2.3 The Citizen Led Governance Model

The Great Game of Lionsberg embraces a Citizen Led Governance Model, which empowers individuals and communities to actively participate in the decision-making processes that shape their lives and the world around them. This model fosters a sense of ownership, responsibility, and accountability, enabling players to co-create the New World at local and global scale in a way that aligns with the principles and values of The Game.

Key aspects of the Citizen Led Governance Model include:

  1. Participatory Decision-Making: Players are encouraged to actively engage in decision-making processes at various levels, from families, to groups, to local communities to global networks. This includes participating in group discussions, consensus-building, consent-based decision making, and collaborative problem-solving, ensuring that a diverse range of perspectives and ideas are considered and integrated into the Decision Making process.

  2. Distributed Leadership: The Citizen Led Governance Model promotes a distributed leadership approach, where players take on various roles and responsibilities based on their skills, interests, and expertise. This approach empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to the collective vision and fosters a sense of shared responsibility for the realization of the New Vision and Plan.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: Players are expected to operate with transparency and accountability, sharing information, decisions, and actions openly with other players, and taking responsibility for their actions and their impact on the community and the environment. This builds trust, facilitates collaboration, and promotes a culture of integrity and ethical behavior.

  4. Adaptive and Responsive Governance: The Citizen Led Governance Model is designed to be adaptive and responsive to the changing needs and priorities of the players and the environment. This includes regular reflection, evaluation, and adjustment of strategies and actions, ensuring that the governance model remains effective and relevant over time.

  5. Collaborative Networks: Players are encouraged to form and join networks of collaboration, which facilitate the sharing of knowledge, resources, and best practices, and enable collective action and impact at scale. These networks may span local, regional, or global levels, fostering a sense of connection and solidarity among players as they work together towards a common vision.

By adopting the Citizen Led Governance Model, players in the Great Game of Lionsberg are empowered to take an active role in shaping their communities and the world, working together to co-create a just, sustainable, and regenerative New World.

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