00:18:17 Jason Schulist: and record it 00:18:58 Forrist Lytehaause: will this 12 week replace the Wed meeting? same time? 00:23:36 Jason Schulist: +1 Forrist - would like to know the when for the 12 week cycle... 00:30:04 Jason Schulist: I will send you a set of names from the projects I am involved in that are working on the governance issues... 00:30:54 Forrist Lytehaause: +1 Jordan - same time 00:31:32 Wendy Elford: + same time - there are time zone changes to consider 00:38:40 Wendy McLean, NY: Flow State Summary Comments welcome Link to Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPLTO_eA=/?share_link_id=294614612354 00:38:41 Wendy Elford: Can you forward link / document on flow summary - have not seen this 00:39:02 Wendy Elford: ....thanks! 00:41:55 Jason Schulist: i have a key resource that would be great for you to connect with Wendy M. - John Lenhart https://www.myflowcess.com/ 00:52:15 Wendy Elford: ... ross aloft? Spelling Dissolving and away from the problem 00:55:04 Wendy McLean, NY: Love the John Lenhart resource. Did not learn from him yet. Thank you! 00:55:21 Jason Schulist: Russell Ackoff - system thinker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_L._Ackoff 01:07:54 Wendy Elford: This happened for me in the Infinity training this week - was at the edge and it came to the centre 01:11:02 Wendy McLean, NY: +1 Wendy E. Exciting! 01:11:32 Wendy Elford: Asking what is possible even from a negative starting point 01:12:11 Jason Schulist: Thank you Wendy M. for the awesome analysis on flow - I appreciate you. 01:12:14 Wendy McLean, NY: +1 Erik. Positive framing, inspiring. Reaching from there 01:13:23 Wendy McLean, NY: Thank you Jason for the acknowledgement. Would love to find a way to take you up on the offer to connect with John Lenhart. Would love to inquire into the conditions for group flow! 01:14:41 Killu Sanborn: WE " be tiny bit out of control all the time" 01:15:13 Killu Sanborn: "get comfortable being uncomfortable " 01:17:15 Wendy Elford: + Erik - walking into the pain with the idea of what is possible? 01:17:59 Wendy Elford: Excellent Book - Beau Lotto - Deviate 01:19:44 Erik Willekens: it's a delicate balance and requires skills 01:23:53 Killu Sanborn: Jason: method practice coach and challenge you can do but think you can't 01:24:39 Killu Sanborn: almost everything is a skill but not intro extroversion. it can practice 01:25:33 Killu Sanborn: Jordan: if everything is a skill- restores agency 01:26:16 Wendy Elford: This is ABDUCTIVE reasoning - narratives that overlap 01:27:59 Jason Schulist: https://i.imgur.com/cJJGaQ9.png 01:28:19 Killu Sanborn: Wendy M both crisis and opportunity easier to se from curiosity and being alert 01:29:28 Jason Schulist: more research - the talent code, talent is overrated, and Toyota kata fieldbook 01:32:04 Wendy McLean, NY: LOVE Talent Code 01:32:30 Jason Schulist: see this learning edge diagram: https://i.imgur.com/dlKQqb4.png 01:33:35 Wendy McLean, NY: Nice target zone of learning! 01:37:57 Morgan Browning: Forrest, yes… accelerated ecological governance: www.acecog.org 01:38:12 Morgan Browning: Forrist* 01:38:18 Jason Schulist: have a 4:00 - thanks for a great conversation... 01:42:23 Morgan Browning: Kill, thank you for asking: What does group flow look like? I see… 1. Colocation / an island of light 2. live collaboration 2. asynchronous reporting and communications 3. iterative planning cycles 4. hierarchical multivariate optimization of intention/activity 5. open project roles that play to strengths 6. consensus driven and love-borne objectives 7. shared positive experiences 8. genuine curiosity and expansion in all relationships 9. grounding and shared vibration / intention 10. co-creative expression and feedback 01:42:47 Morgan Browning: and to all who asked: yes i’m open to 1:1 😀 01:43:01 Morgan Browning: Killu* 01:45:00 Forrist Lytehaause: Thanks Jordan, Wendy and all the rich contributions. My library just great by 3 books! Really love Duol Painting. I'm going to use with my 5 yr old twins and many more!! 01:45:48 Forrist Lytehaause: bye all. 01:51:59 Michael Grossman (Factr): +1 Wendy M and how can we spread flow to other groups, so the that the group-to-group flow is easy? 01:52:28 Michael Grossman (Factr): Viral flow! 01:52:28 Wendy Elford: + 1 Wendy M - thanks for your efforts here 01:54:01 Wendy McLean, NY: My pleasure! And thank you all for the rich discussion! 01:54:08 Jason Schulist: we should consider the systems/practices that enable flow and practice utilizing these systems with this group...