17 The Impact on the Economy

The Great Game of Lionsberg has profound implications for the economy, as it aims to promote a more wise, just, and regenerative economic system that aligns with the values and principles of the New World. By engaging players at various levels, the game influences economic thinking, decision-making, and practices, driving transformative change in the way resources are generated, allocated, and used to provision society.

  1. Promoting a Stewardship-Based Economy: The game encourages players to adopt a stewardship mindset, recognizing their role as caretakers of resources and wealth for the benefit of current and future generations. This shift in perspective leads to more responsible, long-term decision-making, fostering a culture of shared prosperity and environmental regenerativity.

  2. Fostering Purpose-Driven Enterprises: The Great Game of Lionsberg supports the development of businesses and organizations that are driven by a clear sense of purpose, rather than solely by profit. By aligning their activities with the game's overarching goals, these enterprises contribute to the well-being of people and the planet, creating shared value for all stakeholders in The Game.

  3. Empowering Local Economies: The game promotes localization and self-sufficiency, encouraging players to invest in their local communities and support the growth of a large number of small, locally-owned businesses. This approach helps to build more resilient, diverse, and inclusive economies that are better equipped to withstand local and global shocks and stresses.

  4. Facilitating Collaboration and Resource Sharing: The game creates opportunities for players to pool their resources, skills, and knowledge, enabling them to collaborate on projects and initiatives that generate shared benefits. This spirit of cooperation and mutual support fosters a more just and efficient use of resources, reducing waste and driving economic innovation.

  5. Shifting Economic Paradigms: The Great Game of Lionsberg helps to reshape mainstream economic thinking, challenging players to question the assumptions and values that underpin the Old system as they work to co-create the New. By introducing new economic models and concepts, the game inspires players to explore alternative pathways to prosperity and well-being.

  6. Influencing Policy and Governance: The game encourages players to engage with decision-makers and transform economic policies into alignment and harmony with the principles of the New World. By amplifying the voices of citizens and communities, the game helps to shape a more wise and participatory policy-making process, fostering greater transparency and accountability.

  7. Enhancing Economic Resilience: By fostering a more diverse, interconnected, and regenerative economic landscape, The Great Game of Lionsberg helps to build resilience at multiple levels, from individual households to entire nations. As players adapt to new economic realities and challenges, they contribute to the development of more robust and adaptable systems that can withstand the coming shocks and stresses.

The economic impact of The Great Game of Lionsberg is vast, touching on numerous aspects of the way we generate, allocate, and use resources to produce Throughput of our shared Goals and Values. By engaging players in the pursuit of a more wise, just, and regenerative economy, the game offers a powerful platform for transformative change, driving progress towards the New World.

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