Features of Work

Features of Work are distinct aspects of a project or system that are defined by their specific purpose, goals, and deliverables. They are the component parts of the Work Breakdown Structure of a project.

In the context of the Lionsberg System, a Feature of Work refers to a particular area of work or focus that contributes to the shared Vision and Goals of the Lionsberg System and the New Vision and Plan.

Features of Work are the building blocks of a project or system, and help to break down the work into smaller, more manageable components. When developing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), it is important to identify and define the Features of Work in order to effectively plan, prioritize, and execute the work.

Characteristics of a Feature of Work

  1. Clearly defined purpose and goals: Each Feature of Work should have a clear and well-defined purpose and set of goals that align with the shared Vision and Goals of the Lionsberg System.

  2. Deliverables: Each Feature of Work should have specific deliverables that are tied to its purpose and goals.

  3. Interdependencies: Features of Work often have interdependencies with one another, and it is important to understand and manage these interdependencies to ensure that the work is executed effectively.

  4. Timeframe: Each Feature of Work should have a defined timeframe for completion, taking into account the interdependencies with other Features of Work and the overall timeline for the project or system.

  5. Resources: Each Feature of Work requires specific resources, including personnel, materials, and equipment, and it is important to understand and manage these resources effectively.

Benefits of Defining Features of Work

  1. Clarity and Focus: Defining Features of Work helps to provide clarity and focus on the specific aspects of the work that need to be completed, and enables individuals to work effectively towards shared goals and objectives.

  2. Improved Planning and Prioritization: By breaking down the work into smaller, more manageable components, it is easier to plan and prioritize the work, and to allocate resources effectively.

  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Defining Features of Work helps to foster collaboration and teamwork, as individuals work together towards shared goals and objectives.

  4. Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness: By understanding and managing interdependencies between Features of Work, it is possible to execute the work more efficiently and effectively, and to achieve the desired outcomes.

In conclusion, defining Features of Work is an important step in the process of planning and executing work in the Lionsberg System. By breaking down the work into smaller, more manageable components, it is possible to improve planning and prioritization, enhance collaboration, and increase efficiency and effectiveness.

The first level of the Lionsberg Work Breakdown Structure is The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg.