III.E. Decline In Global Influence

America was once a beacon of hope and a leader in the world, admired for its strength, unity, and ideals of liberty, justice, and equality. The American Dream inspired people around the world and America was seen as a shining example of what was possible when people worked together in partnership with God and one another to co-create a better future.

However, in recent years, America's global influence has declined. The rise of new global powers and the increasing complexity of international issues have challenged America's ability to maintain its preeminent position in the world. Additionally, the growing political division and economic inequality at home, the misdeeds of its government and corporations abroad, and the misappropriation of the name of God in religion, politics, and culture, have undermined America's moral authority and its ability to lead by example.

The decline in America's global influence is a cause for concern. As the world becomes more interconnected and interdependent and new corrupt powers vie for influence, it is essential that the American Ideal continues to play a leadership role in addressing the major challenges facing humanity, such as poverty, inequality, injustice, oppression, environmental degradation, and conflict.

To restore America's global influence and to maintain its place as a leader in the world, it is essential that America rediscovers its spirit of unity, justice, and strength, and recommits itself to the highest ideals of the American Dream. This requires a commitment to working together and building bridges across political and cultural divides, to co-create a better future for all.

It also requires a commitment to being responsible global citizens, working in partnership with other tribes, nations and peoples to address the major challenges facing the world. By working together towards the wellbeing and flourishing of All, we can restore America's global influence as a Force For Good, and co-create a world that is more just, secure, and abundant for All.

Forward to III.F. A Crisis of Culture and Values
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