
Values form the foundation of the Lionsberg System and the New Vision and Plan, guiding the actions and decisions of Citizens as they work together to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis, halt The Advance of The Giants, and co-create the New World. These universal values are essential for fostering a unified, collaborative, and transformative movement that embraces the diverse skills, knowledge, and passion of all citizens in pursuit of a more just, regenerative, and thriving future for All.

The Lionsberg System articulates an overarching and uniting Total Nested Hierarchy of Values, unified by the One Absolute Meta Value.

These are reflected in The Lionsberg System of Values.

Some of the core values underpinning the New Vision and Plan and The Great Game of Lionsberg include:

  1. Unity: Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and the need for collective action to address the challenges of the Meta Crisis and co-create the New World.
  2. Truth: A commitment to seeking and upholding accurate and verifiable information, understanding, and wisdom, fostering honest communication and informed decision-making.
  3. Love: Embracing the power of connection, empathy, selflessness, and right relationship to strengthen relationships and inspire actions that support the wellbeing of All.
  4. Compassion: Cultivating empathy, understanding, and care for all beings, fostering a sense of shared purpose and community within The Movement and The Battle.
  5. Justice: Upholding the principles of wisdom, fairness, and universal human rights and responsibilities, ensuring that all Citizens have an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the co-creation of the New World.
  6. Stewardship: Taking responsibility for the care and preservation our communities, our society, our planet, its resources, and All its inhabitants, ensuring a sustainable, regenerative, and thriving future for All.
  7. Integrity: Upholding honesty, transparency, and accountability in all actions and decisions, ensuring that The Movement remains aligned with its guiding principles, values and Goals.
  8. Courage: Embracing vulnerability, risk, and discomfort as opportunities for growth, transformation, and innovation in the pursuit of systemic change.
  9. Resilience: Cultivating adaptability, flexibility, and perseverance in the face of adversity and uncertainty, empowering Citizens to respond effectively to the evolving challenges of the Meta Crisis and The Advance of The Giants.
  10. Regeneration: Prioritizing the health and wellbeing of ecosystems, communities, and individuals, promoting holistic and sustainable solutions that support the co-creation of the New World.
  11. Wisdom: Valuing diverse perspectives, knowledge, and experiences, fostering a culture of learning, curiosity, and growth within The Movement and The Battle.
  12. Hope: Nurturing a sense of optimism and confidence in the ability of Citizens in partnership with God and One Another to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis and co-create a brighter, more flourishing future for All.
  13. Faith: Steadfast belief and commitment in the inherent goodness and potential of God in partnership with humanity to create positive and transformational change and a bright Future, despite the challenges and uncertainties that define the Meta Crisis and our existence here on Earth.

These values serve as a compass for Citizens as they navigate the complex landscape of the Meta Crisis, guiding their actions, decisions, and interactions within the Lionsberg Platform and The Great Game of Lionsberg. By embodying these values and integrating them into their daily lives, Citizens play a vital role in the co-creation of the New World, working together to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis and bring about a brighter, more flourishing future for All.

The Core Values of any System are like the guard rails or boundaries that prevent us from getting swept off course as we Navigate towards The Goal.

The foundational values upon which the System rises must be Universal and Eternal.

They also must be integrated by a Total Nested Hierarchy of Values, which must be unified and integrated by a single highest overarching and uniting Meta Value. In the Lionsberg System, this is the One that transcends and generates All.

By maintaining the Meta Value at the level of the Absolute, we can articulate what we perceive to be the Core Values that emanate from It in our own time and language, while affording freedom for community members around the world to explore, ponder, apply, and articulate their own local language and understanding.

A Template For Values

Template For Values Pattern Language

A Few Notes on Values and Their Expression

Generally, our explicit and implicit Behavioral Codes relate to our Values.

There are certain sets of behaviors that bring forth That Which The Community Values.

These sets of behaviors can forge more of less complete Pattern Languages that any member of the Community can instantiate / embody in their own time and space.

The total set of All members of the Community acting out the Code / Pattern simultaneously is what creates a cohesive, integrated, and well-ordered society.

Generally Values are defined on two poles: Values, and Anti-Values.

The Patterns associated with bringing forth That Which The Community Values can be thought of as Patterns of Success / Patterns of Life...

...and the Patterns associated with bringing forth That Which The Community Does Not Value can be thought of as Patterns of Failure / Patterns of Death.

The Patterns of Success bring forth that which the Community views as Good or Better...

The Patterns of Failure bring forth that which the Community views as Anti-Good or Worse.


Our Current Best Understanding is that Value in the New World must be entirely redefined, and reconnected the Universal Values that flow from and are unified by the Meta Value.

It is only by entirely reintegrating our Total Nested Hierarchy of Values, and fundamentally and foundationally realigning our notion of Value with it, that we can bring forth the New Economy and the New Society of the New World.

This is a critical notion technically because we can now demonstrate rigorously using accepted principles such as Lean that the vast majority of human activity in the Old World produced Waste that actually inhibited Value Creation.

The Meta Value

At the absolute top of this Total Nested Hierarchy of Values is One Meta Value that by definition unifies and coheres within Itself All other Values.

Across multiple traditions, the "Spirit" of the Meta Value has been most commonly articulated with what in English we might call Unconditional Love, which is associated with the Spirit or Nature of That Which Creates and Sustains Life and Consciousness. In other languages, such as Greek that undergirds many systems of philosophy and religion, a more accurate and nuanced word might be Agape. Agape is used in texts such as the Bible for the reciprocal, unconditional, and ultimate Love of One for All, and All for One. Or said differently of a Creator for Its Creation, and of Creation for Its Creator.

From this single lens of Unconditional, Ultimate, and All-Encompassing Love, every other Universal Value and Good can be articulated, and apparently contradictory or competing Values balanced and held in Harmony.

The Meta Value In Action

It is the Powerful Motive Force and Intention of Unconditional Love, as a Living Spirit in Action, that is what reconciles, coheres, and orders within Itself what otherwise may be Perceived as contradictory Values.

The Meta Value in Lionsberg

This highest uniting Meta Value is the Foundation, Center, Purpose, and Goal of the Lionsberg System. It is the One Thing around which All aspects of the System revolve.

One level up the hierarchy of abstraction, one understands that One is Love, and therefore the Meta Value is One, inclusive of the Spirit of the One that creates and sustains All. This understanding fundamentally unifies the Deepest Level of Abstraction in One Thing that coheres within Itself All other Things.

Therefore the Foundation, Center, Purpose and Goal of the Lionsberg System and the Universe it serves is One.

This is the entire basis of the Meta Idea. The Meta Idea, the Meta Value, and the Meta Goal are One expressed in various abstract ways.

The Spirit / Logos / Logic of the One is the Spirit / Logos / Logic of the System, to extent that our Current Best Understanding is capable of reflecting that Ultimate Value and Good.

The Total Nested Hierarchy of Values

Cohered and ordered within the Meta Value is the Total Nested Hierarchy of Values, or what we could consider "Universal Values." The total ordered set of All that is Good.

Humans Act As If what they value most (aside from One / God) is Consciousness, and then Life.

The only thing that Humans Act As If they Value more than Life and Consciousness is the Source / Mystery that is creating and sustaining Life and Consciousness.

What is more Valuable, the Creation / Manifestation, or the Creator / Manifestor?

What is more Valuable, the Golden Egg, or the Goose that Eternally Lays the Golden Eggs?

One does not need to Understand the Mystery from which Life and Consciousness flows to humbly and reverentially relate to It as the Most Valuable Thing. This is as much of a Logical / Rational / Philosophical conception as it is an idea articulated through religion.

Secular and religious philosophers alike understand the need for any System to be ordered and cohered by One Thing outside of it.

The Absolute does not need to be articulated or concretized, and in fact should not be articulated or concretized, in order to be related to as the One Thing that orders and coheres All things within Itself.

The Question that leads to the articulation of the Total Nested Hierarchy of Values is perhaps something like: What is the Spirit or Essence of that which creates and sustains Life and Consciousness? What does it Value and consider Good? What does it consider Anti-Good?

This question can be held alike by religious and non-religious thinkers. The Logic is the same.

If we desired to create, cultivate and sustain Life and Consciousness, what would we do?

We can guess at what the Source and Sustainer of Life and Consciousness would do by putting ourselves in Its shoes, or by localizing the question and looking at what we do when we Love something and deeply desire for it to develop into the fullness of its unique potential and flourish.

What is Good?

From this standard, Good can be defined as (something like):

that which causes Life and Consciousness to develop into the fullness of their Potential and flourish in harmony.


that which helps, and does not harm.

Help what? Harm what?

In a complex adaptive System of Systems, this question must be answered in terms of Relationship.

Something is Good which Helps, and Does Not Harm, every higher order System that it is a part of, and every lower order System that is a part of it.

At a minimum, this creates an affirmative duty of every Individual to Love, Help, and Not Harm every element of ones Self, as well as all Relations, Society, the Living System, and the One from which All these elements flow.

Simply it creates an affirmative duty of every individual to Love, Help, and Not Harm One and All.

Other areas in The Book of Lionsberg deal more technically and in detail with the interexistence of All.

Universal Values

Across time and space, what appears to be a core set of Universal Values has emerged.

We know they are universal because individually we each can find them written on our hearts, and whispered to us by our conscious. We also know they are universal because we can find them written in the sacred scriptures and traditions around the world.

Together these whispers and writings forge a Golden Thread laid around the world and throughout history, that when followed always lead back to Life and its Source.

They can be called Values, they can be called Principles, they can be called Wisdom.

Together, they provide a complete philosophy and ethic for life, that if enacted simultaneously around the world would cause the universal Symphony to be experienced.

The timeless Wisdom, Principles, and Values that cause people and societies to flourish are not religious or philosophical abstractions. They are keys to life and death, heaven and hell, right here on earth.

They exist to help individuals and societies understand how integrate and order themselves, and how to live their lives.

They tell us how to move away from our present suffering and dysfunction towards something better.

They tell us how to avoid being swept off the path on our individual and collective Quest to climb the sacred mountain towards our Destiny.

They are the safeguards, the guardrails, and the boundaries. They are the Universal Law that enables us to know what we can expect from one another as we labor together towards the Goal.

And they are inviolable if we want to dwell in peace and harmony, for neither our internal conscience nor our external wars will allow us to rest until we harmonize ourselves with One Another.

And if 8 or 10 billion of us want to harmonize ourselves with One Another, the only possible and logical Way is to All harmonize our Selves to the One Thing that unites us All.

What we all have in common is Life and Consciousness.

And the only greater commonality and Value than Life and Consciousness is the Mystery of the Source from which All generations of Life and Consciousness flow.

The only possible logic that can solve the equation and lead to our children and grandchildren flourishing in harmony is if we All harmonize our Selves to One Logic of Love.

A Basic Statement of Love

We recognize your unique identity and inherent value as a human being. We Love You. We Love Your Children and Grandchildren. We Love Life. We Love Consciousness. We Love the Source and Sustainer of Life and Consciousness. We desire for you, for your family, for your tribe, for your people to develop into the fullness of your unique potential and flourish in service of All things striving towards the fullness of their unique potentials.

A Basic Statement of Interdependence

We recognize that we cannot develop into the fullness of our unique potential, unless and until you develop into the fullness of your unique potential.

We recognize that you cannot develop into the fullness of your unique potential, unless and until we develop into the fullness of our unique potential.

We recognize that neither of us can develop into the fullness of our potential, unless we Help One Another.

A Basic Statement of Right Relationship

We would like to help you. We would like to serve you. We would like to be in Right Relationship with you.

Our Current Best Understanding of Right Relationship is that we do our best to Help One Another, and not Harm One Another, as we work together in service of the One overarching and uniting Meta Goal.

A Basic Pledge of Universal Values

To harmonize ourselves with One Another, the Living System, and the One Thing that unites All things, we pledge to do our best to uphold our shared universal values.

At various levels of detail and abstraction, these can be described with words like:

  • Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, and Wisdom.

  • Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Humility, Self-Control, Non-Harm.

  • Agency, Autonomy, Competence, Conscientiousness, Respect, Dignity, Happiness, Creativity, Freedom, Curiosity, Adventure, Understanding, Beauty, Enjoyment, Freedom from Fear, Honesty, Forgiveness, Loyalty, Responsibility, Fellowship, Friendship, Tradition, Moderation, Cleanliness, Security, Reciprocity, Wellbeing, Belonging, Spirituality, Purpose, Meaning, Compassion, Regeneration, Recreation, Independence, Community, Service, Hope, Perseverance, Gratitude, Generosity, Courage.

On Power and Resources

Various lists of universal values also often contain references to leadership, power, and resources.

In the Lionsberg System, these are not viewed as values or goals in and of themselves, but rather as neutral tools / Potential that can be developed wisely and as necessary to produce Throughput of The Goal.

See Integration And Alignment Of Resources And Power.

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