17.3 The potential for the New Vision and Plan to address the root causes of the Meta Crisis and prevent future crises

The New Vision and Plan has the potential to create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth by addressing the root causes of the Meta Crisis and preventing future crises.

The New Vision and Plan is based on a whole systems approach that recognizes that the Meta Crisis is a complex and interconnected issue that requires a comprehensive and holistic solution. By addressing the root causes of the Meta Crisis, such as environmental degradation, poverty and economic inequality, social injustice and discrimination, political corruption, and the Old Operating System of humanity, the New Vision and Plan has the potential to bring about a more just, abundant, and regenerative world.

The New Vision and Plan also promotes the transition to clean and renewable energy, the protection and restoration of natural habitats, the adoption of regenerative and circular economic models, and the sustainable and efficient use of resources, which can help to prevent future environmental crises.

The New Vision and Plan also promotes the engagement and empowerment of individuals and communities, which can help to prevent future social and political crises. By providing access to resources, tools, knowledge, and support, and by promoting community-based solutions and local self-governance, the New Vision and Plan has the potential to empower individuals and communities to take charge of their own development and well-being, and to make decisions that benefit themselves and their local communities.

Additionally, the New Vision and Plan promotes an integrated and mutually reinforcing approach to addressing the different dimensions of the Meta Crisis, rather than addressing them in isolation. This can help to prevent future crises by addressing the complex interconnections between different issues, and by creating systems and structures that support the well-being of all inhabitants of Earth, both now and for future generations.

Overall, the New Vision and Plan has the potential to address the root causes of the Meta Crisis and prevent future crises by promoting a whole systems approach, that is based on the principles of justice, equity, fairness, and interdependence, and by empowering individuals, communities, and the global community to co-create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth. By addressing and transforming the deepest root causes of suffering and injustice, the Lionsberg System aims to bring forward a truly abundant and regenerative New Era for All.

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