Jordan's Short Story

A Short Personal Story For Those Who Asked

Jordan Nicholas Sukut

Updated 2024.01.20

I have been asked by some for information on who I am and how I got here.


First of all, this has nothing to do with me. In the beginning, and in the end, God.

My entire being, to the best of my ability, is oriented to aligning myself as fully as I can with the Source and Sustainer of life and consciousness, and operating as a conduit of that Spirit. I am getting better at it, and the better I get, the further that Goal moves away from me.

I found myself Thrown to Earth and woke up in 1984 in Orange County California, one of wealthiest and most beautiful pinnacles of the free world. I was born into a family of builders, raised in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and steeped in American and Biblical values.

Epoch 1

From the earliest moments that I could grasp the eternal heart of Absolute and Unconditional Love, I could see that something was dramatically wrong with our society. I could see that while we proclaimed to uphold certain Values, our society was manifesting itself in a way that was far divorced from them; even among the tribe I was taught was 'the good guys'.

I had a vibrant spiritual experience from the time I was young, and a vivid sense of the battle of Good and Evil laying itself out in my own soul, in this world, and Beyond. As odd as it might sound, I understood from as early as I can remember that I was on Earth to build an army and wage this spiritual war.

When I was 10 or 12, the words of Solomon in Proverbs grabbed me and never let go. The vivid language describing the pursuit of wisdom as a quest towards a holy grail more valuable than gold or silver thrust me on a deep life-long search for Wisdom and Understanding. The more wisdom was revealed to me, and the more I came to understand the present Reality of the world, the more clearly the tremendous chasm between the best and highest that was intended and the existing forces and conditions revealed itself. The battle lines rapidly drew themselves.

Although I had no idea what to do with this awakening realization, it was obvious to me that during my lifetime, a historic movement would be required to arise and unite to confront and overcome the corrupt illegitimate forces possessing the planet, and restore the proper order and balance of the world for the coming generations.

Epoch 2

Over time God was kind enough to validate what I was experiencing internally with many external prophesies, messages and confirmations that helped guide my course.

When I was 14, and she was 13, my wife Caity and I connected and we were inseparable by our freshman year of high school, united from the start by our shared deep sense of mission and calling. We found ourselves intuitively calling each other up towards a higher purpose.

Although my immediate family had sacrificed a life of privilege to serve our community in Christian ministry, the wealth of my extended family privileged me to receive some of the best training and education available in the world. This led me from private secondary school, to a bachelor's degree from Pepperdine’s Graziadio School of Business, to an MBA from UCLA’s Anderson School of Business, to multiple black belt degrees with a very archetypical warrior / teacher, and some of the top coaching and peer advisory experiences in the world.

Early on I resolved to prepare for whatever I might be called upon to do by lifting the heaviest burdens I could bear and taking on as much responsibility as anyone would entrust me with.

Torn between the path towards spiritually significant work and serving the community, and success in the economic and political systems, I realized the limitations of both and the false dichotomies that were plaguing our society.

As I continued to be entrusted with ever greater responsibility I progressed from early service jobs, to early entrepreneurial activity coaching in academics and music, to helping manage infrastructure projects, to managing infrastructure projects, to managing portfolios of infrastructure projects, to managing joint venture infrastructure projects too big for any one company to complete in isolation, to building companies that built infrastructure projects, to beginning to assemble a portfolio of companies, to innovating legal and governance structures in anticipation of giving those companies away into multi-generational stewardship vehicles, to beginning to intensely study Worksite: Earth as a Whole with brilliant minds from around the world and building the systems, structures, strategies, and plans of action for an unprecedented global joint venture.

Epoch 3

Not surprisingly in retrospect, my naive speech and mode of being ultimately collided with the corrupted government and religious institutions I was serving, and whose power was threatened.

Ultimately when we refused to bend the knee and suffer in silence, the spirits possessing those institutions slandered and consciously sacrificed our Old Life to their own positions and power.

This led to the sudden implosion of our world, including the loss of our home, companies, reputation, and wealth, while damaging hundreds of other families who were serving and building alongside us. Some of these details were laid out in state and federal court.

Along the way we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Solomon was correct. The Wisdom we gained and who we became as a result of journeying through the underworld was exceedingly and abundantly more valuable than all we sacrificed to obtain it.

We were fortunate enough to see into the dark underworld beneath the veil of the institutions we formerly looked to for leadership and support; to see the way politics, wealth, and religion mixed into unholy alliance, the special deals made behind closed doors, the way governments and developers interacted with public and environmental concerns, the manipulation, deceit, and fleecing of constituencies, the terrible incentives that rippled out from corrupt and unwise legislation and structures of governance, the way politics dominated corporate, religious, and social life, the way blue collar workers were exploited and oppressed, the way the rich were favored, the fear and week to week scarcity that held good people in terrible positions of socioeconomic slavery, the moral sacrifices that people made to climb ladders of hierarchy that were entirely antithetical to their core values, yet which they depended upon for their position and security.

Over the years as our own wealth and influence increased I was faced with and complicit in every trial and temptation common to men. There is no category of vice, sin, or mistake that I did not experience to some degree. Often without realizing it, I was a part of perpetuating everything that is wrong with our society. As I battled to stay on course, stay alive, and fight my way through the collapse, my marriage nearly failed, I inflicted and suffered painful wounds, every vulnerability and inadequacy was on full display... and to the best of my ability given my various states of immaturity and naivete, I continued to strive towards Light, Love, and ultimately God as the eternal North Star.

Epoch 4

What became clear as I battled through the underworld and emerged scarred and stripped of an Old Life, yet stronger, clearer, and hopefully wiser than ever, was that I would be betraying my soul and the Spirit of God if I continued to lend my time and energy to struggling inside of the systems that promise safety and luxury as a millionaire to the few, while billions suffer outside the gates. I came to the very uneasy realization that the entire patterning of modern society was wrong, on a trajectory towards massive failure, and was entirely incompatible with the vision and values shared by all people of goodwill.

I realized that the entire human system had to be fundamentally elevated, revivified, transformed into something New, that was entirely regenerated and reintegrated with the living system of Earth and the timeless wisdom, principles, and values that cause people, societies, and living systems to flourish.

And I realized that the same was true of me as an individual human, true of my family, true of my endeavors, true of my community, true of my tribe, true of my bioregion, true of my state, true of my nation, true of my world, true of every aspect of this single interexistent universe arising through One Source and Sustainer of All.

Epoch 5

Backing up a bit to before the collapse, by 2017, after 20+ years of multi-dimensional learning, training, practicing, and trying to figure out what was happening on Earth and what could be done about it, I was sufficiently educated to begin, in partnership with God and the wisest advisors I could find, serious discussions on Worksite: Earth as a Whole - a single, finite domain to be transformed within a single generation.

Just as a Designer's Intent governs each building site I was working on, so too we conceptualized Earth as a single worksite governed by the Creator's Intent, universal, eternal, and all-encompassing and permeating.

We articulated The Goal as the Progressive Realization of Heaven On Earth. The Kingdom of God, On Earth As it Is In Heaven. Or, in less religious terminology, the total integrated wellbeing, development, and right relationship of all generations of life and consciousness.

Within a single generation, ignited by a 10 year grand strategy, we would transform the Earth into a flourishing and abundant place in which all generations to come could thrive, and which continued to get A Little Better Every Day as we all labored to cause it to be so.

I was introduced to a growing array of coaches and advisors who helped me navigate through the Choas to begin to articulate a strategy and plan that might work, and then discern whether we could find any existing structure that if we put our selves and our resources behind it, and drove it towards its logical end… could solve the growing grand challenges we were perceiving around the world, and secure the kind of future we all desired.

We could not identify any existing institution, organization, political party, or nation state that would work…

So we began working towards designing and building one that, although as tiny as a mustard seed to begin, contained within itself the right DNA and Potential to grow into a mighty forest.

This ultimately led to Lionsberg, the container co-created to hold and protect the DNA of the emerging New World.

By 2019 we had built a Provisional Structure that we could leverage to resource the curation and co-creation of the systems, infrastructure, and technology that would be required to reimagine, redesign, and rebuild the world. By 2021, the systems were ready for testing with pilot groups.

Between 2021 and 2023, we used our last available resources to survive the collapse of our Old World and continue to advance the systems and infrastructure of the New, articulating the New Vision and Plan, engaging a broad global network, and onboarding hundreds of groups spread across 50+ countries to test the backbone platform created to connect and empower the Force For Good.

Epoch 6

In January 2024, after journeying through the underworld, we woke up in Idaho, refined by fire, stronger than ever, and starting anew.

After bringing together lifetimes of work, we are sitting on the edge of beginning to activate the only comprehensive logic, system, strategy and program of action that I am aware of that might work.

While nearly everything has been stripped away through the refining fires, I hope and pray that what remains is useful to humanity in not only surviving, but thriving through the coming decade and millennium. If I and anything we have built to date is useful, we are yours and here to serve.

My battles with corruption made it clear to me that anyone standing up to the existing system is likely to have their life destroyed. My education in the existing systems led me to understand that if we don’t transform them, we will never succeed, and if they collapse before we have co-created a successor, society will descend into chaos.

After wrestling with the question of what our relationship is to the structures of corruption that plague us and society, we have come to understand that the only moral option available to us is to do what must be done to transform them so that future generations will not suffer as we and so many others have.

It is therefore with great humility that we are offering ourselves up entirely in service to God, the global community of goodwill, and to all Creation.

The only action that we can see might work is to awaken and unite a global community / federation / army of goodwill to forthrightly meet this moment in history.

If billions of us stand together in partnership with life and its Source, what could possibly stand against us? In partnership with God and One Another, every miracle required becomes possible.

If you would like more information on my personal experience and perspective with Faith, please see Jordan and Faith.

If you would like to hear more about our Forward Looking Story, dive into the New Vision and Plan.

With Love, In Community,

~ J

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