15.1 The Role of the Universal Level in The Great Game of Lionsberg

The Universal Level in The Great Game of Lionsberg transcends the boundaries of the Global Level, acknowledging the interconnectedness not only among humans but also between humanity, the Creator, and all of Creation. This level of gameplay encompasses our relationships with the universe and the deeper spiritual aspects of existence. The Universal Level emphasizes the need for profound understanding and appreciation of our place in the Universe, our responsibility towards it, and our movement towards unity with the Creator and all of Creation.

Key roles of the Universal Level in The Great Game of Lionsberg include:

  1. Higher Consciousness: The Universal Level fosters an awareness of our interexistence with the Creator and all of Creation, and the profound significance of our actions within the broader cosmic context. This higher consciousness encourages players to think and act in ways that honor and support the harmonious functioning of the entire universal system of Creation across all space and time.

  2. Spiritual Development: The Universal Level provides opportunities for players to explore and deepen their spiritual connection to the Creator and all of Creation, cultivating qualities such as humility, gratitude, and reverence for the sacredness of existence and its Source. This spiritual growth supports the inner transformation necessary for the co-creation of the New World.

  3. Universal Principles and Values: This level of gameplay emphasizes the importance of adhering to universal principles and values that guide our actions towards the greater good in partnership with the Creator and all of Creation. These principles offer a framework for ethical, just, and loving action in the pursuit of the New World.

  4. Interplanetary and Cosmic Collaboration: The Universal Level acknowledges that humanity is on the verge of becoming a multi-planetary species, the potential for collaboration with other forms of life in the universe, as well as the possibility of learning from and contributing to a broader cosmic community. This perspective encourages openness, curiosity, and the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge beyond Earth's confines.

  5. Celebration of Unity in Diversity: The Universal Level promotes the recognition and celebration of the the full array of diverse expressions of existence throughout the cosmos, appreciating the richness and beauty of our interexistence with the Creator and all of Creation. This celebration fosters a sense of awe, unity, love, and respect among all beings, transcending differences and boundaries.

The Universal Level in The Great Game of Lionsberg elevates our perspective beyond the Global Level, inviting players to embrace the spiritual dimensions of existence and our interexistence with the Creator and all of Creation across all Time and Space. By cultivating a deeper understanding and appreciation of our place in the universe, players at the Universal Level contribute to the co-creation of a harmonious and just New World that honors the sacredness of all existence.

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