9.1 The Awakening of Humanity

The awakening of humanity refers to the growing awareness and understanding of the Meta Crisis, and the urgent need for a New Vision and Plan to address it. This awakening is a result of a combination of factors, including the increasing impact and visibility of the Meta Crisis, the availability of information and knowledge through technology and social media, and the growing realization that current approaches and systems are not working.

The awakening of humanity is a critical step towards addressing the Meta Crisis, as it is only through this awareness and understanding that individuals, communities, and organizations can begin to take meaningful and effective action. The awakening of humanity is also a powerful driver of the rising movement, which is the collective effort of individuals, communities, and organizations to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis and co-create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth.

The awakening of humanity is also characterized by a shift in values and motivations. More and more people are recognizing that the Old Paradigm, which prioritizes economic growth and individual success over collective well-being and the health of the planet, is no longer viable or sustainable. Instead, there is a growing desire for a New Paradigm that prioritizes collective well-being, the health of the planet, and the flourishing of all life.

The awakening of humanity is an ongoing process, and one that requires a continued effort to raise awareness and understanding of the Meta Crisis, as well as to inspire and empower individuals, communities, and organizations to take action. It is the beginning of the process of co-creating a New Vision and Plan, and a new operating system for humanity that can effectively address the Meta Crisis and co-create a better future for all.

Forward to 9.2 The events and forces that have led to the awakening of humanity
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