IV.E. Rediscovering What It Means To Be A Citizen

The New American Revolution requires a rediscovery of what it means to be a citizen. In the past, citizenship was seen as a noble calling, a responsibility to serve God, country, and fellow human beings in present and future generations. Today, citizenship is often seen as a burden, a source of obligations and taxes, rather than a source of pride, purpose, and opportunity.

To restore the American Spirit, Americans must rediscover the joys and responsibilities of citizenship. This means embracing the ideals of truth, love, justice, wisdom, unity and stewardship, and recommitting ourselves to working together in partnership with God and one another towards the wellbeing of all. It means embracing the values of hard work, faith, courage, sacrifice, and service to others, and it means taking an active and engaged role in shaping the future of the nation and the world.

Rediscovering what it means to be a citizen requires a shift in mindset, from passive spectators lacking agency, to active and engaged co-creators of the American Ideal. It requires a commitment to civic engagement, volunteerism, political involvement, and entrepreneurship, and it requires a willingness to proactively work across political and socioeconomic divides to create a more just, secure, and abundant future for all.

Being a citizen is not just about voting, paying taxes, and complaining about what is wrong with the systems and society. It is about becoming an active and engaged participant in the life of the community and country, working together to address the challenges facing the nation and the world, and contributing to the common good in meaningful ways. It is about being a responsible steward of the resources of the community, the nation, and the planet, and it is about serving others, and working together to create a brighter future for all.

Rediscovering what it means to be a citizen is essential to the success of the New American Revolution and to the restoration of the American Spirit. It is a call to action, a call to reclaim the noble ideals and values that have made America great in her best times, and to work together in partnership with God and one another to co-create the better future we all desire.

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