0.2 Orientation

Welcome to the New Vision and Plan and the Lionsberg System! This orientation and book will provide you with an overview of the key concepts, tools, and resources that have been designed to support you on your Quest toward personal, organizational, community, and systemic transformation. Whether you are new to these ideas or a seasoned change-maker, this orientation will help you understand the principles and processes that underlie these frameworks and empower you to take effective action to transform your own life and the world around you.

The Meta Crisis

Our planet faces a multitude of interconnected challenges, from social injustice and environmental degradation to political and economic instability. These challenges, collectively known as the Meta Crisis, require a comprehensive and systemic response. The New Vision and Plan and the Lionsberg System have been developed to help individuals and communities address these pressing issues and co-create a better future for all life on Earth.

The New Vision and Plan

The New Vision and Plan is a comprehensive framework that outlines a clear and inspiring vision for a just, regenerative, and flourishing future. It provides a roadmap for addressing the root causes of our global challenges and offers practical guidance on how to create transformative change at the individual, organizational, community, and systemic levels.

The Lionsberg System

The Lionsberg System is a powerful system, infrastructure, and toolkit designed to support the implementation of the New Vision and Plan. It includes a wide array of tools, resources, and strategies that have been carefully curated and developed to empower individuals and communities to take effective action in their own lives and the world around them. These tools are grounded in the principles of holistic and systemic thinking, empowering users to address the root causes of our global challenges and create lasting, positive change.

A Fractally Applicable Approach

Both the New Vision and Plan and the Lionsberg System are designed to be fractally applicable, meaning that they can be applied at any level of analysis – from individual to organizational, community, and systemic transformation. This approach allows users to learn and apply the principles and processes at one level and then transfer their understanding and skills to other levels, fostering deep learning and effective action across multiple domains.

Getting Started

To begin your journey with the New Vision and Plan and the Lionsberg System, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the core concepts, tools, and resources presented in this book, and in Jordan Nicholas Sukut's other speeches and writings.

As you engage with these materials, consider how they might apply to your own life and the world around you. Reflect on your own values, goals, and aspirations, and think about how you can use these tools and resources to support your personal growth and contribute to the well-being of your community and the planet.

Remember, the journey toward a just, regenerative, and flourishing future is a collective one, and we are all in this together. By learning from one another, sharing our knowledge and experiences, and working together to create positive change, we can build a brighter future for humanity and all life on Earth. Welcome to the journey!

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