31.000 But so like wendy and pete that's that's obviously an incredible opportunity to bring those streams together with what Bill and I have done into the open future coalition thing merging with Jason like that this is what 01:24:31.000 --> 01:24:36.000 the network needs right now is the thing un estonia everything. 01:24:36.000 --> 01:24:42.000 So obviously what we're dealing with is us not being that mature of an organization. 01:24:42.000 --> 01:24:46.000 Yet than having like teams assigned to schedule all these things. 01:24:46.000 --> 01:24:52.000 So i'm gonna say what I was gonna say which is that I would really really like to collaborate on this the next 2 weeks. 01:24:52.000 --> 01:24:56.000 And hopefully, we can create how to be patient with each other in superintendent. 01:24:56.000 --> 01:25:02.000 You can actually do it so alright sorry thank you to though I just there. 01:25:02.000 --> 01:25:13.000 It's like there's so many amazing. valuable threads here like we've been talking about, and we need to develop the resources and capacity to advance all these. 01:25:13.000 --> 01:25:25.000 Okay, thank you. and and listening to what you just said really my my heart truly goes out to for holding so many things and jumping in so many things. 01:25:25.000 --> 01:25:41.000 I I don't know how but I invite all of us to think of how we can help, or how we can engage, and also for you to think, how can can anything be shared? 01:25:41.000 --> 01:25:50.000 And how can that happened while leaving you your role, and also just helping, cause you keep getting more and more. 01:25:50.000 --> 01:26:02.000 And if I start getting concerned when I see that from the side if there's one of you, and not that many hours in a day, and not that many days in the week, that's not what I raise my hand to say by the way, I do 01:26:02.000 --> 01:26:04.000 have other things to say, but that's what I wanna say to explain. 01:26:04.000 --> 01:26:16.000 After this, this exchange right and so when I raised my hands to say it was after when Jason, when you were speaking, which I thought was really interesting. 01:26:16.000 --> 01:26:23.000 I'd love to hear more about you know what your engagement and what you're doing, and and those trips and such. 01:26:23.000 --> 01:26:31.000 And so the the dinner that we had and that's a dinner that we have without you, Jordan, because you were on the plane at that point. 01:26:31.000 --> 01:26:43.000 But it was sort of right before I left, and it was with a guy who was a former minister of entrepreneurship and information technology, also for racking foreign Minister, and in the leadership of one of the main 01:26:43.000 --> 01:26:47.000 parties, and it's a center right party they call reform party. 01:26:47.000 --> 01:26:49.000 They've been credited with a lot of sort of progressive things in Estonia. 01:26:49.000 --> 01:26:56.000 But you know also gets landed for some of the social issues that's that's come with those types of approaches. 01:26:56.000 --> 01:27:15.000 And so we were speaking to We were speaking to the notion of you know what could be done in a stone, in, and what level it could be done, and to Grams work, and to just sort of what we could represent of our 01:27:15.000 --> 01:27:20.000 joint interests, and we ended up with this potential vision. 01:27:20.000 --> 01:27:26.000 For what if? And this is kind of economic and business based? 01:27:26.000 --> 01:27:33.000 Partly because Graham was in the conversation and he's very much about building businesses and business ecosystems. 01:27:33.000 --> 01:27:43.000 But what if we find this highly aligned way of building let's call them more enlightenment businesses and communities and ecosystems? 01:27:43.000 --> 01:27:51.000 Were all stakeholders. are benefiting in the value that's created in the value and the benefit that's created using these multiple capitals. 01:27:51.000 --> 01:27:58.000 And you know there's different ways of structuring incorporation and governance that can get to there. 01:27:58.000 --> 01:28:03.000 But the big big picture behind that, where the stone is a small country, 1.3 million people. 01:28:03.000 --> 01:28:25.000 And if you were to be able to activate the population into understanding and recognition, if you were to be able to activate a larger share of the population to recognize the value of creating a bigger pie for everyone and then get them activated into themselves between 01:28:25.000 --> 01:28:28.000 themselves creating a bigger pie. There will be great value to that. 01:28:28.000 --> 01:28:31.000 This small country where Gdp is only 36 billion dollars. 01:28:31.000 --> 01:28:36.000 Look up apples, quarterly profits, and revenue is considered perspective. 01:28:36.000 --> 01:28:51.000 But if you can get the people to build a bigger pie together, you can probably also dividends the benefits of the greater pie. Even just a couple of unicorns on the context of a country is small. 01:28:51.000 --> 01:28:58.000 As Estonia lead to meaningful checks for majority of the population in the country, where meeting salaries about €20,000. 01:28:58.000 --> 01:29:07.000 And that's kind of a thinking we're on one hand you're talking about structures and systems and business building governance. 01:29:07.000 --> 01:29:13.000 And business to create value in this aligned less wasteful way. 01:29:13.000 --> 01:29:24.000 And, on the other hand, you're talking about emergent and well, you're talking about activation of people education, engagement collaboration. 01:29:24.000 --> 01:29:38.000 But really activation of people, both into understanding the value of creating something together for the joint benefit as well as recognition of how to do that which is trainable and educatable. where you can. 01:29:38.000 --> 01:29:41.000 You know. There, there, there's a lot of initiative in a stone. 01:29:41.000 --> 01:29:52.000 And so if they see the juice, bars are in across the border, they'll start too far isn't the latest clipping, and then whatever right But if you were to be able to do sort of Yeah, it's higher 01:29:52.000 --> 01:29:59.000 level initiatives to create that greater value and get more of the population to think along the lines of jointly creating greater value. 01:29:59.000 --> 01:30:13.000 Now you really have a potential engine prevailing benefits, and if you then have a structure to share it also between the different stakeholders that are, go all the way down from the State nation level, to you know organizations and communities 01:30:13.000 --> 01:30:26.000 and then whatever systems to the people, then you have a potential future vision with an activated population and all of a sudden it doesn't feel like you have 1.3 million people you've also multiplied your population. 01:30:26.000 --> 01:30:41.000 If you can activate the population and activate the system, and you now have sort of production or productivity of value, and the greater pie, if you will, at at at the level of a you you know potentially larger country. 01:30:41.000 --> 01:30:46.000 So that was part of the conversation that We were having and all these things that we're talking about. 01:30:46.000 --> 01:31:00.000 Here actually one way or another belong. So that's why I I don't have a very concrete, point, but it feels relevant and resonant to speak that out and again, it has the part of the systems and processes and you know all that sort 01:31:00.000 --> 01:31:13.000 of tangible nuts and bolts as well as the people and collaboration and emergence and ability to connect to the You know what I think of the field of knowing, because I don't value knowledge I value the ability 01:31:13.000 --> 01:31:27.000 to access that place where no one is between us and that's teachable 01:31:27.000 --> 01:31:37.000 Some key to what you're saying. I think goes back to this idea of this prototype of all these different elements that could be deployed in any place. right? 01:31:37.000 --> 01:31:48.000 And so you know, Jason, you said you have a a reasonably size to 250,000 person, community, let's say. 01:31:48.000 --> 01:31:55.000 And the biggest issue is these issues of governance and is it the monument model, or something beyond what what's worked right? 01:31:55.000 --> 01:32:09.000 I think you're speaking on basic same thing at the instilling a level, and then goes from how you engage the the human beings and the hearts and minds, and the souls, and how you into how you train and how to 01:32:09.000 --> 01:32:17.000 deploy these interconnected ecosystems and help every individual organization and community to dial towards their potential right. 01:32:17.000 --> 01:32:20.000 And then it's the inner relationship of all that that's the map. 01:32:20.000 --> 01:32:36.000 So I think that's. that's all been the heart of what hopefully moving towards right, right on queue, though I think that's and if I man just one very practical little technical thing But I think 01:32:36.000 --> 01:32:47.000 it's politically useful for people which is when people start understanding, especially in a very small country playing with taxes and regulations, only gives you so much in the Us. 01:32:47.000 --> 01:32:53.000 You can get a lot cause a percent is a huge number here in a stoneia. 01:32:53.000 --> 01:33:07.000 It's Not and so the relative value of creating more together or making the pi bigger, or finding what is value and creating value becomes more visibly into focus. 01:33:07.000 --> 01:33:18.000 So it also translates to dollars and cents, or whatever the currency is 01:33:18.000 --> 01:33:23.000 Okay, we'll 01:33:23.000 --> 01:33:49.000 Hi thanks as Many of you have probably been experiencing i'm sitting here with ever more thoughts going through my head and so i'll share a couple of them, and can offer something in in conclusion, my wife and I are on 01:33:49.000 --> 01:34:01.000 Cape Cod this week, and we stopped to buy some groceries on the way up just south of the cave, and there was an old man. 01:34:01.000 --> 01:34:14.000 He looked like he was 85. He was so bent over that his back was almost parallel to the ground, and he had to look at you like this. 01:34:14.000 --> 01:34:27.000 And he was working at the grocery store begging groceries, and I couldn't speak and Rose just stepped ahead and started to graciously help. 01:34:27.000 --> 01:34:38.000 Big groceries, grabbed eggs from another aisle is kind of late at night, and we smiled at him and thanked him, and just kind of tried to make it a a nice moment. 01:34:38.000 --> 01:34:44.000 But as we walked away we were just each once, and it just almost. 01:34:44.000 --> 01:34:51.000 I can hardly talk about it without tears. How can we help us? 01:34:51.000 --> 01:35:09.000 How can we have people who have to work at that stage in life and i'm not saying that to blame anybody, but at to point out something that Jesus talked about the Pharisees said, Well, who's my neighbor they didn't want to 01:35:09.000 --> 01:35:16.000 love their neighbors, so they challenged him, and he said well, let me tell you a story, or maybe it was a disciple, said, Who's my neighbor? 01:35:16.000 --> 01:35:32.000 Can't, remember, and he told the story of the good Samaritan, a man who, unlike the priest that walked by the injured victim of robbers, stopped and took care of him, and brought him to an end and paid for him to stay 01:35:32.000 --> 01:35:41.000 there while he recovered. So the question is your neighbor is the answer is, Who who you run into, Who has a need? 01:35:41.000 --> 01:35:56.000 That's your neighbor, whoever it is and in earth modern interconnected world sadly in a in maybe could kind of we have neighbors who are everywhere in the world. 01:35:56.000 --> 01:36:04.000 I am I see the need i'm aware of it and I wonder how can I help this need, or I hard myself to it? 01:36:04.000 --> 01:36:20.000 That's the difficulty of seeing world, needs so the challenge is, how do you aggregate resources to reach out to the larger Meta needs without neglecting, Of course, that elderly person at your left hand, or your child that 01:36:20.000 --> 01:36:32.000 you're right. So that got me thinking about what is needed to make things work between people here. 01:36:32.000 --> 01:36:45.000 Civil law is the balancing of competing social values criminal law is different, but civil law finds this balance. 01:36:45.000 --> 01:36:59.000 You can't balance social needs, unless you have either an imposition of, say, a zoning law which is supposedly done for the benefit of both sides of an equation, or you have a meeting of the mines and humility and 01:36:59.000 --> 01:37:06.000 communication and understanding. if I don't understand your needs I can't defer to them. 01:37:06.000 --> 01:37:16.000 So thinking about collaborating to meet social needs in about neighbors that calls for concerted action in systems right. 01:37:16.000 --> 01:37:20.000 This is all elementary, but these thoughts are going through my head. 01:37:20.000 --> 01:37:26.000 And so now that the theme is come up we need to know each other, we can't just talk in meta terms. 01:37:26.000 --> 01:37:31.000 We we need to actually do something. And what is Linesburg all about, and all that. 01:37:31.000 --> 01:37:40.000 I just wanted to volunteer myself as a a point of reference or conversation. 01:37:40.000 --> 01:37:44.000 I've gotten to know several of you on a one-on-one basis. 01:37:44.000 --> 01:38:00.000 So we've had great conversations and I deeply appreciate that I I learned so much, but I might be able to offer some insight into some of the thinking that's gone on behind the whole Lionsburg project but some of 01:38:00.000 --> 01:38:08.000 the practicalities of our what some, what can happen, what what are some elements that we see as very approachable? 01:38:08.000 --> 01:38:19.000 I I hate to see people that I love and started to be not understand something that I think we need to understand. 01:38:19.000 --> 01:38:38.000 So if I can be of any help, I am totally open and I want to have conversations with whoever I can in this group, And so just wanna lay that out there, because because if if we can, connect, as friends, I think it's easier for 01:38:38.000 --> 01:38:47.000 us to balance our efforts to meet social needs in that that point of their overlap. 01:38:47.000 --> 01:39:02.000 Because if competing social values are met by isolated siloed people there won't be collaboration, and then one group's effort to meet one need is going to be competing for the resources to meet that need so the connection 01:39:02.000 --> 01:39:12.000 between people that are friends facilitates us, understanding each other, and compromising to come up with something that works for all of us. 01:39:12.000 --> 01:39:18.000 But it also happens on this nonprofit to nonprofit business to business country to country basis. 01:39:18.000 --> 01:39:28.000 If we don't understand one another we can't come to the point of beating social needs. 01:39:28.000 --> 01:39:35.000 Thanks. 01:39:35.000 --> 01:39:43.000 Thanks, Bill. 01:39:43.000 --> 01:40:09.000 Wanna just add the web bill just said I feel bad that this far in there's not as much clarity and alignment that we could have around things that seem so so I just really like to encourage 01:40:09.000 --> 01:40:21.000 people that Bill might be able to pick up on my inadequate use of explaining some of the inception of this Oh, that's available! impossible! 01:40:21.000 --> 01:40:30.000 So thanks, Bill, for but it it it takes a little bit of I don't know. 01:40:30.000 --> 01:40:37.000 Yeah, probably you know bill and i've been talking about this for 5 years, and we still I think every week bill. We've probably come to at least one or 2 points. 01:40:37.000 --> 01:40:50.000 We're not fully sunk up consciously on yet So it's It's like takes a little bit of commitment, and for anybody who's trying to deal with systems change on how you need maybe the most critical 01:40:50.000 --> 01:41:02.000 decade in human history at the edge of a total con wipe quantum shift of a complex system that involves all humanity and all the living system in a total realignment. 01:41:02.000 --> 01:41:05.000 It's like not something that can just be reduced really simply. 01:41:05.000 --> 01:41:20.000 And so. but I think there's a very pragmatic way that if we were to just act out what we've done already, and everything we said today, it's like that with that cold thing starts to get real lines bill thanks for 01:41:20.000 --> 01:41:27.000 your just to hang in there, and 01:41:27.000 --> 01:41:36.000 Yeah, thank you. and just a couple quick points. kind of cycling back to 01:41:36.000 --> 01:41:54.000 Internal practicality of of Meta Project and Lyonsburg, and that is, am thinking about on the one component that was mentioned about tracing energy flow by some methodology. 01:41:54.000 --> 01:42:06.000 But also then recognizing, then, okay, then, what is a process that we might actually start experimenting with to as a group huge? 01:42:06.000 --> 01:42:20.000 Where are the energy flowers to go and even if we're using a point system that is, however, it's put together so like that. 01:42:20.000 --> 01:42:31.000 But there will come a point where there's a bucket of once, and those funds will be inadequate, because that's the nature of it. 01:42:31.000 --> 01:42:45.000 And or they will be inadequate to prefer fill all the desires of the projects that can be brought forward by the people that is needed internally and externally to want to do so. 01:42:45.000 --> 01:42:50.000 That's a that's a skill set to actually that takes practice and things like that. 01:42:50.000 --> 01:42:59.000 We're actually in a place where we might be able to begin that skill set of the working together and and making this kind of decision. 01:42:59.000 --> 01:43:05.000 And this goes back to the only piece of software platform that I'm aware of. 01:43:05.000 --> 01:43:17.000 And maybe there's others. is Co Budget and co-budget is actually designed exactly for this purpose, and to allow groups to be able to allocate resources. 01:43:17.000 --> 01:43:23.000 So I just wanted to add that. And then the second component that feels really valuable was early early. 01:43:23.000 --> 01:43:33.000 Receiver of resources. is someone that really worked closely with you, Jordan, and closely with anybody else. 01:43:33.000 --> 01:43:53.000 That might be a a a point of bringing the end this energy But it's particularly you right now that can turn around and on a fairly frequent basis, because of the nature of how rapidly things are changing produce through just conversation and very simple editing 01:43:53.000 --> 01:44:04.000 whether it is a a audio or whether it's an audio video, some kind of short thing that starts to encapsulate the various different components. 01:44:04.000 --> 01:44:10.000 So sometimes it might be you given it. it might be Key Loo given it, and might be Bill given. 01:44:10.000 --> 01:44:25.000 And whoever that is that goes into our lionsburg Youtube channel and is able for those that have the desire to pick up on that stuff, even if it's 2 weeks later, or a month later, all of a sudden, Oh, now, i'm 01:44:25.000 --> 01:44:31.000 attracted. Now I want to go catch up on these various different pieces, and not have to try and figure out where that is. 01:44:31.000 --> 01:44:36.000 In one of these long meetings. So those are the 2 points. 01:44:36.000 --> 01:44:42.000 I wanted to 01:44:42.000 --> 01:44:54.000 Yeah, thanks cool. What what you just said is a very it's a relatively simple pragmatic thing that would be very easily easy to handle with a very minor amount of support. 01:44:54.000 --> 01:45:02.000 Is that that stream of first thing. So thanks for continuing to bring up 01:45:02.000 --> 01:45:06.000 Jonathan 01:45:06.000 --> 01:45:26.000 I hear the word love a lot, and it excites me because it matches something on heartbroken over about the human race being so dominated by profit, motive, and selfishness. 01:45:26.000 --> 01:45:45.000 And I know I want to open the question or focus on the question that ceased to be coming up here? Which is, do we want to convert love into fiat? 01:45:45.000 --> 01:45:51.000 Is there some way we can encourage love by paying for it? 01:45:51.000 --> 01:46:14.000 This sounds like a Utopian, and ridiculous idea I presume you see, we're throwing a lot of energy into this, and if we 01:46:14.000 --> 01:46:27.000 If we can investigate, How do nurture love and 01:46:27.000 --> 01:46:33.000 Fabricated structure that allows love to thrive, and people who join are gonna go. 01:46:33.000 --> 01:46:40.000 Oh, my God, this is different. This is exactly what the human race needs. 01:46:40.000 --> 01:46:52.000 Thank you. 01:46:52.000 --> 01:47:07.000 Jonathan. Then people writing or then tempting to ado posits that if there was a single open, are you uniting design criteria for the New World that we're trying to co-create it's 01:47:07.000 --> 01:47:26.000 love, and that that's not only maybe the cardinal value through which you could derive all other values that flow from it, that that value should actually be the basis for all exchange and allocation of energy and the successor system 01:47:26.000 --> 01:47:33.000 right. I mean it's like if we were to say that simply a complete alignment, realignment of the flow of value. 01:47:33.000 --> 01:47:39.000 Would consciousness rooted and love would cause everything else to fall into place. 01:47:39.000 --> 01:47:48.000 So it's thank you it it would create utilia. it's neatobian and it must be done. 01:47:48.000 --> 01:47:54.000 Yeah. Thanks for saying that. Thanks for giving me goosebumps. 01:47:54.000 --> 01:48:04.000 Dude. 01:48:04.000 --> 01:48:12.000 Sorry. Can you start again? Sounds mute. sounds mute. Thanks. 01:48:12.000 --> 01:48:16.000 Thank you, Jonathan. That was lovely. I liked it. 01:48:16.000 --> 01:48:21.000 With my 01:48:21.000 --> 01:48:38.000 With my consulting hat on, I I think what we i'm going to make a diagnosis kind of, or a suggestive diagnosis, which I think is we're doing too much work individually and not enough 01:48:38.000 --> 01:48:47.000 work together, and maybe that's the phase we're in and that's fine. 01:48:47.000 --> 01:48:51.000 But pretending that we're working together when we're working individually? 01:48:51.000 --> 01:48:58.000 Is it's a conflict right it's a wish that we're not fulfilling. 01:48:58.000 --> 01:49:14.000 And then that makes everybody sad, So someday we'll be working together on stage and Jordan, I want to suggest an example. 01:49:14.000 --> 01:49:18.000 This is a really difficult example, I think, but the Ofc. 01:49:18.000 --> 01:49:21.000 Summit, October the eighteenth. I would love for you. 01:49:21.000 --> 01:49:27.000 I would love for us. I would love for us to knock it out of the park. 01:49:27.000 --> 01:49:31.000 Have 3 or 4 of us there have a beautiful presentation about Lionsberg and the matter project. 01:49:31.000 --> 01:49:45.000 Yada yada we're not mature enough for that, having you do it by yourself, matures your participation in it, and it leaves the rest of us out. 01:49:45.000 --> 01:49:57.000 And maybe it's the time for that maybe you know maybe you need to sleep 4 h a night for another couple of weeks, and you know, kind of nail it out of the you know. 01:49:57.000 --> 01:50:08.000 Knock it out, of the park. that's going to create a big imbalance in where we are you're going to be way ahead of us, and we're going to be way behind you and We won't have participated in 01:50:08.000 --> 01:50:23.000 it so i'm not suggesting one course or another that we're caught in this mind, where we want to work together, and we are just not working together, which again is fine if that's where we want to be that if and when 01:50:23.000 --> 01:50:29.000 we're going to be productive we're going to have to slow down. 01:50:29.000 --> 01:50:42.000 This is the really hard part right we're gonna have to slow down, and everybody is going to have to figure out how to do things together that are uncomfortable and not feeling like you know It's like Jordan once you do 01:50:42.000 --> 01:50:45.000 this part, Pete? Why don't you Do that part Bill why don't you do that part? 01:50:45.000 --> 01:50:59.000 Because I don't know how to do it that's the definition of not doing it together right? so someday we'll probably work together. I would love that until then we're not working together even if we all 01:50:59.000 --> 01:51:14.000 occupy the same space for a couple hours a week There's a saying slow is smooth smooth as fast. We're at that point where we're trying to go as fast as possible. 01:51:14.000 --> 01:51:36.000 And to do that we're going to have to slow down and work together smoothly, and then we can proceed with alacrity fast 01:51:36.000 --> 01:51:42.000 You're beautiful thank you 01:51:42.000 --> 01:51:52.000 And we're coming up to almost 2 30 so go 01:51:52.000 --> 01:52:06.000 What a call definitely feeling it. I raised my hands when Jonathan mentioned the 01:52:06.000 --> 01:52:22.000 Love is fiat and also just speaking about it and we've moved through other things now, but it's only getting kind of richer and harder right, because I think it's a great call but it's also hard and I 01:52:22.000 --> 01:52:30.000 feel it and speaking of love and using it, then speaking it into space. 01:52:30.000 --> 01:52:44.000 And Jordan I don't have the quote of what you said, but you said it really beautiful, and I you know I think that belongs in on the front page somewhere as a snippet, too, as as a place to come from and 01:52:44.000 --> 01:52:53.000 it's not you know it's open and 01:52:53.000 --> 01:53:03.000 I don't. On one hand everything in me wants to speak more into being, and into reality, into articulation, into recognition. 01:53:03.000 --> 01:53:12.000 Into visibility in every space, but especially productive progressive spaces, where I believe something can happen for the better future. 01:53:12.000 --> 01:53:19.000 The value and the practicality of different forms, many forms of love. 01:53:19.000 --> 01:53:26.000 And how to. You know all the how to about it, and that off about it. 01:53:26.000 --> 01:53:43.000 And, on the other hand, it makes me shaking my boots. And just this morning I was having a call with someone is a very wise person, and he was kind of advising and admonishing me to do. the hardest thing and the 01:53:43.000 --> 01:53:59.000 hardest thing is fully embody, fully embody being who I am, and being where I am, including the feelings and including whatever unfinished businesses. 01:53:59.000 --> 01:54:08.000 And you know, conflicts and all of that not running to escaping, and that running to projects and not running to rationalize. 01:54:08.000 --> 01:54:21.000 It's a really good reasoning, and I think unless we are unless we are ready to have our hearts completely broken. 01:54:21.000 --> 01:54:34.000 We probably can't really talk about bringing love beyond whatever we're able to do body and hold it doesn't mean I don't want to. 01:54:34.000 --> 01:54:47.000 I want to no my my heart's already breaking and broken but it's i'm feeling it's like this is so much what's happening, and i'm having that conversation with my friends you know with my 01:54:47.000 --> 01:54:51.000 girlfriends and my guy friends so there's something in the air. 01:54:51.000 --> 01:54:55.000 That's having that happen, anyway. So i'm just gonna be using it. 01:54:55.000 --> 01:55:02.000 Maybe it might as well be us. I just want to speak that yeah we're all asking for heartbreak. 01:55:02.000 --> 01:55:18.000 If we are asking to go deeper, and recognize and use and abide in that, it's not a reason not to do it. 01:55:18.000 --> 01:55:22.000 In fact, it might be the reason to articulate practicalities around it. 01:55:22.000 --> 01:55:26.000 This is what this is, how you do. This is what you do in community. 01:55:26.000 --> 01:55:31.000 This is how you I don't know module arise and processes for other people. 01:55:31.000 --> 01:55:37.000 Right. but I just wanna speak it out here and you know whether we turn it into currency or not. 01:55:37.000 --> 01:55:46.000 I mean that's that becomes just a small question because a bigger question is, what happens to us, and how are we going to be with each other and with ourselves. 01:55:46.000 --> 01:55:59.000 I try to embody everything that gets third in this meeting i'm i'm gonna be running so fast because I don't think I can not run 01:55:59.000 --> 01:56:02.000 But it's a good you know it's a good heartbreak. 01:56:02.000 --> 01:56:12.000 Right, So, anyway. i'll leave you with that so that's here. 01:56:12.000 --> 01:56:17.000 Okay, we are we're at 2 30 so we need to 01:56:17.000 --> 01:56:26.000 So, Michael and Wendy, we will hear your comments over coffee, but I just wanna break for anybody who needs to jump off the call. 01:56:26.000 --> 01:56:32.000 Thank you so much, so So next week we'll be starting a new 6 weeks cycle. 01:56:32.000 --> 01:56:43.000 Building on all of this, and really really excited and I think if we really really took seriously everything we discussed today, especially. 01:56:43.000 --> 01:56:54.000 That's way. So I wanna just kind of acknowledge anybody that needs to jump off the call and over coffee. 01:56:54.000 --> 01:57:03.000 Not part of the formal meeting, and Michael, with anybody else, stay on 01:57:03.000 --> 01:57:11.000 Go ahead! Michael! 01:57:11.000 --> 01:57:28.000 Yeah I to a little bit to it, Pete was saying, and and some of what? 01:57:28.000 --> 01:57:37.000 Some of it was discussed yesterday in the social dimension conversation. 01:57:37.000 --> 01:57:47.000 I think a lot of this kind of false start feeling. 01:57:47.000 --> 01:57:57.000 And and where do we put our resources, sources, and what is people working alone, and what is us working together? 01:57:57.000 --> 01:58:25.000 Dem's from the lack of definition between when it just you know how our our individual parts and separate efforts and those of people who aren't in this room into this movement, and the difference between this movement and Lionsburg 01:58:25.000 --> 01:58:44.000 which is, is an individual effort with in this movement and you know It's a distinction, I mean I can remember Jordan at times you saying that those 2 terms were interchangeable, and you know at at at various times I've 01:58:44.000 --> 01:58:48.000 pushed back on that just because I think it makes it hard. 01:58:48.000 --> 01:59:18.000 You know Lionsburg is a thing you know has a lot of structure, and is something that I think many of us want to support and want to see flourish without knowing how, or even if we would fit into it or under it. 01:59:22.000 --> 01:59:27.000 and and 01:59:27.000 --> 01:59:40.000 The the Meta project the movement I mean this was some stuff that I was as posting in chat, too, and and also stuff has said before, and sorry if I'm being redundant. 01:59:40.000 --> 01:59:51.000 But it just seems to me that that that movement is what we you know. 01:59:51.000 --> 02:00:08.000 Wish we could write a constitution for and we're just not there, and we don't have the right to in a way or a declaration, or start a petition or have a list of bullet points and you know it's 02:00:08.000 --> 02:00:31.000 audaciously of us to think that we can. but at the same time we are part of a massive, massive, massive, you know, group of hundreds of thousands, millions, maybe billions that has the right to, and the need to sort of 02:00:31.000 --> 02:00:41.000 define that that movement so 02:00:41.000 --> 02:01:11.000 Separating ourselves from from that per view, well acknowledging the efforts we all want to make in that direction as individuals, as companies, nonprofits, loose groups, and and and say that we're all here as representatives of 02:01:15.000 --> 02:01:20.000 those things to help each other be part of the greater Meta project. 02:01:20.000 --> 02:01:34.000 Doesn't preclude relationships to Lionsburg and you know some of us are doing things that might relate to Lionsburg. 02:01:34.000 --> 02:01:44.000 Some of us aren't other entities exist that are more mature that are part of this movement. 02:01:44.000 --> 02:02:11.000 You know future capital. The un you know you know the nation of Astonia, I mean all, all of these sovereign entity entities and people are have roles in this greater larger movement, and if we're here, If our 02:02:11.000 --> 02:02:24.000 meetings are as I don't know what members supporters consider consultants. 02:02:24.000 --> 02:02:47.000 I can take a lot of different roles to Lionsburg the entity, or or well, or not I mean I think I think we have to define somehow when we're doing that, and when we're not and it's 02:02:47.000 --> 02:03:07.000 fine. I mean I I like love everything that i've seen and heard and feel like there are lots of specifics about Lionsburg that I totally could get behind and at the same time. 02:03:07.000 --> 02:03:16.000 If we're talking about the movement that we've called the Meta Project 02:03:16.000 --> 02:03:32.000 I I think it's not 2 meta as pete was saying, to be like figuring out how we can fit with other people on that 02:03:32.000 --> 02:03:42.000 But we're in no position to organize it and and be flag bears. 02:03:42.000 --> 02:03:58.000 I I I sorry, i'm I I feel like i'm not really able to articulate this, but I I think the separation of the 2 things, and where we can be practical at our own level of existing organizations and 02:03:58.000 --> 02:04:10.000 individuals versus you know, being the ones to to Harold and Kickstart. 02:04:10.000 --> 02:04:20.000 This movement. I think we have a a problem. We have a we have a lack of clarity. 02:04:20.000 --> 02:04:34.000 There, that we need to get clear, separate, and do nameable things 02:04:34.000 --> 02:04:39.000 I was probably more articulate in the chat on some of here. 02:04:39.000 --> 02:04:50.000 We go onto the next. Thank you for your voice, Michael. really appreciate that express. 02:04:50.000 --> 02:05:10.000 That 02:05:10.000 --> 02:05:15.000 Could I offer a comment or an observation, because this is such a wonderful group of people? 02:05:15.000 --> 02:05:35.000 First of all and the diversity in the group is high because of different life experiences different core trainings and so forth, and it's beautiful to watch, and at the same time challenging because of the with and breadth and 02:05:35.000 --> 02:05:41.000 depth of perspective that individuals bring to the topic at hand. 02:05:41.000 --> 02:05:50.000 And then multiply that by about a 1 billion, and you get to the full potential scope of Meta. 02:05:50.000 --> 02:06:08.000 And so, on the one hand, I think we should feel good that we're experiencing learning pains right now because that's part of the operational growth of an ecosystem of people, at whatever scale at the same time my 02:06:08.000 --> 02:06:27.000 sensibilities would suggest that we have to be somewhat reasoned in concrete about what is realistic for us to try to do toward the much, much larger goal, or it can devolve into frustration and disengagement and 02:06:27.000 --> 02:06:45.000 This is far too worthy to allow that to happen I don't have a solution at this point, but I would invite everyone to think about some of those questions over the next week, and perhaps we can. 02:06:45.000 --> 02:07:06.000 I don't know whether we want to use the matter most or some other process to share some of those thoughts in a in a framework, because it could easily turn into quite a lot of reading, and that would be wonderful and frightening at the same 02:07:06.000 --> 02:07:22.000 time. and so I I think that the sentiment I hear is everyone wants to help with this. and the frustration is, there's so many dimensions. it's hard to know specifically what any one person can do or even if 02:07:22.000 --> 02:07:30.000 each of us had an army behind us, what we would try to persuade our army to do, and maybe Legion is a better worth than army. 02:07:30.000 --> 02:07:43.000 But I guess I think I i'm both hardened and a bit frustrated as a general sentiment to what we're experiencing. 02:07:43.000 --> 02:08:03.000 But I would share that. this is a common behavior evolving groups of people, and the bigger the project the more complex the patterns are that evolve. and what I would invite each person to do if you're willing is to think about 02:08:03.000 --> 02:08:09.000 questions like, you know. Who could I help in general? What could I do to help? 02:08:09.000 --> 02:08:20.000 How would I know if I was successful? those sort of briefive questions that each of us probably practice when we think about taking a new job or joining in the organization? 02:08:20.000 --> 02:08:23.000 You know is this where my time does it fit with what I can do? 02:08:23.000 --> 02:08:34.000 Or will it frustrate. me but I think if each of us did a little bit of that self reflection in addition to what we're already doing, and I'm not suggesting that we're not all doing some of it 02:08:34.000 --> 02:08:49.000 anyway. but there might be a path that would become. more apparent to us on what things we could reasonably do now, and how many more millions of people need to be involved to do more. 02:08:49.000 --> 02:08:56.000 I think i'll stop there 02:08:56.000 --> 02:09:09.000 Okay, let's go to jonathan and then I'm gonna make a final comment. and then unless any nobody else has anything, we're in an amazing space to kind of old duties Michael's statement, and 02:09:09.000 --> 02:09:14.000 judy's inquiry and maybe just let that rest next week. 02:09:14.000 --> 02:09:26.000 So, Jonathan, you have the final Wow! So I love the idea. 02:09:26.000 --> 02:09:40.000 The judges, proposing of selecting some good questions, and then really thinking about it, because we generate really good questions. 02:09:40.000 --> 02:09:57.000 And I I wanna see us again. The ability to follow through on those, and was wondering if, during our retrospective, we, as a group, could pick R. 02:09:57.000 --> 02:10:03.000 3 favorite questions, and you know, Agree? Yeah, these 3 are the best. 02:10:03.000 --> 02:10:28.000 Something like that. Because this this meeting and others like it is so precious and one way to move them forward is to narrow our focus, or we're thinking, might go in the intervening for letting me off for that 02:10:28.000 --> 02:10:36.000 Let's take before I make a final comment let's do a quick waterfall. 02:10:36.000 --> 02:10:43.000 Let's take a couple of minutes and respond to Jonathan and Judy is not on the questions. 02:10:43.000 --> 02:10:57.000 And just give everybody a chance to write any questions you have into the chat like what would be the wisest right questions for us to be about at this juncture. 02:10:57.000 --> 02:11:27.000 Distribute those, as we think and head into next week so Let's take 2 or 3 min, and just the why is this great question we could ask ourselves this week. 02:12:34.000 --> 02:12:39.000 Right. 02:12:39.000 --> 02:12:54.000 How are we doing on questions? Anybody like more time? 02:12:54.000 --> 02:13:03.000 Wendy. Michael, you guys good 02:13:03.000 --> 02:13:15.000 Go. 02:13:15.000 --> 02:13:45.000 Give us a second to review this, and then final comment will close out here 02:13:59.000 --> 02:14:08.000 Okay. closing comment is, I think that how? first of all, Thank you. 02:14:08.000 --> 02:14:29.000 This was an immensely rich indeed! discussion let's say thank you exactly what a retrospective where Michael and Judy left off, and where a lot of our conversation pointed to. 02:14:29.000 --> 02:14:49.000 I think, is exactly what we as we head into the next 6 weeks, and question that I wrestled with for many many years, as we couldn't find the place to push on or the meta project. 02:14:49.000 --> 02:15:01.000 Let's say and it's abstract and universal form through to actually years with coaches trying to figure out what could we go? 02:15:01.000 --> 02:15:11.000 Push on that if we drove it to its logical end, with every bit of resources and relationships and energy we could possibly muster, would accomplish question. 02:15:11.000 --> 02:15:15.000 The total set of global Goals and forge the kind of future that we all desire. 02:15:15.000 --> 02:15:20.000 And we can find anything 02:15:20.000 --> 02:15:24.000 And so we can get lost in these abstract brands. 02:15:24.000 --> 02:15:34.000 Bye, and we can wonder what a that a project is, and we can wonder what all Lionsburg is, whatever, and one way to shatter. 02:15:34.000 --> 02:15:43.000 That is to just realize that they're all simple inventions and words of people in this room to try to communicate something. 02:15:43.000 --> 02:15:50.000 So there is no abstraction like it's us it it's us, and we're here and 02:15:50.000 --> 02:16:06.000 I tried for years to figure out what to put weight behind so that billions of people wouldn't like supper and starve, and maybe have a chance of gathering whatever allies we could to i'll try to do a little 02:16:06.000 --> 02:16:23.000 better than what's happening, and the best mythical thing I could come up with for a very practical structure to deal with government cash flows, philanthropic cash flows, investment cash flows and 02:16:23.000 --> 02:16:36.000 create space to actually track energy like force, was advocating for right checks like taken philanthropic funds, taken investment funds and actually act out propositions. 02:16:36.000 --> 02:16:49.000 We had to pick something, and so what's that there until something called Lyons for dropped and recognizing the ethical names don't work, and people need very pragmatic descriptions. 02:16:49.000 --> 02:17:05.000 We, you know, sat and wrote, for I sat in road. We sat in road 4 years until we decided to try something like Meta Project and something like Meta-game for trying to figure out what we might all play in together So I think as we 02:17:05.000 --> 02:17:13.000 start the next cycle. we should grapple with what Michael just put forward and let Judy just put forward and go. 02:17:13.000 --> 02:17:23.000 Okay, Well, if we're not gonna take responsibility for this because there's some them out there that it's like, Whose job is that? 02:17:23.000 --> 02:17:28.000 Whose responsibility is it? Where are they? cause I need to go find them. 02:17:28.000 --> 02:17:44.000 But i've been looking for many many years now and I find that they're on this call, and they're out there in all of our different relationships, and I can't find anything to go push on I can find thousands or 02:17:44.000 --> 02:17:59.000 millions of themit amazing leaders and organizations i'd like to support and empower and resource, and equip with tools and technology and knowledge and relationships, and, like so many brilliant real things happening that need to happen and need 02:17:59.000 --> 02:18:15.000 to be swimming and resources that they don't have right now I can find those, and I think we should find those, and we should connect up and empower them, and I feel like until we find that them out there that has This 02:18:15.000 --> 02:18:31.000 handled it's we should act as if it's up to us as uncomfortable as that is, and figure out how we go from we are to who we need to become then who else needs to be here? 02:18:31.000 --> 02:18:49.000 And so that's I guess my final word is I Just feel like I can't you know, get up and look myself in the mirror every morning, unless I act as if that was our responsibility until such a time as you know we find 02:18:49.000 --> 02:19:06.000 some them out there. who's got it the grand challenges and global Goals covered so we can relax until then it's like I think it's our job That's a big risk to not act as if that were true Michael 02:19:06.000 --> 02:19:19.000 I wanna thank you again for the deep, deep care with which you articulate those things on your heart that are so true and so important, really really valuable. 02:19:19.000 --> 02:19:21.000 And I appreciate the care that you take to express those things. 02:19:21.000 --> 02:19:43.000 So on. So i'm really really excited about 2 4 i'm gonna spend a lot of time with the notes from the day I took a lot of notes and I apologize I would maybe wasn't doing good job with being very collaborative with 02:19:43.000 --> 02:19:53.000 that content? Would you like to? Would you be willing to drop that onto the Wiki? 02:19:53.000 --> 02:20:00.000 I will i'll also post links to the Metadata town square. 02:20:00.000 --> 02:20:05.000 That project down square. Yeah, I think these notes are like super valuable. 02:20:05.000 --> 02:20:16.000 And then I really look forward to next week. and then yeah we've got lots of adjustments, and thank you guys so much for hanging in there. 02:20:16.000 --> 02:20:36.000 I realize that my leadership and communications have been and adequate the last few weeks, and grateful for just process, while we would strap up so deeply, deeply appreciated love and appreciate each of you this is a really rich 02:20:36.000 --> 02:20:53.000 call excited. We'll see you guys, Thanks everybody thank you Thank you so much.