IV.D. Embracing Timeless Wisdom, Principles and Values

The New American Revolution must be rooted in timeless wisdom, principles, and values. The American Ideal was built on a foundation of universal and eternal values, including truth, liberty, justice, wisdom, and compassion, and these values must continue to guide America in the years to come.

The world is facing a multitude of challenges, including political division, corruption, socioeconomic inequality, environmental degradation, and conflict, and these challenges cannot be solved through political means alone. They require a deeper transformation of the American Spirit, a reclaiming of the universal principles and values that are at the core of the American Dream.

Embracing timeless wisdom, principles, and values means rediscovering the wisdom of the ages, the logos of nature, and the principles that have sustained flourishing civilizations for thousands of years, and are at the heart of the American Ideal. This requires a commitment to learning, growth, rediscovery, and personal transformation, and a willingness to embrace the highest principles and values that have guided the human family in our best moments.

It means embracing the wisdom of the sacred text and traditions, the wisdom of the elders and sages, the wisdom of nature, the wisdom of science and reason, and the wisdom and light given to each citizen and community, and integrating these sources of wisdom into a unified and coherent philosophy that serves the common good and the well-being of all creation.

Embracing timeless wisdom, principles, and values also means rejecting the forces of division and corruption that have taken root in our society, and embracing the values of compassion, justice, and truth that are at the core of the American Ideal. It means rejecting the anti-values of greed, entitlement, division, and self-interest that has threatened the American Dream, and re-embracing the values of hard work, faith, courage, sacrifice, and service to God, our neighbors, our country, and all God's family around the world. It means committing to living lives and building families and communities that are guided by these principles, and making choices that are in alignment with these values, no matter how difficult or unpopular they may be. It means being willing to put aside personal interests, to listen to and understand the perspectives and experiences of others, and to work together towards the more loving, just and good society we all desire.

Embracing timeless wisdom, principles, and values is a spiritual practice that requires a personal commitment to growth and transformation, and to living lives that are guided by these highest principles and values. It is essential to the success of the New American Revolution and to the restoration of the American Spirit, and it is a journey that each of us must undertake if we are to not only avoid the failure that lies at the end of our current trajectory, but truly thrive in harmony.

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