
The word Meta as it is used in the Lionsberg System is meant to point to the eternal, universal, ultimate, self-referential, highest order, all encompassing, most transcendent conception of an idea.

For example, we could speak of:

The Meta Story: the highest universal overarching and uniting "Story of stories", that by definition contains within itself and orders all other possible stories.

The Meta Intention: the highest universal overarrching and uniting "Intention of intentions", that by definition contains within itself and orders all other possible intentions.

The Meta Goal: the highest universal overarching and uniting "Goal of goals", that by definition contains within itself and orders all other possible goals.

The Meta Project: the highest universal overarching and uniting "project of projects", that by definition contains within itself and orders all other possible projects.

The Meta Game: the highest universal overarching and uniting "Game of games", that by definition contains within itself and orders all other possible games.

It is critical to note that by definition, the intention, object, or goal of the Meta Project or The Way/Concepts and Ideas/Meta Game could not be anything other than the Meta Goal.

This is because All are fundamentally and functionally unified by One Thing.