27 A Call to Action for Players

As we envision the future of The Great Game of Lionsberg, we extend a call to action for all players who wish to be included in this grand adventure. By embracing the game's Vision, Principles, and Values, you have the opportunity to contribute to the co-creation of a New World that supports the well-being of All of Creation in harmony with its Creator.

Here are some key actions that players can take to engage with The Great Game of Lionsberg:

  1. Embrace the Vision: Familiarize yourself with the overarching vision of The Great Game of Lionsberg and commit to the pursuit of a harmonious, unified, and prosperous future for All of Creation. Let this vision guide your actions and decisions, both within the game and in your everyday life.

  2. Engage with the Game: Dive into the various levels, challenges, and opportunities that The Great Game of Lionsberg offers. Whether at the individual, family, group, project, global, or universal level, seek out ways to contribute to the game and collaborate with others in the pursuit of the New World we all desire.

  3. Cultivate Spiritual and Universal Awareness: Engage in personal spiritual practices, explore wisdom traditions, and remain open to connecting with the universe and its Source in new ways. By deepening your spiritual and cosmic awareness, you will be better equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of The Great Game of Lionsberg.

  4. Foster Harmony and Unity: Actively work to promote a culture of harmony and unity within your own life, your relationships, and your communities. By embodying the principles and values of The Great Game of Lionsberg, you can inspire others to join in the pursuit of a harmonious and unified future that works for All Creation across all Space and Time.

  5. Share the Game: Invite others to participate in The Great Game of Lionsberg, sharing the vision, principles, and values that guide the game. By expanding the community of players, you can help to create a powerful collective force that works together in partnership with One and All to co-create the New World.

The Great Game of Lionsberg invites you to join in the co-creation of a New World that honors and supports the well-being of All of Creation in harmony with its Creator. By embracing this call to action, you become part of a global community of players who are dedicated to fostering a harmonious and unified future that works for All. Together, we can transcend the boundaries that have divided us in the past, and work in a spirit of Truth and Love towards the brighter future All Creation longs for.

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